TD Visa


New Member
Hey everyone,

I am currently on a TN Visa. My spouse is in Canada and we are looking into the process of getting her a TD Visa so she can live with me.

From what I understand, she needs to go to the POE and apply for the TD Visa with the marriage certificate and a photocopy of my I-94 right?
Is that all it is? Do I have to be present with her?
What are the benefits of applying for a TD via USCIS vs POE?

Any assistance would be appreciated.
Thank you.
>>From what I understand, she needs to go to the POE and apply for the TD Visa with the marriage certificate and a photocopy of my I-94 right?
Yes, in addition to her Canadian passport.

>>What are the benefits of applying for a TD via USCIS vs POE?
It is quick.
no. otherwise the mention of a photocopy would be unnecessary: you would be there with your I-94.