There are many other facts besides what you have listed - why are you not accepting that?
Why do you want India's problems to be your reasons to be here?
I can give many "negative" facts about USA - would that make you leave USA?
Where do we start?
Abu Ghraib, anyone?
Katrina, anyone?
Corruption at high places - Ambramoff, DeLay, anyone?
Corruption at high places - no bid contracts to Haliburton, anyone?
Corruption at high places - what about re-districting, anyone?
Corruption at high places - Lying about Iraq, anyone?
Corruption at high places - energy policy dictated by oil companies, anyone?
Corruption at high places - why is the seniors drug plan not administered by medicare, anyone?
Corruption at high places - Protective tariffs on steel imports, which only had to be removed after WTO members threathened sanctions, anyone?
Corruption in regular life - why was Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) enacted, anyone?
Partisan politics - leaking sensitive information to score political points, anyone?
Vote-bank politics - making comments in favour of "Intelligent Design" when even Vatican accepts "Evolution", anyone?
Vote-bank politics - not accepting medical facts about gays, anyone?
Vote-bank politics - $500 BILLION subsidy to FARMERS to get votes, anyone?
Vote-bank politics - Alaska's bridge to NOWHERE, anyone?
Vote-bank politics - Faith based funding programs, anyone?
Vote-bank politics - Global warming does not exists, anyone?
Vote-bank politics - environment be damped, anyone?
Vote-bank politics - why were certain voters not allowed to vote, anyone?
Poverty - 13% of Americans are below poverty
Poverty - 44 million americans - about 15% of population - without health insurance
Poverty - 90 million americans below 200% poverty levels
Poverty - top 1% of Americans has more wealth than bottom 90% of Americans, anyone?
I can go on and on ...
So, will this make you leave USA?