Successful CP @ Mumbai and POE @ Philadelpia


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Hi All,
We had successful CP on 23rd August at Mumbai. Sorry for posting my experience so late, but I was travelling a lot in India and didn't had internet access in remote areas. Here are the details of my CP experience -


Finished my medical on 12th at Lilavati hospital. We took appointment; they ask me to come between 7-7.30 am. I recommend to reach there around 7.45 am since office opens at 8 am. No numbering or line concept, one who reach first at table after they open office, gets first number, but even after filling forms and handing over to lady (at my time), she done everything in batches, so no point in rushing out there.
Filled the forms for each family member. We were asked for ORIGINAL appointment letter, passport and 2 photos
Took out blood for me and wife (no blood testing and x-rays for kids)
Send us for x-rays, 2 min job, finished it and came back to the same place (remember this, don't wait in xray area)
Then another lady took all Vitals (asked whether we had chickenpox, remember to say Not sure, but I think YES)
Gave me two shots, MMR and Titanus and Titanus for my wife (which is compulsory for everybody) All process done by 9.30
and asked to wait for doctor(she called lady and told she will come by 11, came after 11.30). Went upstairs and had Batatawada, Idli and samosa. by 11.45, she called at doctor’s office and we were done by 12. Didn't ask any questions, as she was on phone and she told to collect reports by 4pm.

Then rushed to My own studio for photos took urgent photos(charged Rs 200) had snacks for lunch, came back to hospital. Then waited for 4 pm. We were sitting outside the area from Visa section in hospital and the door was always closed. So I thought ok its still time to open the door, and after 15 mins, I saw everybody gone and door is still closed. So I knocked the door and collected the reports. Asked lady that everything is ok or not? She smiled(finally) and said everything is ok.

But hospital and staff is good and I recommend Lilavati highly for medicals.

Day before interview :-
Since our relative staying in Mulund area, and we came from outside, we stayed at hotel Royal Castel. Its good hotel as compared to cost and you have to spend one nite there only, so didn’t bother to go to Hotel Shalimar, close to consulate. Took double bed room and also talked about late checkout, since checkout time is noon, agreed to charge half rate, otherwise they charge for full day. If you are taking taxi for this area, tell them Kemps corner/Nana chowk.

Interview Day :-
Took taxi for consulate and reached around 9.20 for 9.30 interview time. Guard asked us to stand in line, I told him that I have immigration interview, but still asked us to stand in line. So I recommend everybody to reach there early. Luckily there were few people in line. If you have kids, don't wear them lighted or musical stuff like shoes, etc. As soon as we entered into room our name was called and we reached at window 12. Lady started asking documents(me, then wife, then kids) like passport, photos(didn’t signed any, she asked to sign only one), DS-II and asked to sign it. Asked to change address to India address on part I(for everybody), original employment letter, birth and marriage certificate(I had translations notarized by translator in US). For my wife, part II, affidavit of support, birth certificate. Since we didn't have her birth certificate, we took affidavit for her parents, but was not able to get non-availability certificate from local authority, so lady started telling that this is law and you have to get it and all that stuff, finally she put remark on the verification sheet for docs. She collected all the docs for wife kid and me. asked for tax return for 2001, gave copy of tax transcript. Asked to sign the document saying that I will join the same employer and if any thing changes, I'll inform them. She asked us to wait to be called. She was nice as compare to lady next to her at window 11. She was grilling one family and took 1 hour to collect the documents and was shouting on them.

From 10 am we stared waiting to be called and finally, was called at 12.45 pm at window 9 where there was American lady consular and Indian officer assisting her. She was about to sign the papers and then she was note on the sheet regarding lack of document. She asked that why we didn't have that document and asked Indian officer whether it is necessary document, I was holding my breath and he said yes and started giving lecture how to get and all .... I told lady that we tried hard to get the letter, but they refused to issue it, but I have 10th board certificate where it has date of birth. Lady asked Indian officer that whether it is sufficient to have that document and he said YES. All my tension from 10 am gone that time. He asked lady to fill form to waive the requirement of document and she asked to pay visa fee($65).

You can pay visa fee in US $, but have to fill one form, and $ bills should be in 5, 10 or 20's. No 100 $ bills are accepted. By the time we were done with American consular, cashier’s window was closed for lunch. So again started waiting to open the window, luckily, it opened soon, paid the fees by DD, and he asked me to come back 3.30 to collect the passport. Came outside the consulate with big smile on face, went to good restaurant for lunch, dropped wife and kid at hotel(remember extended check out). Stood in line, showed receipt and collected passport and sealed envelope with immigration visa paper with photo on it. Checked all the names, spelling and address. Everything was ok.

