The thing named habib is really annoying.

Please do not degrade 'thing'

I am deeply appalled at your degradation of 'thing' by equating it to Habib.

Its no amusment.

I was expected harsh comments from guys like you. My postings definitley will make mad for followings groups of ppl:

1. laid off for last couple of months (no pay stub)
2. fake degrees/ fake experiences.
3. Body shop consultant
3. non-technical/ non-related degree but working in IT (such as BA in sociology working as technical person)

So I am not amused to see some abovementioned categories ppl harsh at me.

"So I am not amused to see some abovementioned categories ppl harsh at me."

Hell, do I care, if u r not amused?
Re: Its no amusment.

Originally posted by habib
I was expected harsh comments from guys like you. My postings definitley will make mad for followings groups of ppl:

1. laid off for last couple of months (no pay stub)
2. fake degrees/ fake experiences.
3. Body shop consultant
3. non-technical/ non-related degree but working in IT (such as BA in sociology working as technical person)

So I am not amused to see some abovementioned categories ppl harsh at me.

None of us belong to the "groups" you described. Don't you
feel tired of making your "point" here over and over and over
again? Get a life!
My two cents about this thing you call habib.
I have been reading this forum for some time now and always see people thrashing habib because of 'its' comments, and how the way habib ignites the board by posting 'its ideas'.

Well, this is my idea. Correct me if I'm wrong but this will be my first and last email to comment on anything I see about habib.

I think Habib is pretty depressed at 'its' situations of getting 'its' GC, hence 'it' tries to post notes like the ones before. I believe also that 'this thing' has been deported back to 'its' homeland (somewhere) hence, all 'it' could do is go to the internet and post notes to discourage other GC applicants because 'it' could not get 'its' own. The best thing 'it' could do also is to send mail to INS, as what 'it' claims, which I think is a desperate measure in order to get back at the government for declining 'its' GC application and for being deported.

This 'thing' talks about:
fake degrees = this 'thing' has 'its' own fake degree caught by INS
laid off= this thing got laid off...hence back to its homeland

So all 'it' could ever do is to just post notes in this board. 'It' has been laid off, caught by INS as having fake degree, hence deported back to homeland.

Also note that I call it and "it" cuz this thing you call habib might just be a 'trained parrot' typing or posting the same notes when that tread is being left behind. What it wants is just to check how many guys wants to read or answer 'its' posting....If you guys take note, his old thread has been abandoned and will soon be archived if no one reads or replys to it....

Btw, if you notice, i did not post any response on any of its threads at all cuz to me it is useless....

Cheers to you all...and good luck on your job as a body consultant habib...
he is like dogs tail

"It" is like a dog's tail, even if you keep it in a straight tube for couple of years it wont straighten.

Also he has limited knowledge (stereo type).
Why can't a person with sociology degree work in IT field, if he is a better performer than a person with a IT degree ??

"it", try to think outside pharma, a degree is not a medicine, tylenol will work only for fever headaches etc, but person with a brain can do anything and everything beyond his degree.

Most of my american colleagues are from administration, agriculture but they do a tremedous job.

Get a life
habib's world is around 3 words

laid off, fake degree and jerk

He can't sleep without mentioning one of these words in every post.

I think he himself belongs to one or all of this category and he is very depressed. So he clones himself with fake nicks(shantanuB?) and support himself on this board.

habib, for your information, I dont think any of us are laid off or has a fake degree, its your attitude that we hate. I'm a Muslim too and people like you are disgrace to our religion.

You need some help.
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How to request for a change in username

I would like to request the administrator to change Habib's id to "THE IT"

IT stands for I gnore T rash..

and ofcourse you all understand why the "THE"
T otal H abib E manoligjinal

Emanoligjinal is a term coined just for "THE IT" it means some thing no one can relate to.......Just like Habib's Posts.....

bash habib post

Hello All Habib bashers,

This is my first post bashing habib (for that matter anyone). So, if I don't do a good job, please forgive me for I will get better at it over time.

I have been following "it"'s posts (since 'thing' has been deemed above habib) for a while and the only thing that kept me amused were retaliation posts by dma_va! dma_va, you are doing an excellent job! Hats off to you, buddy! There are some "it"s like habib who don't have control over their bad habits / behaviours and need that external FORCE to keep them in check. That's why "it" opens its stinky mouth and gets the beating.

