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tax return record from IRS

Is tax return record necessary? If it is, how to request from IRS? Where can I find more information? Thanks.

US tax returns

Transcripts for federal returns can be obtained by calling (800)–829–1040 or by mailing form 4506-T (PDF), and should be received within approx two weeks . There is no charge.
But if you want a copy of the forms you sent to the IRS, then there is a fee of $39 per tax year requested.
You usually do not need a copy. A transcript is enough : it's a piece of paper that summarizes your return into a standard format so that's easy to read for an immigration officer.
Remember that the USCIS is not the IRS. Meaning that an immigration officer just wants to see if you filed ( complied with tax laws ) or not. A transcript is a true proof that you filed, as it comes from the IRS. If you bring a photocopy you made of your returns ( here, I mean a copy made by you, not a copy you would have paid for to obtain from the IRS ), it does not necessarily mean you filed a return.
Also, if you made a few mistakes ( wrong form, late filing ...), the immigration officer won't probably notice if the IRS hasn't.

Transcripts for state taxes also exist. See your State's Department of Revenue.

You may or may not be asked for them. I wasn't for CP in Paris, but maybe that's because my husband and I were students ( F1 ).
My opinion is still to be overprepared: if you do not have them, and are asked about them, what will you do ?!
Besides, there is no charge, so there is no reason not to request transcripts.

Quote From "CATSEYES": http://www.immigrationportal.com/showthread.php?t=215048
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2007 tax year is not done yet.
So, if your appointment is sometime soon, then 06; 05 & 04.
If it is after the 2007 tax filing season ( feb to april 08 ), then it would be 07; 06 and 05.

Thanks thoughcase for quoting me! ( I would have copied and pasted too if I had seen that question first ! )
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2007 tax year is not done yet.
So, if your appointment is sometime soon, then 06; 05 & 04.
If it is after the 2007 tax filing season ( feb to april 08 ), then it would be 06; 05 and 04.

Thanks thoughcase for quoting me! ( I would have copied and pasted too if I had seen that question first ! )

Good to hear from you again, Catseyes. Our appointment is Oct. 1st 2007 (DV2008AS10XX) in Japan. So, I guess we will need 06. 05 and 04 then. By the way, me and my wife got married in 05, so does this mean we need individual tax return transcript for 04 and joint for 05 and 06? Thanks
Hi again,
Yes, individual transcripst for 2004.
Then obtain transcripts for the years you have been married. ( If I well remember the transcripts will show your filing status and names )
OK, here is a stupid question.

Why would one need to request tax return records from IRS? Can you just bring your tax filing papers and tax return copies? Are special records from IRS needed for the interview?
It's not a stupid question.

First, there is a difference between tax transcripts and copies = copies of what you sent is not free of charge ( around 40$/ year asked ), when transcripts are a summary of your returns in a standard format, and come for free.

Second, transcripst come from the IRS : it proves that you sent the returns to the IRS.

If you bring your own copies, it doesn't prove that you actually sent that to the IRS ( unless you also bring a copy of your refund check or whatever ) ( I know it might sound crazy not to send it, but a very knowledgable person from another forum had mentioned stories of people "faking" retruns ).

The IO may or may not ask to see tax documents. I wasn't, but some people wrote that they had been asked for proof of complying with taxes too.
That's why I wrote : My opinion is still to be overprepared: if you do not have them, and are asked about them, what will you do ?!
Besides, there is no charge, so there is no reason not to request transcripts.
It's not a stupid question.

First, there is a difference between tax transcripts and copies = copies of what you sent is not free of charge ( around 40$/ year asked ), when transcripts are a summary of your returns in a standard format, and come for free.

Second, transcripst come from the IRS : it proves that you sent the returns to the IRS.

If you bring your own copies, it doesn't prove that you actually sent that to the IRS ( unless you also bring a copy of your refund check or whatever ) ( I know it might sound crazy not to send it, but a very knowledgable person from another forum had mentioned stories of people "faking" retruns ).

The IO may or may not ask to see tax documents. I wasn't, but some people wrote that they had been asked for proof of complying with taxes too.
That's why I wrote : My opinion is still to be overprepared: if you do not have them, and are asked about them, what will you do ?!
Besides, there is no charge, so there is no reason not to request transcripts.

Thanks much. I might as well get this ready also. :)
Is tax return required for poeple doing Adjustment of status only, or it is for both - AOS and intevriew at any US embassy. I have never heard someone to be required US tax return information as IRS tax transcript, W2s or whatever from the people that had interviews at my country. What exatly are you going to prove by showing tax return? That you have paid taxes? That you have applied for a tax return? Can they reject a GC to someone, who has not paid taxes or has not applied for a tax return in a given year? I personally have not heard of such a case?
Again: in the past, some people have been asked to show tax documents at interviews for GC ( AOS or CP ) or citizenship.
I did CP in Paris 2years ago, but wasn't asked for them whereas someone I was in contact with had been asked for them the year before ( he was a 04DV ) in Paris too !
So who knows if they will ask for them or not ?!
That's a quote from my big post :
My opinion is still to be overprepared: if you do not have them, and are asked about them, what will you do ?!
Besides, there is no charge, so there is no reason not to request transcripts.
I mean, if you are all set with the IRS, why not get the transcripts ? They're free and will bring you peace of mind.

My personal opinion is that CP IOs will most likely not request to see tax compliance, when AOS would : to do AOS, you need for sure to be living in the US already, which implies that you MUST file a tax return.
I assume it is asked to check if you complied with all US laws ( taxes are part of them )
Again: in the past, some people have been asked to show tax documents at interviews for GC ( AOS or CP ) or citizenship.
I did CP in Paris 2years ago, but wasn't asked for them whereas someone I was in contact with had been asked for them the year before ( he was a 04DV ) in Paris too !
So who knows if they will ask for them or not ?!
That's a quote from my big post :
I mean, if you are all set with the IRS, why not get the transcripts ? They're free and will bring you peace of mind.

My personal opinion is that CP IOs will most likely not request to see tax compliance, when AOS would : to do AOS, you need for sure to be living in the US already, which implies that you MUST file a tax return.
I assume it is asked to check if you complied with all US laws ( taxes are part of them )

I agree. Me and my wife is going to do CP in Japan; therefore, there is no way to obtain that information once we arrive Japan. Besides, you just don't want to give IO any chance to reject your case.