These are the prposed changes in the structure - please comment


Registered Users (C)
confusing thread hierarchy

the hierarchy for the thread groups seem to be confusing.

for example, in the main page, the layout is:
Trying Out New...
US Immigration

If I click on, I-140 Issues is listed directly under it, which makes me think it is a child group of, whereas the right place for it is under US Immmigration folder.

In other words, the parent-child relationship of the folders is not clear from the way they are displayed.
New Proposed Structure for the Portal

I am working on a rehash. I will post it for you folks. But the first draft is attached. Tell me how you feel :)
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Proposed structure

Maybe I am missing something but isn't "Citizenship" missing from the proposed structure?

my sugesstions

We all appreciate your taking our feedbacks seriously. here are some more
The proposed structure seems like I140 and I485 are grouped under GC thru Labor certification. That does not sound logical.
Labor certification, I140, I130, I485, EAD/AP and Consular Processing are the possible sub topics under Green Card (there might be more). It should be less of a very deep-tree structure to avoid drilling thru nodes to reach a forum.

Regarding the reason behind this thread of discussion : I was under the impression that the first link ( was the archived legacy system which we used to post before this "boards" system was implemented. I find this new system more intuitive .In that case, The only suggestion which I think will fix all the issues is to give the major subtopics under US immigration billing in the opening page itself and label that link as "legacy system."

I also suggest that if the order of topics is not made into chronolgical order, it should be made based on its popularity /traffic. Of course because of different service centers have demonstrated different processing speeds to different petitions, this might make the listing dynamic which is unsettling to some of the users (who hate changes:)) ).

Keep up the good work.
2 more suggestions

1. How about approval trackers (like application progress trackers )for some of the Visas (especially h1 and other green card related stages)? That way good usable information will not be cluttered by approved or tracker notices . By taking all the trackers centralized it will definitely provide a one shop display of all possible statistics and leave the discussion forum for discussions!!

2.Can you let the user choose the forums which can be displayed in the main page - like a I do not visit all the forums and would definitely like to quickly get to the forums of my interest without being distracted by other forums or searching for my favorite forum. If this is implemented you will not hear any more whinings:)rolleyes: ) about heirarchy !!

Thanks for listening ...:)
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missouri service center

missouri service center, and the life245 issues are completely missing when it comes to i485 of msc
Keep them coming

Let me have all your suggestions. I am also looking into the idea. It will have to wait a bit. Some programming involved.
Suggestion about time keeping


This suggestion is not for structure of the forums, but for keeping right time on the server. It seems the time is 20 minutes ahead. I suggest configurint an ntp client of some sort, or any other way to keep server time more accurate.

My 2 cents,
First Structural Change is Implemented

I have tried to organize things in a more logical manner. What do you folks think?
highlight parent groups

Can you highlight parent groups so they are differentiated from child groups in the same page?

Fo example, when I drill down into US Immigration, the Nonimmigrant Visas link and Immigrant Visas link should be highlighted (bolder, bigger, etc) so they are not lost in the list.

I realize that they can be identified as higher-level groups because of the position of the cells they belong to, but it is not very evident.

is the group name and location appropriate?

The "Nonimmigrant Visas in Service Center - XXXXXXX" located under "Nonimmigrant Visas" also contain Service Center-specific topics, irrespective of the visa type. I believe the original name for these groups were "Service Center - XXXXXXX".

I think it would be more appropriate to have these under a group called "INS Service Center Topics". This group should be under "US Immigration".

Re: is the group name and location appropriate?

Originally posted by ramukv
The "Nonimmigrant Visas in Service Center - XXXXXXX" located under "Nonimmigrant Visas" also contain Service Center-specific topics, irrespective of the visa type. I believe the original name for these groups were "Service Center - XXXXXXX".

I think it would be more appropriate to have these under a group called "INS Service Center Topics". This group should be under "US Immigration".


We have the 4 service center under NIV as as under Imm. Visas. Does that not make more sense? We will have to move or delete the threads eventually to show up under their respective categories. But does the structure not make more sense this way?
I agree with operations...

In My Opinion, This classification under NIV and IV is logical and the service centers should still continue to branch out under these 2 major categories depending on the visa addressed.

However I wish to reaffirm on the poster's concern about parent-child visibility.

There should be some way to distinguish between the group headings and the sub topics (and the sub topics within those sub topics). Maybe an indentation or indication (use a different type or color of check mark ) that a particular topic is also classified under a major topic (like I485 issues under Immigrant Visas).
If the current structure in work in progress and you intended to do the identification anyway, I apologize for my impatience.
I agree...

but I was only concerned that threads related to immigrant visas (I485 etc) are still being created under this group (possibly because of the fact that it contains such older postings). Apparently, it is not very evident to everyone that they could use the Service Center groups under IV for such purpose.

The groupings otherwise make perfect sense.

Green Card

If my wife has GC since 96 by lottary and she used to come once a year for one month until she moved here June 2000, and she here for alomst 30 months cont. can she file for citizenship.
I just finished my MBA and my F1 visa is expering and I hve opt till dec. 2003, can u tell me the best solution?