The strongest evidence to submit with N-400 for continuous residence?


Registered Users (C)
What are the strongest documents (evidence) that I could send to demonstrate that I haven’t broken continuous residence?

Should I send these documents along with N-400 or bring with me to the interview and show upon request?

If there are not sent with N-400 what will happen?
What are the strongest documents (evidence) that I could send to demonstrate that I haven’t broken continuous residence?

Should I send these documents along with N-400 or bring with me to the interview and show upon request?

If there are not sent with N-400 what will happen?

I didn't send any documents along with my N-400 supporting my CR situation. I've been told by my attorney not to provide (or send) any anticipatory defenses. From what I've read on the forum, the strongest document to show that you haven't broken CR would be one that demonstrates your intent to remain permanently and continuously in the United States. These can amount to a collection of several documents depending on your individual and unique situation but they generally amount to rent/mortgage payments, proof of a job in the USA, proof of having immediate family in the USA, etc.
I didn't send any documents except the ones required with my N-400 and I think the strongest evidence to prove you have not broken continuous residency is your passport because everytime you leave or enter the US you get a stamp in your passport !
Ditto. I did not send anything. Just filled out the N-400 with the addresses I lived at, and the dates of when I was in the country and out. Should be enough.
After you send in application, your NOA will most likely request "missing evidence". But no need to worry, you'll have the chance to bring the required documents to the interview several months later, including proof of continuous residence.
I didn't send any documents except the ones required with my N-400 and I think the strongest evidence to prove you have not broken continuous residency is your passport because everytime you leave or enter the US you get a stamp in your passport !

A passport just proves you traveled somewhere, and doesn't do anything to demonstrate intent to reside in the US. You need more concrete proof of intent, such as immediate family, mortgage, job commitments etc, etc.
For rent payments proof will be copy of the cancelled checks? Correct? Do I have to request all of the copies of cancelled checks form bank for the last 5 years?!

How about rent receipts from landlord? Can this be submitted instead of cancelled checks?
I didn't send any documents along with my N-400 supporting my CR situation. I've been told by my attorney not to provide (or send) any anticipatory defenses.

Did you have any problems at interview? I’ve been told opposite by attorney – to send supporting documents, but I’m resisting following their advice. Why would I start defending myself in advance?