The one amazing thing is "it"'s tremendous resilience! The only thing that is of any meaning or sense in "it"'s life is that quality! Habib is like a cockroach... Everyone HATES it!!! At the same time, scientists are amazed by its unbelievable capability to survive! Its central nervous system, locomotion and an its EXCELLENT immunity to diseases, despite the places that it lives in, are being studied to great lengths. My original intention was to compare and pronounce Habib to be like a cockroach. But, as I wrote this, I realized that even the roach is above "it"!!!!! Oh God! Even a roach has some important functions and agenda than the "it" (Habib).

Habib is also like shit! Throw a stone at it, it splashes back on you! Leave it alone, it still stinks the place up!

Looks like Habib is so deeply disturbed in life. Probably, everything in "it"'s life has gone bad and has become bitter at life (its own and others's).

May be, we can some how try to harness "it"'s bad qualities (the only qualities) and use them in our favour. May be, "it" is one of those people who can not speak in front of others and whose views are obscured by other people's bright ideas. And, probably that is why, this forum has given "it" the sense of freedom and security to utter anything and everything that occurs in its peanut sized brain!

Let's continue to keep "it" under check! And, please, someone teach "it" some english!!!

Thanks for good words.

A few things about this forum in general. This is a very informative forum and generally people are very friendly, knowledgable and well wishers despite the amount of frustration most are filled with while corresponding/reading here due to GC wait/economic situation etc. I've personally gained a lot of knowledge here.

I've seen other forums where people become very accusing/abusing for no reason. Not like that on this forum to a larger extent.

On this forum, some folks, for not so very obvious reasons, are very generalistic, with herd mentality w.r.t other people (country/religion etc. wise).

My intent here has never been to view such people from that angle. I never called Habibi a muslim/paki etc. howsoever apparent it might be (for one thing it will be highly derogatory for those citizens and that is my least inention to do).

Some of us tried to "reason" with Habibi etc., some gave up and some are still doing. My take on it is, I want to kill whatever pseudo-resilience Habibi seems to be having to try to reason with people here. I just can't give up on such ghetto mentality people.

Habibi's naivete in everything it writes is very apparent. It has a very low IQ/EQ. That's fine, it is not alone. But it shouldn't try to take fight on this forum with its baseless statements. If I ignore it, it will be a typical Indian response (like we caved into bastard Mughals).

I wish we all show perseverance. It's not a fight but we shall belie our own logical thinking if we let people like Habibi to get away with any trash that they throw on this forum.

Guys, I'd appreciate ur views (if u please).
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I dont know to call Habib as an IT or SHIT but I totally agree with you guys.. I have been observing and this guy seems to be a pessimist, saddist & very jealous.. May be a loser..

Follow these things in life:
1. By being jealous about others success will not get you any success.
2. You cannot stop anyone's growth.
3. Be a human being.

You are the most hated one here. Every body hates you, I think you should be hating yourself.. Is that right...
IT details

Just have a feeling to find out.....what are the details of Habib's 485 filing....

Anybody know abt it....

I believe 'it' was deported and INS considered its application abandoned! Why the interest of it? If guys don't post or reply to 'its' thread, then it will soon vanish in this board....:D :D :D
jgtan97 and all other freaks...

Why you mad at me? lots of freak asking not to post my response after posting their annoying meesages every 5 minutes all over this immigrationportal. My guess is all of them are sitting in home (laid off) eating credit cards money. Its seems to me, I heat the ball in the goal post. So all of my annoying friends, prepare for interview.
This guy is hilarious!!

Dont heat your balls in the goalpost!!

With every post you continue to prove your foot in the mouth attitude. Your English reminds me of one Johhny Lever's(I believe most people reading this thread knows him) english in some movie.
Did you say you have some degree in pharmacy. Well back in India we have a job position in medical clinics called 'compounders'. Their job is to primarily look into the dispensing of medicines in a small doctor's clinic as per the doctor's prescriptions. Now after working with a particular doctor for a very long time, they kind of get the hang of the trade and there have been cases where they have opened up clinics of their own in far flung villages and call themselves doctors. I think you are one of that kind!! Only in this case you have managed to reach US. I pity the patient whose prescription fall in your hands in Walgreens Pharmacy.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :

I just cant stop laughing......

He is heating his BALLS.................OH man......
Atlast habib has cleared the air....

The IT is a HE.......
so from now on habib= HE IT

I am not sure, if any of his balls are left after is has heat them on the GOALPOST......
