talk to IIo and got to know interview date


Registered Users (C)
I talk to IIO today and was told my interview has been scheduled on April 30. Share the happyness with everybody here. Hope everyone here have a good luck this year.
RD: Feb. 2001
FD1: May, 2001(failed)
FD2: June, 2001(be noticed to do it in Aug, but went earlier and was accepted)
Transfer to Houston: Aug. 2002
FD3: Nov 2002
Could you please tell me if itas a transfer case??

Could you please give some more details regarding the case. wANTED TO KNOW IF ITS A TRANSFERRED CASE FROM A DIFFERENT SERVICE CENTER, date of transfer and when you got the interview letter..


Dude... any updates that you want to give regarding your interview at Houston local office. My case was transferred to Houston 0n 05/05/03 and any of your past experience/interview details will be helpful.

let's talk about it

sorry for reply so late. I just came home from an international trip.
My interview on April 30 was not good.
The question the officer raised were so simple at the begining:
name, birthday, any crime, the last time to enter USA.etc. I think she just wanted to confirm the information on the I485 appl. form are correct and update. then, she asked me about my company, because my company is very small, has only 3 employees. therefore she began to disagree with me about the concept of "manager", she thought the manager has to manage a lot of people while I believe that a manager sometime manages project more than phisical persons. Obiviously, she did not have time to have further discuss with me and said she need more time to review my case. To be worse, my FBI clearance had not come to her office at that time so she could stamped my passport anyway. She told me to wait for a while before she make a final decision and the FBI things. While she was packing my files, I tried to explain more about my company and gived her a new annual report of my company. She showed little interesting to it, but she did asked me some other questions about my company, like how long has you company been in USA( answer: 10 years), and then asked me for copies of my bank statement and 2002 tax return. then bye bye.
I think I am not dead yet. let wait. My lawer was very angry and he is not very helpful.

lessons1: If your position is manager, you have to manage lots of people.
lesson 2: trust only yourself. nobody else can help.:mad:

Thanks for the reply. Also could you please give me more details like the service center the place where u had the interview etc. The reason am asking this is my case got transferred from VSC to Houston local office for an interview on 05/05/03. I was just wondering if you had the interview in Houston too. Also how did u find the interview date? Did you get a letter or did u call some number to find out. I appreciate any information.

It has taken 8 months for you to get an interview call. Do you think the delay was because of the transition of IND to DHS?
My lawer said it is not a delay, he said i got my interview call much earlier than he expected.

for neha123:
1. I had my interview in Houston office
2. They sent me an interview notice 8 months later after i received my tranfer notice. the interview notice will tell what kind documents you need to have with you for the interview and the date, time you need to be there.

How long did it take to receive the transfer notice? My case was transferred on 05/05 and my attorney received the notice on 05/12. I didnt receive it yet. Please let me know.

Harris County

I live in Harris County. Does the county really matters for scheduling the interview??
Just caqme to know last night from a person working in Dallas INS that the interview scheduling depends on the county. I was quite surprised to hear that
To Wimbledon

Dude... is there any way that you could find out which counties are the fastest that come under the Houston Office Jurisdiction??

i am in Harris too. Hey guys can we try meeting the local representative or visit the office of the local Cong man and explain about our situation and Houston office