• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.



Registered Users (C)
First of all thanks Almighty for help and made things easy for us. It was the simplest one. Asked few questions about our marriage. The consular see our family pictures and our educational certificates. My interview was on 26 November and consular congratulated us saying our passport would be ready on 30/11.

special thanks to Mr. Tazmanian, Igmu and other active members who are playing a vital role to keep running this forum. Thanks to Sohana for helping Bangladeshi people. Personally I am glad to Mr.pratik who kept contact with me and shearing valuable information (He had his successful interview on 25 Nov. ). Finally wish all the best to the all members and the participants of DV2009. Thanks every one.

NB: Pratik would you please call me ones.
Congrats...... Nice to know that you get the DV visa... Also thanks to Mr. Pratik... I am very much happy to know since he helped me a lot... I will have my CP on 1st week of January, 2009.. Please pray for me & my family... Also please share your interview experience so that we can get idea... I am from Bangladesh & need your kind cooperation in this forum.

Thanks for the compliment. Pleas feel free to ask me any help you need. I got inormas help from this forum and its time to return something and I will try my best. Thank you.
Thanks for the compliment. Pleas feel free to ask me any help you need. I got inormas help from this forum and its time to return something and I will try my best. Thank you.

Dear Mic,

Thanks & please let me know your name since your name on forum is Mic. I wish to know your interview experience, Visa officers attitude, Environment of US embassy inside etc. Did you have your admit & reg card for SSC & HSC when you faced the interview? What other papers did they checked? What abut Medical? Which test they did? What type of question they asked? Please write me so that it will help me as well as all Bangladeshi DV winner.

Look forward to hear from you soon.


I have one open question to everybody, if someone has a PR/immigration visa for another country or has already applied for a PR/immigration visa to another country - will it be evaluated negatively by the CP for issuing a DV visa for the same person? Can they think this applicant does not need DV visa?

Someone please answer: in the additional questionnaire sheet, they asked "did you apply to any other country for permanent residance?" - is it a wise idea to put "NO" here considering the above question and to increase the chance for getting DV visa? Is there anyone who has applied for PR visa for another country (like canda or australia) and put YES to this question and still got DV visa?

Thanks in advance.
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Dear Mic,

Thanks & please let me know your name since your name on forum is Mic. I wish to know your interview experience, Visa officers attitude, Environment of US embassy inside etc. Did you have your admit & reg card for SSC & HSC when you faced the interview? What other papers did they checked? What abut Medical? Which test they did? What type of question they asked? Please write me so that it will help me as well as all Bangladeshi DV winner.

Look forward to hear from you soon.



Your Answers
> Visa officers were very friendly
> You have to wait in a hall room
> Took my(+Wife's) admit and reg. card of HSC & SSC
> Entered at 8 am. Faced at 2.15 pm (there were number of steps-submit
documents, cash payment, fingerprint and interview)
> They checked every documents they asked for
> In medical exam they only took by blood sample, urine, height, weight, cast
x-ray. They tested HIV, Tb, Hepatitis, Syphilis.
> The consular asked about our marriage. When got married, how did we
know each other. How long the relation was before marriage. That is all.
She looked our family album carefully.

That is all and if you want to know any thing in particular please ask me. Thank you for the compliment. All the best
Your Answers
> Visa officers were very friendly
> You have to wait in a hall room
> Took my(+Wife's) admit and reg. card of HSC & SSC
> Entered at 8 am. Faced at 2.15 pm (there were number of steps-submit
documents, cash payment, fingerprint and interview)
> They checked every documents they asked for
> In medical exam they only took by blood sample, urine, height, weight, cast
x-ray. They tested HIV, Tb, Hepatitis, Syphilis.
> The consular asked about our marriage. When got married, how did we
know each other. How long the relation was before marriage. That is all.
She looked our family album carefully.

That is all and if you want to know any thing in particular please ask me. Thank you for the compliment. All the best

Dear Mic,

Thanks for your kind message & info. Did u apply with new passport or Old one?? If we don't have SSC & HSC admit + reg card, shall we get visa? they said if don't, any old proof of ID will do? What type of ID they are looking for? Is it passport? or something else.. Please guide me since I will have my interview on Jan, 2009.

Wish to hear from you & good luck to the USA..
Hi Mic, thanks for helping us, I have few questions:

1. How many and what type/size photo per family person is needed?

In the BD Photo studio list doc (with 2nd NL), they mentioned two types of images with different paper to be used for printing. Do we need both type (& How many)?

