This is the solution to all problems


Registered Users (C)
First, to all folks who don't belong to south asia region, pardon me for raking up an issue that is not totally immigration related.

This is the solution to all problems in india:

1) Make tough implementations of laws to make sure the rights and dignity of all people in india irresepective of their religion.
Every Hindu, Buddhist,Sikh,Muslim and christian should be respected for being a human and part of civlized society.

2) Implement Uniform Civil code. That would mean same laws will apply to all citizens, irrespective of their religion. This would mean muslims will have to follow the same rules as Hindus and so will sikhs.

3) Every one should prove their faith in the nation by singing the song "Vande Matram". No person should be exempt from singing this on the pretext of religion. Nation comes first and then comes the religion.Those who don't follow this, should be deprived of indian citizenship.

4) Make sure every child in india (that means every hindu child, musilm child, sikh,budhist and christian child) gets proper and equal education in india. College education should be made more affordable to those who can not afford it (for poors, irrespective of their castes and religion).

5) Government should GET OUT OF BUSINESS. Government's job should be to implement laws (that too strictly), not to run a business.
Government should privatize all public sectors except following:
- defence
- finance policies
- foreign affairs
- healthcare
- Infrastructure (includes Highways , water management etc)

6) Do not let Rupee depreciate anymore. All theories that say that market should decide actual valuy of currency are WRONG. Look at china and what they have been doing successfully for last 20 years.

7) Build a massive network of highways linking every state in the country.

8) Build a strong police force. Police should be provided all high tech weaponary needed to maintain law and order.
They shoudl be trained to act swiftly and with energy (unlike they do with a dunda these days)

9) No one should be above the law and none should be treated like one. Police should be trained for this and this policy should be used in general.

10) No more roits: With a heavy hand, crush rioters. No matter what religion is to blame for riots, make sure every individual invloved gets behind the bar and for a long time.

11) Nab veerapan : I can't believe they haven't done that so far. Had it been USA, they would have had him behind the bar and executed long time back.
Every state ( and later every town police) should be provided with helicopters for such operation with night vision tools so that culprits have nowhere to go.

12) Freedom of speech: Every one should be able to say anything , no matter what. If someone says anything aginst Hindu gods or agianst Mohammad, then that should be treated as an individual's opinion.
This should also include freedom to do what you want wear and all. I can't believe police in certain states can arrest an actress because she posed nude in some magazine.
Don't buy the magazie if that offends you sir. Give others a break.

13) Build a temple in Ayodhya and Mathura on disputed land and this would end the confilic for good in right faith.

14) Renovate old masjids in other areas and give special scholarships to needy muslim students so that they can enroll in higher education and become active citizens of the nation.
As economy will get better musilms will have real sense of belonginness and dignified and respected status which all citiznes do deserve.

15) Court System: All those people who will be fired because of transition from public sector to private sector, hire some of them in Legal department.
Important: Any case shoudl be decided by a lower court within a month of the crime. Once guilty , should be put behind the bars.
Guilty person should be allowed to appeal the verdict, but should remain behind the bars all through the appeal process.
This is very important and people will not be able to abuse the system. Can you imagine Sanjay Datt is till not behind the bars and that Salman Khan is still free even after killing people with Drunk Driving.
Had that happend in USA, he would lhave been convicted of third degree murder.

So people, this is my first set of recommendations. More to come later.
Respect ALL.
No Hatred.
Wao, you are a great writer. But who gonna do all these things.
Can you do this????? I think not. its easy to say then DO.

I know I am sitting pretty here in US and talking all things that are easier said than done. But this is just a thought process to share ideas that I have. One option that I have is to never share Ideas and other is to share with others . So I opt for the second.

All great things do not happen overnight.. but they all begin with well thought process and discussions over a long period of time.

My two cents at a time when INS is enjoying holdiays.
Vande Mataram

Praises Durga... so it isnt really free of religious references! Sorry

Also about India not nabbing Veerappan... have you ever heard of Eric Rudolph?

Build a temple on Mathura site? Why 'cause there arent enough already?

You have stated everything from the view point of a Hindu! Why cant we build the Masjid back in Ayodhya "in good faith"? :D
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LETS Argue!!!!

This is the solution to all problems in india(world):

1) Make tough implementations of laws to make sure the rights and dignity of all people in india irresepective of their religion.
Every Hindu, Buddhist,Sikh,Muslim and christian should be respected for being a human and part of civlized society.

