Sue Susan Su

You lied to USCIS that you would return to India after your graduation. Such a hypocrite you are.
For the slave ship you mentioned, I really wish your children meet such a fortune. Then you'll realize what exactly you are talking. I am really appalled by the apathy of some people.

my kids wouldnt meet that fate for sure,where ever they are born they will remain USC so they wouldnt be bothered by immigration laws, besides i dont really care i plan to relocate to india in 5 years.

i took normal route with no shortcuts! and i went to a really good school, not a diploma mill like in your case. dont you do any research when you pick a school? or were u considering it as an option to work legally, as h4 restricts working?

immigration is a tough thing ! i had first hand experience when i was an LPR and uscis was denying my spouse F, and B visas on multiple occasions seeing her as a potential immigrant having her spouse in usa. i didnt look to diploma mills not even once i aint stuped enough to stake my future ! i tried suny for here, for MS, SUNY is not great but comparing with tvu, they dont even belong in the same universe if to compare .
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Shradha_123, I feel you are wrong. USA is a land of immigrants and we are proud of it. America is great because of the vibrancy no doubt. In fact according to the American consulate's internal memos, every applicant is seen as an potential immigrant if you are applying for non-immigrant visa like F-1 or dual intent visas like H1b. No way does the forms ask you to swear under oath that you have to necessarily return to your home country. As a land of opportunities you have the right to change or adjust status here in the USA if you can and the same is acknowledged by the American government. As to if you are eligible that determination is done by the USCIS, which may choose to overlook such matter (i.e. one of intent of immigration by a F-1 visa holder for example) as determined by the Attorney General of USA. Thus by coming on a F-1 visa one does not commit perjury. One commits a crime only if you lie on the visa papers, which I am sure solid_traveling sure did not. Be aware a H1b visa is a dual intent visa which automatically presumes immigration intent. So now he being a USC can relocate to India if he is a PIO/OCI holder. That is his personal choice and the Indian Government is willingly allowing that. Therefore there should not be any guilt. Thus Shradha_123 your anger is invalid.
my kids wouldnt meet that fate for sure,where ever they are born they will remain USC so they wouldnt be bothered by immigration laws, besides i dont really care i plan to relocate to india in 5 years
I believe that US citizens are as much subject to law as any other person here. may be they wouldn't be subject to immigration rules. since you came down so harshly on tvu students, i wished that your children get entrapped in a case without any fault of theirs, just for being gullible , let them be punished. Then probably you'll realize what exactly you were wishing for TVU students.

i took normal route with no shortcuts! and i went to a really good school, not a diploma mill like in your case. dont you do any research when you pick a school? or were u considering it as an option to work legally, as h4 restricts working?
Neither was I looking for any shortcuts. I wanted to do a 2 year graduate course. I chose this univ. because of its low fees and offered me the flexibility of taking live courses.
Shradha_123, I feel you are wrong. USA is a land of immigrants and we are proud of it. America is great because of the vibrancy no doubt. In fact according to the American consulate's internal memos, every applicant is seen as an potential immigrant if you are applying for non-immigrant visa like F-1 or dual intent visas like H1b. No way does the forms ask you to swear under oath that you have to necessarily return to your home country. As a land of opportunities you have the right to change or adjust status here in the USA if you can and the same is acknowledged by the American government. As to if you are eligible that determination is done by the USCIS, which may choose to overlook such matter (i.e. one of intent of immigration by a F-1 visa holder for example) as determined by the Attorney General of USA. Thus by coming on a F-1 visa one does not commit perjury. One commits a crime only if you lie on the visa papers, which I am sure solid_traveling sure did not. Be aware a H1b visa is a dual intent visa which automatically presumes immigration intent. So now he being a USC can relocate to India if he is a PIO/OCI holder. That is his personal choice and the Indian Government is willingly allowing that. Therefore there should not be any guilt. Thus Shradha_123 your anger is invalid.

I am fully aware of the change of intent thing you explained. But i strongly feel that solid_travelling did have the intent of immigrating to US even before his F-1 visa was issued. Also, he is making baseless allegations on TVU students. He is just expressing vengeance against those students.
my kids wouldnt meet that fate for sure,where ever they are born they will remain USC so they wouldnt be bothered by immigration laws, besides i dont really care i plan to relocate to india in 5 years
I believe that US citizens are as much subject to law as any other person here. may be they wouldn't be subject to immigration rules. since you came down so harshly on tvu students, i wished that your children get entrapped in a case without any fault of theirs, just for being gullible , let them be punished. Then probably you'll realize what exactly you were wishing for TVU students.

Neither was I looking for any shortcuts. I wanted to do a 2 year graduate course. I chose this univ. because of its low fees and offered me the flexibility of taking live courses.

i aint waging war with you on this topic, lets come on clean.

did it ever not cross ur mind that tvu was fraudulent ? or did u think it was a prestigious institution? did u do any research on the institution before you joined ?
, if we look at the threads here on this forum there is a thread dated back all the way to march 2010, by the first 10 posts itself, everyone concluded that it was a diploma mill. sreeleshk (who started the thread) and Jo1234 strongly recommended every one not to join, and the consequences/ill fate a candidate had to deal with if associated with institutions like these. dont u do any research before putting future schooling in line. didnt the "christian faith" institution and bible classes in engineering and other science pregames ring any bell.

the thread was started by sreeleshk to inquire abt the ingenuity of of the claims made. he was actually looking to bypass the uscis laws to bring his wife to America.

i am sorry if i offended u, but i am using the first amendment, freedom of speech.
lets leave my kids out of it. if my kids do something really stupid, or try becoming over smart and playing the rules, they should pay the price! i am with u on that .

