These colors are awful !!!!!!!!!!

Why dont you all live with it and get a life? The free info you get here is more impt than cosmetics

okay. Are you wearing any cloths or feeling they are cosmotic??

Information is one thing, and presentation is another thing. If you can\'t present useful information without right presentation, it sucks big time, like the colors used this interface.
Mr Khanna, incredible website, the best, ... but the colors - they gotta go! Appreciate the enthusia

Hahaha Java Man aka Handsome Desi

I can\'t believe you are still around this board and critizing others spelling and grammar.. you are really a small time loser.. get lost and go back to Pakis..

Wondering if you\'ve ball to meet me in New York.. I will really teach you a lesson for free..
No Title

is it not so. these psychedelic colors are just too bright for people with 6/6 vision. geez! this combination is so horrible, it feels like the developer is trying to cater for visually handicapped community.
No Title

First of all , irrespective of color of this site I appreciate the people who have created this site. It is very helpful site. Same time if time allows , I recommend to change the colors to just white and blue. Doesn\'t take much time to do this.

again I love this site .....

You are welcome and..

keep me informed through e-mail or through posting in "What Should We Add to this Site." Let me invite you to that area. I am posting some more info. We will need your suggestions.
No Title

03/05/2002 4:20 PST,

Rajiv, Now the colors look normal but button\'s background is too bright, can you please make it gray instead of white (I don\'t remember what exactly the old color was)? They are competing with subject line.

Thanks a lot
Sure, glad to provide any feedback. If I think of anything I will let you\'ll know.

Spelling Mistake in I-797

My petitioner name has been misspelled in my I-797. I went to
Calcutta for stamping and told the consulate that there was an error
in the spelling. They refused to give me a new visa and told me to
get the spelling corrected by the INS.
Thant seems to be an impossible task. I have tried all means known to me including faxing to the authorities in Laguna Niguel and going to the inquiry counter ( which inturn asks you to fax your request !)
NOthin gseems to work ... Anyone having experience with such a situation ? PLease advise
