Suggestion to all

Silly Man

Volunteer moderator
Ok it's pretty clear that INS won't shake it's leg without a kick.

I suggest all of us write our greivances to AILA at Those people are lawyers, and seriously, if they see enough dollars, they will make anything move.

I have already done my part by writing to them already. But we need to bring light to the fact that INS is really screwing up 485 apps for no fault of ours. I think if AILA got a reason to rag them, they will do so. We just need to give them a reason that is good enough, and a strength that is united enough.

Whoever they need to sue or whatever, damn, just do it before it's too late.
Silly Man has a great idea......with this "freeze" on 485 processing and no communication coming from INS, you need to send an email to aila (address in silly mans post).

here is my email to them.....hopefully if each one of send an email this organization will get some answers for us.

my email.....

I'm sure you are aware of the information going around both formally from elected officials, INS officials and and informally about the "freeze" on 485 processing. In spite of contradictary communications coming from INS, this appears to be the situation.

I am one such person that has now been waiting for 1 year for my approval. While I understand the heightened security concerns this nation has, I find it unacceptable the lack of communication from the government department responsible for these approvals, namely the INS.

As your organization is a structured, recogonized body with influence and direct contact with decision makers of the INS, and while I'm sure you are already doing this, I am asking you to make a formal request for a statement from INS. Specifically this request should 1) have INS acknowledge there is a freeze, 2) for the exact reasons of the freeze, 3) any changes or new procedures to be implemented and what exactly are they and what influence they will have on approval timeframes, 4) the date when approvals will be resumed and 5) what INS will do to clear the backlog of some 2-3 months of inactivity.

Your assistance will be greatly appreciated by the thousands of your clients who do not have a unified voice/lobby with this organization that is impervious to the constituency they purportedly serve.

Thanks Onlee !!. I am sure if AILA wants to .. they can get INS moving. And I think they might even agree to help us guys.

Please make sure all your non-immigration portal reader 485 friends get to know of this too.
485 delays

This is a great idea, i have been thinking for the last few days that we need to do something in the same lines that the ISN Organisation did a few years ago with AC-21.
I have sent an email to AILA also i have sent an email to to see if they can get involved to help us out.

Just like in Lagaan ??? That is a film guys.. woke up

You , we and including Lawers CANNOT alter INS policies. Its their country concerning their security...
They first lock the lawers in if they wag more...
Mr. Jhanjhat I thinkyou are the most pessimistic guy on this portal. As for knowing boundries (which you have posted in another messgae). If you donot test your boundries and abilities you will never know what you are capable of.
GC_ka_jhanjhat, you are right. Their prime concern is security.

But honestly, how many terrorists have been waiting for years before they get their green cards so they can go blow up buildings?

Their concern is security, they need stealth planes, and language recogonition software. Both of which need immigrant minds to work.
Good Idea

I did my part and suggest everyone to do this.. Hope something will change..

It cannot go worse than this I guess...
sorry guys for being ignorant.

But what is AILA ? I guess its some organization, but how and why will they help us............
Originally posted by Silly Man
GC_ka_jhanjhat, you are right. Their prime concern is security.

But honestly, how many terrorists have been waiting for years before they get their green cards so they can go blow up buildings?

Their concern is security, they need stealth planes, and language recogonition software. Both of which need immigrant minds to work.

I agree INS/US is smart enough to weigh the capacity of immigrants and their requirement. I believe they need them(imm).
They are in process of eliminating terrorist applications from others. So may be some delay. Right from the beginning my argument was:
Respect INS
Believe they are doing to approve our cases
Originally posted by GeeCee Saga
Mr. Jhanjhat I thinkyou are the most pessimistic guy on this portal. As for knowing boundries (which you have posted in another messgae). If you donot test your boundries and abilities you will never know what you are capable of.

I definitely agree with your second part.
But regarding 1st: I am more of practical than of pessimist
( True pessimist won't apply for GC )