Its all about karma, ur actions/ deeds will get back at u when its pay back time.

if u tried to play the system, this is karma and pay back.
if u were too innocent, u have to understand the world is a cruel place, people around u arnt angels, people exploit the innocent, and the weak . this will be a learning chapter
if u were stupid that u didnt pay attention to the rules, what ur dealing with is the result and the price ur having to pay for ur stupidity.

tvu students HAVE to fall into one of the three categories!
Come on solid_traveling, is is human nature to bypass rules and its in the psyche. By default all TVU students have become guilty until proven innocent. Thus dont bias your thoughts. America is a great land, but still it is made great by the citizens here. I really can relate to the process of democracy here. Not knowing law does not absolve any one of a crime, I am with you on that. But understand the students at TVU were also under pressure to perform. Those who willingly flaunted the rules are paying, but there were students who were gullible and unknowingly were entrapped. So lets give Shradha_123 the benefit of doubt. Many students did not or do not do the necessary ground work necessary. I was teaching in a University, I can testify to the declining standards in higher education. I agree with you that TVU is and was a learning curve. Let us not make criminals out of common students who had no other mistake than to access what they required even though the path they chose was a more questionable one. Please do understand that as long as their are ways to defraud you will always have takers for it. I blame the government completely as they should have done a better job at gate keeping. Transgressions like what happened at TVU should have been recognized by USCIS more sooner than what was done. You cant blame the students when there is loop hole in the law itself. Thus the government has to take the blame on itself (which is the right thing to do) and reinstate the students who have not willingly broken the law, and wipe the issue from their records. As i said previously, there may be some who knew the fraud as being perpetuated by Susan Sue, but remain to keep quite for their own benefits should also be given the benefit of doubt. I understand that their is no single yard stick for measuring offense. Anyways the onus is on the USCIS to shut down these diploma mills, if they cant do so then the students themselves cant be blamed.

Shradha_123, by default all non-immigrants who eventually migrated committed/transgressed the issue of intent. It is common knowledge that every Tom, Dick and Harry wanted/wants to settle here in the USA if opportunity arises. I and even the American Government does not see it wrong. A F-1 visa is issued by the consulate well in their understanding that the person would jump ship at the first instance if given an opportunity to secure a GC.
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You may not believe it, but I know people who have returned to their home country after getting a PhD here. And not just Europeans, people from India as well.
The US is not the "land of milk and honey", which seems to be what large parts of the world thinks. You have to work very hard here, often harder than in your home country. You have lots of opportunities, but that also means lots of opportunities of failure.
Now, what differs here is that failure is not necessarily seen as bad thing, as it is in a lot of other countries. Here, it is often seen as a learning experience; you find out what doesn't work, or what you are not good at. But lots of foreign people still have the "failure is bad" mindset from their home country. Once you free your mind of that, then you become a real American...
price ur having to pay for ur stupidity.

tvu students HAVE to fall into one of the three categories!

Here's the sequence of events that occured in my case. In oct-2010, I took GRE and TOEFL. GRE score -1380, TOEFL iBT score -111/120. I started to apply for universities, still pondering over how to show financial statements to get F-1 visa. I didn't have adequate bank balance and my spouse wasn't supporting me financially. I have not been able to work since i was on H4. I was exploring various options of covering tution costs. Applied for some universities. Got admitted into some decent ones, and got waitlisted for really good universities. Then to my misfortune, i caught up with one of my old friends settled in CA. He told me about TVU and kind of over praised the institution. Dont really know if he was getting a commission for bringing new students. I did notice some red flags like improper website, on the forums there were mixed responses about TVU. Checked on SEVIS, it was an approved school. Then admission staff were very convincing. They said i can attend in-person or live classes. They were expanding their campus with better facilities. The enrollments had exponentially grown because of good education and good ROI. The faculty there seemed to have had doctoral degrees. Most of all, the fee/semester was $2700 only. So, i went ahead with this university. Two days after i enrolled, the university was raided and i was out of status. A week after this incident, i got admission into the waitlisted university, which apparently is ranked 35 in ms programs by usnews.

I dont know which category i fall into. I am out of my wits to even argue. Here i am justifying myself that i am not a criminal.
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hi shrada_123. i really appreciate ur comments on joe, actually he dont know wht to do? my situation goes this way. i already finished my masters from San Diego, and finished my OPT period, as i couldn't get job during tht period. one of my friends settled in OHIO told me to join this Univ and did it. this had happend. so i went to NY recently in the month of feb where my relatives stay and right now i got admission in a school attending classes daily by paying lot of tution fees and again attending classes DSO spoke to SEVIS authourities regarding my situation. and they were asking my DSO will u take care of these guys. and she sent response to SEVIS but till now our DSO didnt get any response from them....if we want to apply for reinstatement of my status atleast i should have an I-20. and one most important thing is tht i didn't even took any CPT from former TRI-Valley univ, and i am seriously attending classes online from the enrollment. wht should i do, i am really nervous..
i dont even know wht my current status is? i am not getting sleep these long can i stay in my relative home, this govt is not disclosing anything just saying investigation is going on, and we will do justice to students. but how long it will take to fix the problem....
Rajiv Khanna Sir,

Please give your inputs. Do we have a case against Susan Su and ICE?. If yes, how to proceed and what evidences to collect.