• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Tanzanian DV2010 winners?

Hello Everyone,

Wanted to thank you all for posting your experiences. Here is mine. I just had my interview today. I am a widow with an 11 yr old son.

You have to have your documents in order. Thats the first thing they ask you, after checking into security.
One guy was turned away due to lack of education experience.
One couple got turned away due to not enough documents
One little girl was asked to come back,.

Folks, take more than you need in terms of documents. Take your originals.
If you are married, take all your pictures from your life together.
Take your high school certificates if you said you have high school.

Then you pay the processing fees.
You get interviewed by the counselor.

She asked " Where did you go for secondary school? - my response with a smile.
CO: Where is it exactly- my response
CO: What were the dates - my response
CO: What did you do after high school- my response- I got married and started working and have been working since then.
CO: Where did you work? - my response
CO: Where do you work now?
CO: looks into the computer and says, interesting- My heart practically sinks in my chest, I thought, God please help.
CO: Ok will be right back.
CO: I made copies of your documents- my response- sure, let me make sure i have all the originals- I was jsut worried about my birth certificate.
CO: please sign
CO: - Sign for your son- my repsonse- can he sign himself (he is 11 after all)
CO: ok good, take this and come back on MOnday to pick up your visas.
My response/: -Thank you- with a huge smile- THANK YOU GOD!!!

Recieved 1st NL- April 09
Revcieved 2nd NL - April 2010
Medicals- Done in April
Interview Date- May 5th, 2010.
Waiting to pick up visa:

did you have a host letter? Just a formal letter or form i-134 from sponsor?
Hello Grateful2010,

Many congratulations! Very pleased for you.

Just two questions - firstly, was this in Dar? And secondly, what documents did you take to prove financial independence?

Many thanks for posting. All the best in the USA :)
I got the I-34 form. Just to cover my bases. Since I only have very little saved up. If you have enough in the bank, then I don't beleive you need this. However if you get one, I would strongly suggest you get I-34 since this is the official form. Its free. One can complete it yourself. My sister did it for me. The formal letters can be questioned I suppose, whereas this is a US govt form
Hi TZ Bongo1
This was at the Consulate in Dar. I currently live in Dar.
Second- I took I-34 form. my sister did it for me. She lives in the US.
I was told to hold still until I get the visa in my hands. Apparently them telling you come get your visas is still not a guarantee you will get it. So until you get in your hands, hold the celebrations..:)
Good luck to you. I will post again on Monday. And will keep checking this site to see if I can post and help answer anything any one else might have.
We have to help one another. My heart went out to people who got turned away for lack of documentation. Its simple to do, we just need guidance and best way to do that is help one another.
So please anyone out there, ask away, and lets all pitch in and help for all.
All the best
I remembered something else- while being interviewed, look at the counselor, in the eyes, don't rush your answers and smile. it gives the impression you are more relaxed. which is important to do so. be calm. don't look down when you answer. or even when they are typing in the computer, maintain eye contact. its also a cultural thing, Americans talk with eye contact...dead on.

Many thanks, very useful points you have mentioned, especially about not celebrating too early - what a disappointment that would be.

Look forward to your post on Monday, until then have a great weekend. All the best.
Congratulations, Grateful2010.

I'm so happy for you. You are so right about having confidence while talking to this people. Maintaining eye contact, calmliness etc. It's quite different from what we have been taught at home, but after living in this country for 12 yrs, it's something I admire kwa kweli.

All the best for people who are still waiting for their turns. I hope everyone goes through.

TZ-Bongo1, I hope you become current soon, I've been watching the forum to check your progress.

Keep us updated.

For July, immigrant numbers in the DV category are available to qualified DV-2010 applicants chargeable to all regions/eligible countries as follows. When an allocation cut-off number is shown, visas are available only for applicants with DV regional lottery rank numbers BELOW the specified allocation cut-off number:
Region All DV Chargeability Areas Except Those Listed Separately
AFRICA 54,100

Egypt: 24,500
Ethiopia: 25,100
Nigeria: 18,850
ASIA 23,500
EUROPE 32,000

TZ-Bongo there we go...current for July have you noticed that Africa is moving fast compare to the other continents...nway we should be emailing KCC to confirm our interview dates....hizo hela za interview tuanze kusaka
Presently studying in: Nigeria
NL RECEIVED BY E-MAIL: January 13, 2010
SENT TO KCC VIA DHL: February 3, 2010
CONFIRMATION VIA DHL : February 10, 2010
CONFIRMATION VIA KCC: February 22nd 2010
SECOND LETTER SENT: still waiting
MEDICAL STARTED: still waiting
MEDICAL COMPLETED: still waiting
VISA COLLECTED: still waiting

hi to all
wish to thank you all for the reply to my questions and encouragements.i wish all those whose interview dates have been fixed succes. For those current i say goodluck as you prepare your documents and wishing those who havent been current, current in the next visa bulletin
Also according to the recently released visa bulletin this evening, i am current in july from my signature above does it mean i will be scheduled for an interview this july or will it be in august or september? i am very much scared cuz if you read my signatures above you people will discouver that i received my notification letter very late i;e in january 2010 and i sent it back to kcc but in February so i was thinking that this wil affect my interview date as they treat files on a first come first serve bases.
pls i will love to read from you all
Wish you the best


Many thanks, very useful points you have mentioned, especially about not celebrating too early - what a disappointment that would be.

