The reason behind name check delay

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The reason behind name check Red Flag Trigger (RFT) delay

Hi, guys!

I was thinking about the logical explanation or a reason behind the name check delay and came up with a couple of things that might have created records at FBI or any other agency that is involved in this process, even though all of them are legal:

1. Speeding ticket or any insignificant traffic violation (record might be stored in the police records). I had 3 tickets myself
2. Challenging such violations in the courts, hiring lawyers for the ticket defense, for example, (police records, court records, etc.) I have fought 2 times in the court
3. Any legal monetary transaction that involved any bank that is not US based (bank could have sent records to IRS, FBI and those guys might be paranoid about it). Had such transaction with a Swiss bank
4. Any real estate transaction that involved foreigners either as buyers or as sellers. Any such transaction MUST be reported to IRS and will be associated with your SSN. I know that for sure from my own experience, last year I dealt with guys from Argentina and got the letter from IRS indicating that. Some people might know what FIRPTA tax is (IRS form 8288) (IRS, FBI might get paranoid about money laundering)
5. Any IRS investigation might have create records at FBI. I had my own a couple of years ago, even though everything was legal, IRS created a file and opened an investigation and got off my back only when I supplied some documents which they requested as a proof.
6. According to some article FBI is interested in people with IT backgrounds. It was posted on this forum a couple of days ago. Being in this industry myself, I am wondering now if that triggerd my delay.

To summarize all this I would like to ask everyone who had or has the problem with this name check delay to post their own responses to the reasons above and, may be, come up with their own to see if we can find some pattern in this whole nonsense.

Best regards to all.
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Another and most important thing might the age factor. The reason I am thinking age plays a role in name check and all other delay craps that many go through is that it is know after so many years of unintentional profiling that if you are in certain age group and satisfy all the conditions outlined in the previous post then you are more likely(I strees word "likely")to do something the will threathen and safety and security of all free living people.

I know personally few people who have speeding tickets, international real estate transaction etc. and only thing that they had in their favor was their old age something like 55+ to 60 years.

Man! what poster "edgrapes" has summarized cannot be further from truth.
edgrapes said:
Hi, guys!

I was thinking about the logical explanation or a reason behind the name check delay and came up with a couple of things that might have created records at FBI or any other agency that is involved in this process, even though all of them are legal:

1. Speeding ticket or any insignificant traffic violation (record might be stored in the police records). I had 3 tickets myself
2. Challenging such violations in the courts, hiring lawyers for the ticket defense, for example, (police records, court records, etc.) I have fought 2 times in the court
3. Any legal monetary transaction that involved any bank that is not US based (bank could have sent records to IRS, FBI and those guys might be paranoid about it). Had such transaction with a Swiss bank
4. Any real estate transaction that involved foreigners either as buyers or as sellers. Any such transaction MUST be reported to IRS and will be associated with your SSN. I know that for sure from my own experience, last year I dealt with guys from Argentina and got the letter from IRS indicating that. Some people might know what FIRPTA tax is (IRS form 8288) (IRS, FBI might get paranoid about money laundering)
5. Any IRS investigation might have create records at FBI. I had my own a couple of years ago, even though everything was legal, IRS created a file and opened an investigation and got off my back only when I supplied some documents which they requested as a proof.
6. According to some article FBI is interested in people with IT backgrounds. It was posted on this forum a couple of days ago. Being in this industry myself, I am wondering now if that triggerd my delay.

To summarize all this I would like to ask everyone who had or has the problem with this name check delay to post their own responses to the reasons above and, may be, come up with their own to see if we can find some pattern in this whole nonsense.

Best regards to all.

I had my interview in June and waiting on name check. I have couple of traffic tickets. I got a FOIPA from FBI and it says no records.
MasterUSA said:
Another and most important thing might the age factor. The reason I am thinking age plays a role in name check and all other delay craps that many go through is that it is know after so many years of unintentional profiling that if you are in certain age group and satisfy all the conditions outlined in the previous post then you are more likely(I strees word "likely")to do something the will threathen and safety and security of all free living people.