Is this the case all thru the world??Are all religions being treated the same everywhere???come on....

2) Implement Uniform Civil code. That would mean same laws will apply to all citizens, irrespective of their religion. This would mean muslims will have to follow the same rules as Hindus and so will sikhs.

Do we have Civil rights here in USA???may be on paper

3) Every one should prove their faith in the nation by singing the song "Vande Matram". No person should be exempt from singing this on the pretext of religion. Nation comes first and then comes the religion.Those who don't follow this, should be deprived of indian citizenship.

What happened to Nationla Anthem?? Is this something lke God bless america song???

4) Make sure every child in india (that means every hindu child, musilm child, sikh,budhist and christian child) gets proper and equal education in india. College education should be made more affordable to those who can not afford it (for poors, irrespective of their castes and religion).

Education is a mess everywhere how many americand are post graduates and phds???? for that matter graduates???

5) Government should GET OUT OF BUSINESS. Government's job should be to implement laws (that too strictly), not to run a business.
Government should privatize all public sectors except following:
- defence
- finance policies
- foreign affairs
- healthcare
- Infrastructure (includes Highways , water management etc)

Havent you heard of the Biggest Scams in corporate America???

6) Do not let Rupee depreciate anymore. All theories that say that market should decide actual valuy of currency are WRONG. Look at china and what they have been doing successfully for last 20 years.

So what happenes??

7) Build a massive network of highways linking every state in the country.

Who will use them???Cattle???Crazy keep encroaching land and create environmental disater??

8) Build a strong police force. Police should be provided all high tech weaponary needed to maintain law and order.
They shoudl be trained to act swiftly and with energy (unlike they do with a dunda these days)

to suppress any meaning full portests???

9) No one should be above the law and none should be treated like one. Police should be trained for this and this policy should be used in general.

Laws are meant to be broken my dear

10) No more roits: With a heavy hand, crush rioters. No matter what religion is to blame for riots, make sure every individual invloved gets behind the bar and for a long time.

Riots bring out the actual scenes behind society its a full face of society You cant help it but to learn from them

11) Nab veerapan : I can't believe they haven't done that so far. Had it been USA, they would have had him behind the bar and executed long time back.

What happened to your Human rights??

Every state ( and later every town police) should be provided with helicopters for such operation with night vision tools so that culprits have nowhere to go.

and let the politiocians escape???

12) Freedom of speech: Every one should be able to say anything , no matter what. If someone says anything aginst Hindu gods or agianst Mohammad, then that should be treated as an individual's opinion.
This should also include freedom to do what you want wear and all. I can't believe police in certain states can arrest an actress because she posed nude in some magazine.
Don't buy the magazie if that offends you sir. Give others a break.

so did u face any problem with ur current nature of freedom??Dont generalise

13) Build a temple in Ayodhya and Mathura on disputed land and this would end the confilic for good in right faith.

Temple???not a univerasl representation what happened to you secular talk??

14) Renovate old masjids in other areas and give special scholarships to needy muslim students so that they can enroll in higher education and become active citizens of the nation.
As economy will get better musilms will have real sense of belonginness and dignified and respected status which all citiznes do deserve.

Are u rasing anothrer conflict by proposing this??

15) Court System: All those people who will be fired because of transition from public sector to private sector, hire some of them in Legal department.
Important: Any case shoudl be decided by a lower court within a month of the crime. Once guilty , should be put behind the bars.
Guilty person should be allowed to appeal the verdict, but should remain behind the bars all through the appeal process.
This is very important and people will not be able to abuse the system. Can you imagine Sanjay Datt is till not behind the bars and that Salman Khan is still free even after killing people with Drunk Driving.
Had that happend in USA, he would lhave been convicted of third degree murder.

Do you think so???All the CEOs who escaed with money are loitering here ENRON CEO /MCI CEO are clear examples ??

So people, this is my first set of recommendations. More to come later.

Respect ALL who desreve to respected
No Hatred.
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LETS Argue!!!!
This is the solution to all problems in india(world):

1) Make tough implementations of laws to make sure the rights and dignity of all people in india irresepective of their religion.
Every Hindu, Buddhist,Sikh,Muslim and christian should be respected for being a human and part of civlized society.

Is this the case all thru the world??Are all religions being treated the same everywhere???come on....

