This is the solution to all problems

VivekM is correct, something should be done about these babus, they are killing the overall productivity of the country, even for getting some legal work done from them they ask for money as if they are doing a favor for you. They do this as they don't have any fear of losing job, once they have the fear of getting the boot they will start working hard.

P.S. look at this talk of progress and hate mongers like Twi485, American Gujju, PriyaGC and IndiaToday are nowhere to be seen

This teaches us one lesson, progress talk repels evil :D :D :D :D , this is what we should do talk of progress and pests like them will be eradicated

You are right; we need to think BIG, but just by thinking big won’t help.

We need to implement laws which exist now and if they have some loopholes we need to fix them.

Legal system in India is so slow, nobody wants to go to courts, coz they know it takes lifetime to get judgment, and even that may not be correct. Take example of Auodhya (I might have spelt it wrong) problem. Courts cann't even give ruling on that even after 50 years of the case.
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I totally agree with Abhay on that we need to improve our legel system. That should be our number one priority.

My suggestion for Court System is:

1) All those people who will be fired because of transition from public sector to private sector, hire most of them in Legal department (we need tons of people in legal system). This will speed up the legal system.

2) Important: ALL case should be decided by a lower court within a month of the crime. Once guilty , person should be put behind the bars.

3) Guilty person should be allowed to appeal the verdict, but should remain behind the bars all through the appeal process .

This is very important and people will not be able to abuse the system.
To patienceGC again....
I don't understand why you are against vande mataram. It was very inspirational to all the freedom fighters before 1947. The national anthem or song should be about the country and vande mataram truly represents it, whereas jana gana mana was a poem written by tagore to commemorate the occasion of King George's visit to india. Its the biggest blunder of many made by nehru in choosing jana gana mana as national anthem.
What do you want our national song or national anthem to be. Some tamil song...........

About gandhi and nehru. I blame them for partition. They are very great peopel personally. But they could have stopped the partition with their popularity. But they did not. Why?
Just go into history and think.
Dude I was suggesting that Vande Mataram is not free of religion. I don’t care what the national song is as long as it isnt offending any particular group or praising some and leaving out others. Just be equal to everyone.

I think the partition was a good thing. If people cannot live with 11% muslim population, imagine living with 50%! I don’t want to see blood flowing on my street. I will leave that to Gujarat! Like I said, they should have decided on Kashmir at that time! We would have saved ourselves a lot of lives! We should have also not interfered with the ungrateful Bangladeshis! oh well! We are all totally unqualified to debate the virtues of Gandhi or Nehru! We fled our country to seek better prospects. We are all selfish and frankly shouldn’t be "talking" about how India should be. If anyone has the means, he/she should sincerely try to do something to help our country. Start a business or give to charity or teach for a while … something!

I did not know about jana gana mana. Thats pretty sad!
This is the english translation of Vande Mataram...
Hail to The Mother (Vande Mataram)

Mother, I bow to thee!
Rich with thy hurrying streams,
Bright with thy orchard gleams,
Cool with thy winds of delight,
Dark fields waving, Mother of might,
Mother Free.
Glory of moonlight dreams
Over thy ranches and lordly streams,
Clad in thy blossoming trees,
Mother, giver of ease,
Laughing low and sweet!
Mother, I kissd thy feet
Speaks sweet and low!
Mother,to thee I bow.

Who hath said thou art weak in thy lands,
When the swords flash out in twice
seventy million hands
And seventy million voices roar!
Thy dreadful name from shore to shore?
With many strengths who are mighty and strong,
to thee I call, Mother and Lord!
Thou who savest, arise and save!
To her I cry who ever her foemen drave.

Now patienceGC, can you tell me which line has reference to any particular religion.

Muslims and hindus lived peacefully under british rule. They would have lived peacefully if india were not partitioned. Its the insecurity feeling among hindus and muslims after parition that is leading to all this violence since 1947.

Again about Gandhi and Nehru. They are very great leaders. Its their charisma that moved the whole indian masses against British. But they made very bad decisions after independece which crippled India's progress in everything.

Stop wagging u'r tail with u'r punny little brain. So, what happened to u'r brothers. Did u start teaching them. Get back to work. We found 5 people yesterday who are on FBI's list. Not doing a good job.

Coming to Gandhi/Nehru. Here people seem to like them a lot.

Why is it so. Because they didn't divide the country into 10 parts or based on language.

Gandhi did somethings for the freedom but screwed up too many things. Its like u do one good thing and do 10 blunders.
History is a forbearance for it.
It is in the lines

Thou art Durga, Lady and Queen,
With her hands that strike and her
swords of sheen,
Thou art Lakshmi lotus-throned,
And the Muse a hundred-toned,
Pure and perfect without peer,
Mother lend thine ear,
Rich with thy hurrying streams,
Bright with thy orchard gleems,
Dark of hue O candid-fair

that you conveniently left out
Re: Here comes the pest again

For PriyaGC Like Only:

There is no place for you in this thread and other hate mongers like you, sorry to be rude but BEAT IT :mad:.

As for the other option what about your brother Modi, who after slaughtering 2000+ people is again CM thanks to the racist/dividers pests like you.

coming back to the original thread:

I think Vande matram is good but I am not sure why our leaders decided to go with JAN GAN, although both of them are beautiful to hear and in the meaning.
Patience GC, You are quoting the lines from the third stanza of Vande Mataram which was never included when deciding for national anthem and national song.
PatienceGc, do you know what nehru's reason was for not choosing vande mataram. He thinks its too hard for the band to play it. Every body knows the reason though.
Hope I am right

A national song is something that unifies all countrymen.

Vande Matharam -- If I am right is written in bengali
Same is with Jan Gan Man,

If you take a survey and ask how many Indians know the meaning of these 2 songs well its not not tought o guess it .

We all sang them but did we understand the meaning while we sang daily in our school prayers ....

It may sound stupid I think its high time we collect new songs as a contest for Natinal anthem pref Hindi(I am south Indian) and choos a new National Song(Anthem)

Its time we make a new begining I am a reformer not Rebel

Is that what u'r teaching u'r bro's/groups. No wonder we have 20 countries added to the list.

If u don't change then India will also be on the list because of u'r bro's. Beware and best of luck.
Re: PriyaGC

You keep coming back for more.....:D

The fact is nobody is perfect, and that applies to your VHP/Bajrang Dal goons too and one more thing, just to take care of hate mongers/pests like you flag of India consists of three colors which include Saffron and Green, and if you think that due to pests like you it will be changed to Saffron only then you are dreaming baby, wake up:D
2 child per family (ham do hamare do) is not going to cut it. With already Billion + people, 2 child per family will yeild nothing but chaos.

Can anyone guess how much will be India's population after 25 yrs with 2 child/family policy ?

We need at the most one child /family policy till the population goes down down to 100 Million, then we can have 2 child/family but certainly not right now.

China has 1.5 billion people but China is also 4 times bigger than India and for years now they have had one child policy.

We can always do all good stuff for India while keeping Pakistan at bay.

Boycott Pakis whereever you can.
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One thing is Good
All are wishing GOOD and trying to better off our country.. though on entirely different paths.

What would have been the plight of India, if PAK was not separated out ? (including Bangladesh )? We cannot afford them definitely to spread across the country .... Geometric Progression increases numbers very fast...........

Even in Medical terms, if any part is so spoilt, then it will be removed, becasue it damages the good.

I pity th epeople who cannot judge even now the goodness in Dividing.