2. Did you collect AOS doc from US relative or local bank balance?

3. Did you show them original bangla certificates or in past you already did change that to English version from Board? (Can anyone tell, in case of english version from board - do they enquire board to verify?)

Thanks in advance.
First of all thanks Almighty for help and made things easy for us. It was the simplest one. Asked few questions about our marriage. The consular see our family pictures and our educational certificates. My interview was on 26 November and consular congratulated us saying our passport would be ready on 30/11.

special thanks to Mr. Tazmanian, Igmu and other active members who are playing a vital role to keep running this forum. Thanks to Sohana for helping Bangladeshi people. Personally I am glad to Mr.pratik who kept contact with me and shearing valuable information (He had his successful interview on 25 Nov. ). Finally wish all the best to the all members and the participants of DV2009. Thanks every one.

NB: Pratik would you please call me ones.


SOHANA & Family
Another Successful Interview AT Dhaka, Bangladesh

First, I should thank to God, who started it and also finished it with a successful end.

Also I like to thank the authority of this forum, moderators and all members. I like to mention the names of Tazmania, Lucy Mo, Gerindo and many other members whose valuable comments helped me lot.

Thanks to Sohana, who is doing excellent job to help Bangladeshi DV winners. I am really grateful to her especially for her advice regarding photo ID. (As I don't have any photo in my SSC and HSC admit and registration cards and the Consular asked me to submit an old photo ID).

I had my interview on 25 November 2008 at Dhaka, Bangladesh. It was too simple and I was asked for a photo ID card. After submitting the ID card, they congratulated us and next day they provided the passport with visa and yellow envelopes.

My advices for the Bangladeshis are:

(a) Please read the thread of Sohana "On the day of dv interview at dhaka, bangladesh" which will help you lot for the interview. Here is the link:

(b) Don't be afraid if anybody has problem to speak English, because nobody will ask you a single question in English. There will be a translator always with the American.

Note: They did not ask for affidavit of support (sponsorship) or bank statement.

Good Luck to all
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First, I should thank to God, who started it and also finished it with a successful end.

Also I like to thank the authority of this forum, moderators and all members. I like to mention the names of Tazmania, Lucy Mo, Gerindo and many other members whose valuable comments helped me lot.

Thanks to Sohana, who is doing excellent job to help Bangladeshi DV winners. I am really grateful to her especially for her advice regarding photo ID. (As I don't have any photo in my SSC and HSC admit and registration cards and the Consular asked me to submit an old photo ID).

I had my interview on 25 November 2008 at Dhaka, Bangladesh. It was too simple and I was asked for a photo ID card. After submitting the ID card, they congratulated us and next day they provided the passport with visa and yellow envelopes.

My advices for the Bangladeshis are:

(a) Please read the thread of Sohana "On the day of dv interview at dhaka, bangladesh" which will help you lot for the interview. Here is the link:

(b) Don't be afraid if anybody has problem to speak English, because nobody will ask you a single question in English. There will be a translator always with the American.

Note: They did not ask for affidavit of support (sponsorship) or bank statement.

Good Luck to all

Congratulations! Its very kind of u to mention my name.
Hi Guys, I have couple of posts (see above) with few questions (first one is a bit unique and I am dying to get an answer !!!).....pls someone response......
Do not lie!!!

Hi Mic27, Congratulations for the successful interview and also for showing courage to help BD winners.

I have one open question to everybody, if someone has a PR/immigration visa for another country or has already applied for a PR/immigration visa to another country - will it be evaluated negatively by the CP for issuing a DV visa for the same person? Can they think this applicant does not need DV visa?

Someone please answer: in the additional questionnaire sheet, they asked "did you apply to any other country for permanent residance?" - is it a wise idea to put "NO" here considering the above question and to increase the chance for getting DV visa? Is there anyone who has applied for PR visa for another country (like canda or australia) and put YES to this question and still got DV visa?

Thanks in advance.

Please always write the TRUE things and only the TRUTH- never conceal anything - its my request to everybody.
Hi Mic, thanks for helping us, I have few questions:

1. How many and what type/size photo per family person is needed?

In the BD Photo studio list doc (with 2nd NL), they mentioned two types of images with different paper to be used for printing. Do we need both type (& How many)?

