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The 2nd Letter from KCC


Registered Users (C)
I just got the 2nd letter from KCC. it contains 3 main pages and a copy of checklist for interview docs etc.
first page has date time of interview , next page contact embassy info and next page list of applicants and beneficiaries.

strange the checklist has ds230 form though. KCC should have sent this so i dont have to do a new one.any idea about this?checklist also has photographs, but this was sent to KCC with ds230 etc. Is this old stuff or what?
Hello dv2010winner does the letter says you should confirm your interview with the consulate of your country? I e-mail them and never get a reply
thank you and as far as I know you should take the photos again

Mostly interviews are set by the CP and you don't have to confirm them...they are strict though. If you show up late they can tell you to schedule a new appointment for another date...
Thank you bentlebee the letter I received says I should confirm the interview though they sent me date and time of the interview. It says that date was scheduled by the KCC and the Consulate needs to confirm. It says don´t go to the interview without the confirmation. I sent an email but no reply and you can´t call them by the phone. I´ll wait i guess, interview is next thursday.
I received the email confirmation today, I guess they wanted to make sure I have my medical done because they ask me to send a copy of the med envelope.
see its different in each case.
do as they tell you in the letter and you should be fine
good luck
Good Luck in your interview dv2010winner!!!! I hope you come back with great news and let us know of your experience...

the interview was successful. it took about 2 hours. pretty straightforward. will collect visa tommorow.
thanks to all. the information shared on this forum was very helpful to me.

interview process:

entered, scanned, gave letter, wait for name call. while waiting all documents should be placed in order given to you on a instruction sheet. when called to window, all documents submitted then asked to pay and return. all finger prints taken then asked to wait for name again. first window call took about 1 hr as we had many docs. after 5 mins waiting, name called to goto to interview window. took oath , signed docs, asked simple questions about work, degree. letter given to collect visa in 24 hrs. said bye and thats it. took about 2 hrs total. we had everything in order so all went smooth. no i-134 was given.

tell me if you have any questions.
thanks again
Hi, many congratulations dv2010 winner...and good luck in the USA!

If you don't mind me asking, which country did you have your interview?


the interview was successful. it took about 2 hours. pretty straightforward. will collect visa tommorow.
thanks to all. the information shared on this forum was very helpful to me.

interview process:

entered, scanned, gave letter, wait for name call. while waiting all documents should be placed in order given to you on a instruction sheet. when called to window, all documents submitted then asked to pay and return. all finger prints taken then asked to wait for name again. first window call took about 1 hr as we had many docs. after 5 mins waiting, name called to goto to interview window. took oath , signed docs, asked simple questions about work, degree. letter given to collect visa in 24 hrs. said bye and thats it. took about 2 hrs total. we had everything in order so all went smooth. no i-134 was given.

tell me if you have any questions.
thanks again

congrats, hope you succeed in your stay in the U. Btw, are you single?
Congratulations dv2010winner..All the very best in your future endeavours!!!
Did they ask for your CXC/GCE certificates or did the degree certificate suffice?
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1. i gave gce, cxc, degree. they did not ask, i gave it
2. i gave bank funds statement above poverty req for mi famili.

good luck to you all.
Thanks for posting your experience, please stick around in case we have winners from your country this year. Congratulations again and Good luck in the US, now its time for the packing..urgh..lol