Indian people

The problem of Indians fighting amongst ourselves is not becuase of Hindus or Muslims but Pakisthan!
I think that country is the root cause of our problems (and of the world). We don’t hate Muslims in Iran or Iraq or Dubai! That’s because we don’t care about them. Actually a lot of people found lucrative jobs in the Middle East. Kerala's economy owes a lot to them. We fight because Pakis always cause trouble and we have some ungrateful people in India who sympathize with them. Unfortunately just as some crazy freaks like VHP seem to represent Hindus, we tend to think of all Muslims as traitors. Lets just target the good 'ol fashioned hate against Pakisthan and not a religion in particular. I think we did make a mistake in 1947 and that should have been to declare Kashmir as either India or Paki without a provision for any later election. We wouldn’t have had these ego battles that’s costing us more than we can afford.! How many people here have been to Kashmir? I personally don’t care if that state goes one way or the other. Get rid of it and work on poverty and education… and cricket!

The solutions looked like india is the worst place to live which i totally disagree...

India is far far ahead in all th easpects mentioned ..

Lets no look at petty thing under microscope

as Abdul Kalam says ..."lets learn to appreciate our achievements" instead of focussing on -ves....and boost the morale

By the way u guys know where I am from???

India's Satellite Launching Station
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If we look for anything perfect in this world.. I don't think one can find any.

However, we do have some systems that may not be perfect but are better than others. For example, life in USA is much better than say INDIA ( for me it is and thats why I am here, sorry I can't argue on that).

Civil rights in USA may not be perfect, but they are the best in the entire world. I strongly believe that if you don't realize that then you need to visit other parts of the world.

Education in USA treats all chldren the same till HIGH SCHOOL no matter who you are (unless you enroll your child in a private school)

Building network of highways and who will use them: Same question was asked by many short sighted americans when america was building its highway in 1930s and 1940s. Now you go figure who uses those highways and where america would have been without these highways.

I never mentioned my recommendations and secular . I believe what I said is more practical and will help in general. In USA itself.. though they say it is secular, it is not entirely, but it is still amongst one of the good systems. You only get a holiday on Xmas , not on Diwali and Eid.. do you.

"Vande Matram". ok I guess what I meant by that is a national song. National song will be fine in place of Vande Matram. As long we one can prove their faith in the nation.

Whats wrong in nabbing Veerapan and putting him behind the bars? Isn't he a ruthless killer? I am not from south india so please enlighten me what I am missing here. He made police of Karnataka and TN look like bunch of jokers.

And no, I haven't heard of Eric Rudolph. But they way he kidnapped a minister in 21st century and killed him, I don't think he would have been able to do that in USA and escaped. I just don't think so.

Mathura, if you knew, Mathura also has same issues as Ayodhya. This religion hate will not go away unless we go via the practical route. No, I am not secular but I do believe in dignity of every human.

ENRON and others, my friends, most of them will be put behind bars. Most have already lost their jobs. Legal system may not be perfect in USA but it works most of the time.

Why can't we build a masjid in Ayodhya: Simple, because originally there was a temple. And I do believe so and I go with what I feel is right and what many indians (hopefully) think is right.

But at the same time, I want to see religion take a back stage in the nation. I do not support everything that VHP or Sena says. Sometimes I do agree with what they say, sometimes I don't.

Sometimes I do agree with what Bukhari of Jama masjid says, sometimes I don't.
lol about veerappan

I didnt say he shouldnt be caught. Actually I think that animal should be captured and tortured slowly to death sort of to give him a taste of his after-life! I was annoyed by your reference that US would have jailed him by now. Eric Rudolph is one the most wanted by the FBI. He bombed abortion clinics. He has $10M on his head. They cannot find him for like 7 years now! There was big team to nab him here in the smoky mountains. But no sign of him. Its not easy to catch a fugitive like that. It was funny that the Indian govt was trying in vain to nab Veerappan at the same time was asking for Prabhakaran's extradition from Srilanka:rolleyes: :D

About Ayodhya... we cannot go back in History to undo everything. The Americans-Indians will not get back America, We cannot attack Mongolia or wherever Gazni was from! We have to accept things. How do you think it will be if US people want to bring back slavery? We have many temples... just let it go!
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Is this HCL-vivekm

were you ever in HCL ??
curious ... you sound like a vivekm I know ....
Way to go patienceGC, vivekM

My thoughts:

1. Since BJP came to power almost 4 years they have not placed a single rock for construction but come the election year VHP/Bajrang dal etc will start doing there usual routine of rath yatra etc, why not NOW??????