2. Did you collect AOS doc from US relative or local bank balance?

3. Did you show them original bangla certificates or in past you already did change that to English version from Board? (Can anyone tell, in case of english version from board - do they enquire board to verify?)

Thanks in advance.

1. Their is no fixed no of photo- u take 3R size photos by which u can show ur relationship and identity with ur other family members- take family photos where u , ur wife and childs r present- like engagement time, gaye holud, marriage ceremony, boubhat, honeymoon, with ur kids ( after birth , 1-2 yrs age then recent) like this.

U need only one type( IMMIGRANT, DV NIV PHOTO REQUIREMENT) which the photo studio knows- each will need 2 copies of photos- just tell VIP studio person that u need it fir DV interview- they will do the rest.It must not be older than 30 days from the day of ur DV interview date.

2. I have collected it from a relative in USA- but I think they dont ask for it during interview though it is mentioned in the 2nd NL. During our interview they told us it is not needed.
3. I had the English version only and took it.If u hv already got ur English version of ur Maksheets or certficates before ur first notification date of Dv then u take that one during interview- it depends on them whether to verify or not . U CAN NOT change ur Bengali version to English after getting ur first notification date.
NB. Pls go to my thread link given by mr. Pratik.
interview questions

First of all thanks Almighty for help and made things easy for us. It was the simplest one. Asked few questions about our marriage. The consular see our family pictures and our educational certificates. My interview was on 26 November and consular congratulated us saying our passport would be ready on 30/11.

special thanks to Mr. Tazmanian, Igmu and other active members who are playing a vital role to keep running this forum. Thanks to Sohana for helping Bangladeshi people. Personally I am glad to Mr.pratik who kept contact with me and shearing valuable information (He had his successful interview on 25 Nov. ). Finally wish all the best to the all members and the participants of DV2009. Thanks every one.

NB: Pratik would you please call me ones.

Congrats to get the visa as a bangladeshi. I am waiting for my interview. Plz share the experiance & questions of ur interview day.
Hi Joyanty,

We wrote our inteview experiences in this thread. Also Sohana wrote her interview experience in a separate thread "On the day of dv interview at dhaka, bangladesh", which is really helpful for Bangladeshi. Please read all this attentively. I hope you will get some help. Here is the link of the thread of Sohana.

Also, if you have any specific question regarding interview, please ask here. We will try to answer.

Thank you and Good Luck for your interview.
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Hi mates
I am sorry, I could not answer few questions you people asked me in this tread because I am a bit busy. I am moving to USA 25th of this month. Hope fully met with you in the forum next month . Pls pray for us. All the best
Plz write details on the journey from ZIA to ur destination

Hi mates
I am sorry, I could not answer few questions you people asked me in this tread because I am a bit busy. I am moving to USA 25th of this month. Hope fully met with you in the forum next month . Pls pray for us. All the best


PLZ WRITE THE EXPERIENCE OF UR JOURNEY esp. process at ZIA- customs, Immigration, on board,forms to write,any extra taxes, stop overs, anything special in any airport, what to do after landing in a USA airport like this. THE PAPERS WHICH WE SHOULD KEEP IN OUR HANDBAGS OR CARRY-ONs , if any difficulties at IMMIGRATION in our country or in USA.


we r preparing to leave on 16th JAN,09.
Pls reply quick...

Hi Pratik & Mic - you guys got visa within very very short time and even got verbal confirmation on the interview date. So I am very curious to know what special things you did that made you guys different than others. May I know the following things:

1. Did both of you have BANGLA version of board certificates? [someone told me, people who already got english version from Board are put on admin processing and it takes lot of time]

2. Do both of you have some "innocent" Name pattern that does not sound doubtful to the Consular? [also i was told, people with specific name patterns are sent to admin processing]

3. Do you have any special job experience or education that makes you different?

4. Can both of you try to identify anything special in your documents and/or processes that ensured your visa just on the interview date?

Please, answer it quickly, my interview is knocking the door and I am running out of time!

Hi Joyanty,

We wrote our inteview experiences in this thread. Also Sohana wrote her interview experience in a separate thread "On the day of dv interview at dhaka, bangladesh", which is really helpful for Bangladeshi. Please read all this attentively. I hope you will get some help. Here is the link of the thread of Sohana.

Also, if you have any specific question regarding interview, please ask here. We will try to answer.

Thank you and Good Luck for your interview.