I know personally few people who have speeding tickets, international real estate transaction etc. and only thing that they had in their favor was their old age something like 55+ to 60 years.

Man! what poster "edgrapes" has summarized cannot be further from truth.

Having an arabic and/or muslim name is a BIG RED FLAG. Both for males and females (no descrimination here).

I have 5 colleagues (italian, ukrainian, canadian/french, canadian/english, and french) who applied same time or after I did. They're all happy USC. And I am still waiting.
These colleagues are all home owners. I am sure they all had at some point a Bank account in their respective country. At least one of them should have had a speeding ticket. They all between 33-46 of age.
I will bet that information on speeding tickets, age of people, having a foreign bank account is not in the FBI database. Otherwise, the number of "hits" is going to be enormous. Also, if it was true, ALL applicants will generate "hits".

I would be very interested to hear if a white male of european origin (French, german, italian etc) is stuck in Name check. I bet there is none. And, if there are, chances are they have a SERIOUS criminal record.
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LAmorocco said:
Having an arabic and/or muslim name is a BIG RED FLAG. Both for males and females (no descrimination here).

Absolutely, I could'nt agree with you more. If you have a arab/middle eastern name then the odds will increase that your name check will be delayed or worse get stuck!

Just a thought.
I've been told that, in many cases, folks with European names (particularly western European) get off easier.

The problem with names that do not directly render themselves directly into English (Arabic, indian sub-continent, and oriental languages, possibly names from countries using the Cyrillic alphabet) is that the name, plus all possible other transliterated possibilities are checked; greatly increasing the chance that some one with a checkered record and the same/similar name might turn up during the name check -- taking your application off the fast track.

But, for what it's worth, my wife is Egyptian, and she breezed right through the process. My application is hung up (but not because of name check -- USCIS incompetance seems to have been the problem) and I have a plain vanilla name of scottish origin (though there are perhaps 4 or 5 possible spellings if you go back a few centuries).
LAmorocco said:
Having an arabic and/or muslim name is a BIG RED FLAG. Both for males and females (no descrimination here).

I have 5 colleagues (italian, ukrainian, canadian/french, canadian/english, and french) who applied same time or after I did. They're all happy USC. And I am still waiting.
These colleagues are all home owners. I am sure they all had at some point a Bank account in their respective country. At least one of them should have had a speeding ticket. They all between 33-46 of age.
I will bet that information on speeding tickets, age of people, having a foreign bank account is not in the FBI database. Otherwise, the number of "hits" is going to be enormous. Also, if it was true, ALL applicants will generate "hits".

I would be very interested to hear if a white male of european origin (French, german, italian etc) is stuck in Name check. I bet there is none. And, if there are, chances are they have a SERIOUS criminal record.

I know some European (german, swiss, french) names who got suck in name check but were cleared within the 120 days after interview. Last year a pakistani guy I know applied with a muslim name and had no name check issues and sailed thru smoothly.
No common thread seems to be emerging so far. Cracking the Da Vinci code looks like a walk in the park than trying to find clues whey name check delays happen with USCIS. Ha Ha Ha!
lotechguy said:
I know some European (german, swiss, french) names who got suck in name check but were cleared within the 120 days after interview.

Not surprising. My definition of being stuck is a delay of 121 days-years.

Last year a pakistani guy I know applied with a muslim name and had no name check issues and sailed thru smoothly.

Very interesting. This ruins my theory (racial and religious profiling). Good for him. My first and last name, though they're arabic, are so unpopular. I don't understand why running them against a database(s) would generate a "hit". I am lost.
I read up a LOT on the Name Check Thing and the way the FBI explains it is that if you have an extremly common name. Doesn't even have to be middle eastern, also japanese, chinese or something like it.
You might think your name is not popular but there are how many billion names in this world .. you never know !
Two reasons behind name check delays

1. FBI is booked up and doesn't want to shell out money on more people

2. Laziness. Once a name is red flagged, they actually have to locate the file and actually have to go through the file and see what's up. Why do that if you can keep on feeding names into the database instead? Partially this is related to point #1.

