Terminate Her Conditional Green Card


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Probably a familiar story: I married a girl from another country, she came here, received her conditional GC, and the moment she got it, changed into completely different person. She USED me. Its very clear to me now that she married me just to get a green card. I feel hurt and betrayed. Now i am thinking of writing a letter to the CIS explaining my side of the story. Has anyone done this?? What was the outcome?
I would chalk that up to experience and move on with your life. By the way, are you in the process of getting a divorce or still married?

If you are still married, a letter to the USCIS will probably do you no good anyway. If you are divorced or in the process of getting one, then when it comes to the time for her to file for removal of conditions, she would have to prove that the marriage was bonafide anyway and not due to spousal abuse on your part.

If your divorce details the grounds for divorce as you have mentioned, she may have a problem.

In any case, my advise, move on.
I already divorced her. Also divorce grounds were irreconcilable differences since it was easiest adn cheapest way to do it w/o spending a fortune on attorney fees. I filed for divorce literally 2 weeks after she got her conditional GC. What is my risk / downside if I write to USCIS and explain what happened?
I already divorced her. Also divorce grounds were irreconcilable differences since it was easiest adn cheapest way to do it w/o spending a fortune on attorney fees. I filed for divorce literally 2 weeks after she got her conditional GC. What is my risk / downside if I write to USCIS and explain what happened?

Divorcing on the grounds of irreconcilable differences does not prove that she married you for a Green Card. What it does prove is that it is a no fault divorce, as in you have admitted legally that she did not do anything wrong.

You are free to write whatever you want to the USCIS, I doubt that it will make a difference, on the other hand, depending on what you allege and her response, which may not be required, you may be putting yourself in a compromising position.

It's time to move on with your life now. Good Luck.
My personal comment - if something does not work in between of two, it does not mean she marry you for GC, let her live the life, do not screw her.
My personal comment - if something does not work in between of two, it does not mean she marry you for GC, let her live the life, do not screw her.

Yes, but if all of a sudden something doesn't work and by a coincidence it's two weeks after she obtained the green card....then I'd be upset too.

Besides, if she has to remove conditions in two years and USCIS thinks that the marriage was a fraud, the USC could be in trouble as well.
True, but I personally think it is better to do it right after the divorce. Waiting buys the applicant nothing. It is not that conjugal cohabitation proof accumulates during the waiting period, so why wait? Hammer the iron when it is hot :)

She doesn't have to. She could, but she could also do it right before her conditional green card expires.
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True, but I personally think it better to do is right after the divorce. Waiting buys the applicant nothing. It is not that conjugal cohabitation proof accumulates during the waiting period, so why wait? Hammer the iron when it is hot :)

she probably already filed her i-751
but on the other hand, think about it, if she married him w/the sole purpose of getting a GC, one would think that she would be smart enough to stay in good relations w/USC to finish the process to the end, rather than distancing herself from him a day after getting her conditional :confused: just an observation...
You know the funny thing about common sense? It is not that common :)

if she married him w/the sole purpose of getting a GC, one would think that she would be smart enough to stay in good relations w/USC to finish the process to the end, rather than distancing herself from him a day after getting her conditional