Look forward to your post on Monday, until then have a great weekend. All the best.

keep me informed. I was looking and found out that you will be going to the interview soon. Let me know how your interview went. I wish you the best always.
All good people who have posted on this forum,

Any updates? If things have changed for anyone viewing this thread, please let us know.

With the grace of God we will have a successful interview next Tuesday and walk away with the Green Cards!

All the best to everyone.
Wish you the best

TZ bongo, I know July 6 is just around the corner, and am sure you will be happy before that day ends. I wish you the best on that day. Please share all the info after the interview and let us know how things went on your side.
Congrats to the Dv2011 winners and all the best in the process!

Thank you for thinking of me:) Yes, I will certainly post details, and I can only continue to hope and pray that it is a good story!

Have a peaceful weekend. All the best.

Thank you for thinking of me:) Yes, I will certainly post details, and I can only continue to hope and pray that it is a good story!

Have a peaceful weekend. All the best.
On Tuesday July 6th is your finest day. I pray to God that all goes well at the Interview and that you will share your joy with us. I'm a kenyan and will do my CP in Tokyo probably in September. Pray for me that my interviw be successful also

Thank you for thinking of me:) Yes, I will certainly post details, and I can only continue to hope and pray that it is a good story!

Have a peaceful weekend. All the best.

TZ-BONGO its your time go get your visa.......go through the past expiriences of intervieweez in this forum......All the best bro...kumbuka to Observe....

Thank you for thinking of me:) Yes, I will certainly post details, and I can only continue to hope and pray that it is a good story!

Have a peaceful weekend. All the best.


Wishing you success on your forthcoming interview on Tuesday

One love
You are all very kind. I am super nervous - have all the requirements so don't imagine there would be any issues, but also know better than to assume it is all in the bag!

Just out of interest - any views on the following: I don't have my A-level certificates from over 20 years ago (long story...). Would that be an issue? Too late to do anything about it, hopefully they would not be too literal and insist on it when I have documents confirming higher education - I have both a Bachelors and Masters Degree.

Will keep the House posted.
TZ Bongo

Tunangoje ujumbe mwema kwa hamu na gamu....
Aise tupe story.....masikio yanasokota
Interview experience at the US Embassy, Dar es Salaam.

We reached the Embassy at around 0720, having been advised that our appointment was for 0800.

There was one line outside, and soon after the security guard split the line into immigrant and non-immigrant applicants.

The non-immigrants were taken in, in groups of 3, and then the immigrants so it was about 0840 or so before we went through the security check.

At the security check, no briefcases or bags, and even documents in plastic sleeves had to be removed and the sleeves left behind. Staff very friendly, and they allowed my wife to take the baby's food bag in, which contained food and milk. This was a great relief. Otherwise, no baggage allowed, and there are no refreshments other than a water cooler so be prepared.

Once through security, into the waiting area - with the visa desks on the left. We queued up at the first desk (Document Checking), only to be told to wait; they were processing non-immigrants first, so we would be called. Annoyingly, we never were, and I would suggest you keep your place in the queue and let the non-immigrants through; there were people who entered after us, and because they did so they were processed before we were.

Joined the queue at about 1030 (without being told to do so), and our documents were taken at about 1130. Very nice woman (not sure if she was Tanzanian or American) collecting documents, asked me to put all the photocopies in the individual passports (my passport had copies of my documents, my wife's passport had copies of her documents, etc., etc). Original documents all submitted in one pile.
She gave me a slip to go and pay, which I did; current exchange rate is $/1,500 which is not far from the market rate.

At about 1220, we were called as a family to visa desk 2. Extremely pleasant and friendly American man was there, asked me if I was the principal applicant (replied in the affirmative). Took my fingerprints, then those of my wife - my older son also wanted his prints taken, so the CO smiled and said sure, go ahead :)

Asked to raise right hand, he administered the oath, and asked us to sign the forms (DSP 122?? The one which we are asked not to sign when submitting).

Questions, in no particular order:

- Where do you work
- Have you lived in the UK (looking at my UK police certificate)?
- Asked my wife if she has?
- Have you entered the lottery before? ( I had, and told him so)
- When did you get married?
- Looking at my older son, asked when he was born? Then asked him how old he was, my son said 5 - the CO said are you sure, you're very big, you look 10 :)
- When did I get my 1st NL?

And that was about it. He then said documents all look in order, so asked us to come back on Monday to pick up the visas. Gave us back our original documents, and we left at about 1230.

As our friend Grateful2010 said, we are not celebrating until we have the visas in hand...but delighted that we have got so far, and so far things look hopeful. The staff, in particular the CO, are a delight and a great credit to the Embassy. This is rare, and a very pleasant experience/

So many good people on this forum - thank you all! You have provided a great deal of experience, humour and common sense advice all of which have been very useful. I will continue to check into this forum, and of course if you have any specific questions please feel free to PM me.

God bless you all, and give you continued success in achieving your dreams.