Nice responses so far! :rolleyes:

I guess I haven't formulated the name of the thread correctly. The reason behind the delay is obvious: something triggered the red flag and the name of applicant X was put for 'never ending' manual review. So, the name of the thread should be: The reason behind the Red Flag Trigger (RFT).

I agree with most of you that age, country of origin and sex play a big role in RFT. But there are some evidences that some applicants that would qualify for age, origin, sex RFT categories were processed normally (here I mean withing 120 days). So, I am trying to find a secondary reason behind RFT.

Thanks for your responses.

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edgrapes said:
1. Speeding ticket or any insignificant traffic violation (record might be stored in the police records). I had 3 tickets myself
2. Challenging such violations in the courts, hiring lawyers for the ticket defense, for example, (police records, court records, etc.) I have fought 2 times in the court
3. Any legal monetary transaction that involved any bank that is not US based (bank could have sent records to IRS, FBI and those guys might be paranoid about it). Had such transaction with a Swiss bank
4. Any real estate transaction that involved foreigners either as buyers or as sellers. Any such transaction MUST be reported to IRS and will be associated with your SSN. I know that for sure from my own experience, last year I dealt with guys from Argentina and got the letter from IRS indicating that. Some people might know what FIRPTA tax is (IRS form 8288) (IRS, FBI might get paranoid about money laundering)

I've done all of the above and did not have a namecheck problem.

edgrapes said:
6. According to some article FBI is interested in people with IT backgrounds. It was posted on this forum a couple of days ago. Being in this industry myself, I am wondering now if that triggerd my delay.

and I used to be involved with telecoms software devt, so that can't be it either.

No, I don't think these are the reasons, but I do think it has everything to do with the FBI being backlogged and (probably) understaffed in certain areas. My understanding is any time your name/variation, gets one or more matches in the database, your case ends up in the big pile of those waiting manual intervention. When that happens, the process grinds to a halt.
I'll be stuck forever...

Hi everyone. Nice thread. I am not in the citizenship pipeline but still waiting for my green card, and my attorney found out from USCIS that the delay in my case is due to name check. Here is my situation:

1. VERY common hispanic first and last names
2. I have been in the US in the past for extended periods (legally), and have moved money around a lot (legally).
3. I have had international accounts and properties which I have sold and transfered to a US bank (all legal)
4. I was a victim of identity fraud a few years ago

Red flags all over... I'll be stuck into my retirement years, and that is only for the green card.
I have quite rare ukrainian name and I would pay $100 just to find out what was the actual "hit" that brought me to this miserable state :cool:
I was going to write something similar to RealSuperK ! They insert your Name and I think also your Birthdate into the Database. If there is no "Hit" you are done .. IF there is a "Hit" .. that's it. It doesn't have to be you but because they have to search for it after there is a "Hit" manually and do some research that probably causes the delay.
Computers work 24/7 and you don't have to worry but people don't. They probably have a 9-5 Job, they have weekends and holidays off and they don't just work on your name until it is done and move on to the next. So your file can sit and sit and sit there for a while.
I think that is the issue with the delay ....
When you read it up how they do it .. they use different combinations, leave maybe your middle name out if you have one and so on. Well probably they don't do it but the computer program does it for you so you can think you have an incredibly rare name but at the end with just one letter missing in your name you don't anymore .. you know what I mean ?
vic_m said:
I have quite rare ukrainian name and I would pay $100 just to find out what was the actual "hit" that brought me to this miserable state :cool:

I am from Ukraine too, where are you from? What District are you with?
boatbod said:
I've done all of the above and did not have a namecheck problem.

and I used to be involved with telecoms software devt, so that can't be it either.

No, I don't think these are the reasons, but I do think it has everything to do with the FBI being backlogged and (probably) understaffed in certain areas. My understanding is any time your name/variation, gets one or more matches in the database, your case ends up in the big pile of those waiting manual intervention. When that happens, the process grinds to a halt.

How about your main criterias: age/country of origin/sex?
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