2. Justice for all sounds great, but the criminals shall not be allowed to have any political mileage, persons like Mulayam, Laloo, Bal thackeray, Modi, Dawood are running the show instead of rotting in the prison

3. All communal parties should be banned like SIMI was.

4. But lets face it Pakistan should be treated same as China, so far India is able to kick PAK's butt everytime and it will continue, there maybe sympathizers for PAK in India but we should not question every muslims in India, APJ kalam is a muslim and with his contribution and other we are nuclear power, so is Premjee who has contributed billions to Indian economy

5. In the end Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs or Christians should not claim their religion to be perfect as all are equal.
TalS, Sorry no. Have few good friends in HCL though.

Guys ,apart from that, don't you think this is the high time we take a break from religion and figure out ways which might help us come out with some ideas to push the nation forward.

What we are seeing is that when China is about to send men in space, India is still dogged down by internal conflicts and immature mentality of fight over religion.

Indonesia arrests indian executives ( from polaris I guess) for no valid reason. Arab countries offer free passage to indian criminals and don't care what India says. Portugal has no intention to extradiate ganga leader ( don't know his name) How low this can go? Fact is no one gives a damn to a weak nation.

So PEOPLE, LETS NOT FIGHT ABOUT RELIGION. We have other things to work out.
Re: Way to go patienceGC, vivekM

Originally posted by forum123
My thoughts:
2. Justice for all sounds great, but the criminals shall not be allowed to have any political mileage, persons like Mulayam, Laloo, Bal thackeray, Modi, Dawood are running the show instead of rotting in the prison

I STRONGLY condemn the exclusion of my beloved chief minister Puratchi Thalaivi Selvi J. Jayalalitha in this list! :mad:
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Only first two stanza's in Vande mataram are considered to be national song. The first two stanza's gives no reference to the durga as mentioned by patienceGC. Vade mataram should have been national anthem if not for assholes like patienceGC and jawaharlal nehru.
To solve problems in India

- Control population growth - Every couple MUST be allowed only two kids, if they have third one, they should be operated upon, so they can not have fourth one. If someone likes more kids, there are lot of orphanages in India, go adopt 1-2-3-.... Couples with two kids should get more tax benefits.

- All the kids should get compulsory K-12 education, free (I think some states already have free education)

- Give incentives to poor based on family income, not on any religion or cast.

- All the MPs, MLAs should be at least 10+2 (if not Graduate)

I know, I am average person, There are lot of intelligent people out there who can give much better and bright ideas, so pardon me if I have said something wrong or If you did not like what I said.
Originally posted by jv1410JJ
Only first two stanza's in Vande mataram are considered to be national song. The first two stanza's gives no reference to the durga as mentioned by patienceGC. Vade mataram should have been national anthem if not for assholes like patienceGC and jawaharlal nehru.

And whys is that? Cuz its too long to remember and sing?? Or is it because the other lines arent worth singing??

I see a lot of ungrateful people here who seem to criticize Gandhi/ Nehru and others. We were all lucky to be born free! We feel bad at an occasional discriminatory treatment but we dont think about what would have happened if not for leaders like them. Anyway was it written as "Vande mataram" or "Bande mataram"?

Abhay you are right poverty/illiteracy .. are all primarily because of population. How is that such a conservative society keeps making so many babies??? I am for one child... operation after the second! Have to side with China on this one

;) ;)

One thing I 've experienced in my life is bigger you think.. bigger you achieve. We always end up comparing ourselves to a small nation like Pakistan. In fact we should comapre what we do with China (who was at same level as India some 30 yrs ago) or USA.

Population control is one of the issue and we need to address that. But this solution alone can not solve all the problems.

Look at Russia and Canada, they have all the land they want but still their progress is not as great. Myth is more land you have, better it is for you economically. But todays world has changed. Todays world is driven through market and economy.

Take USA, as more immigrants come here, bigger their consumer base gets and more worker they get for their factory production etc (including us:)). America has the tendency and capacity to turn its popluation into a productive work force. Thats why more their population grows, beigger their economy gets.

So for india, I think our main foucs sjould be to turn our population into productive work force. We need to get rid of sarkari babus and turn them into hard working workers in private sector. Economy will take care of the country's other problems as long as we have stricter laws and stricter implementations of those laws.