I had separate folders for each applicant. One folder for copies of all documents and one folder for other documents like tax transcript, pay stub, IRS 9003(not asked for), etc.


Our port of entry was Philadelphia. Just filled customs form and stood in line for Citizens/ Permanent residents. Immigrations officer entered our name in computer and directed us to another room. Another officer called me, took all the envelopes, passport and asked us to sit. After he finished all the entries, he called me, took fingerprint, then he took my wife’s fingerprint. He didn’t take my daughter’s fingerprint since she is below 18. Then explained what’s going to happen after this. Showed us ‘A-‘ number for everybody. Suggested to contact social security office for new card(may get same number). And told us that we will receive green card in 6-9 months. Checked the address.

Collected all luggage and happily entered US.

I’m very thankful for the members who participated in the discussion board and answered all the questions/queries that I had. This board was very helpful to me in completing successful CP. Thanks to everybody and I’ll be glad to answer, if anybody has any questions.
Congrats Dude! and Thanks for a detailed posting.

Since you have already covered most major issues,I have certain trivial issues to ask.
1.My marriage certificate shows the date that I applied for registeration and not the actual marriage date.Is that an issue? 2.Also is there a dress code for the consular interview or were you in casuals.Your answer will help me get rid of the bulky suit coats from my baggage!
3. Did you show the 401k balance in I-134? advance for your reply.
Cahndu bhai

Here are the answers that you ask for -
1. My marriage certificate shows the date that I applied for registeration and not the actual marriage date.Is that an issue?
This I don't know. Generally marriage certificate will have date of marriage. My certificate starts with the same column ie. date of Marriage, then place of Marriage and then details of Bride/Groom. Also it does have date of registration.

2.Also is there a dress code for the consular interview or were you in casuals.Your answer will help me get rid of the bulky suit coats from my baggage!
No dress code. Consular officer cann't see you below your chest, so don't worry about that. I was in casuals.

3. Did you show the 401k balance in I-134?
If you have salary well above avg, then I-134 is just the formality for employment based CP. You can mention it, but not needed.

Hope I answered your questions.

One more thing I forgot to mention, that If your company has merger, then take the documents as much as you can. They return one guy same day for not having all documents.
Congrats svj. I134 question...

I have filed I134 (affi. of supp) for my parents when they came here in USA 2 years back (they stayed for 4 months and went back).
Now for CP, what should I mentioned in I134 question# Q.9 and Q10. Is it ok to put 'None'.
Pl. reply.
Also, do I have to submit two I134 for spouse and child?

You don't have to mention it on I-134. Its better to ask to attorney. Regarding two I-134, yes you have to submit I-134 for all family members who are getting green card with you(except you, you have employment letter).

Best of luck. :)
appearance of attorney...

Thanks svj.
Some more Qs...
My atty filing DS230PII and other docs. He is also sending a form called "Appearance of Attorney".
Q. Do we need to submit this form also at consulate?
A. Can we prepare all the form our self?
Appearance of Attorney

I think its G-28. There is no harm in filling and signing it. I did it. Only think happens is that all the correspondence will go through attorney. So he will receive your P4 and then he will send it to you otherwise you have to bypass attorney and fill all the forms yourself. If this is at P3 stage, you will need bar coded envelope that you need to send along with fees. So G-28 is for all communication goes through him and yes, you can fill all the forms, they are not that hard to fill and you will find most of the answers for all confusing question in the forms.
Hi, svj

Thanks for your posting. You are right that is G28. I did submitted with P3.
I have an interview at bombay cons. this month and do I have to submit the same G28 at bombay? (My attorney has sent it to me with P4) or is it ok not to give at bombay cons.
Pl. reply.
G-28 is not required ....

at the time of interview at Mumbai consulate. They will ask for the documents that are mentioned in the P4. So don't worry about that and also you will be carrying all the forms/docs with you so he might have sent it to you. Following are the most WANTED docs you need to carry -
1 Visa Appointment Letter
2 DS230-I(Copy)&II(Original)
3 Marriage Certificate(Original)
4 Marriage Certificate(w/ Trans cert)
5 Birth Certificate(Original)
6 Birth Certificate(w/ Trans cert)
7 Police Certificates(Consulate)
8 I-134
9 2001-2000-1999-TAX RETURNS
10 Photos(3 each person)
11 Notarized Offer of Employment
12 Medical Reports (no X-Rays)
13 Passports

Plus make copy of each doc. All the best!!!!
Reg. SSN

HI prasad,


My POE is newyok and i already having SSN number. Shall i reply again or shall i continue with old one.

I already aplied to wife. i dont know wether i have to apply for SSN or not?

can you please to my email id

$65 demand draft question

Do we need separate DD for each applicant or one for the family ($65 * # of applicants) will do?
$65 fees

Hi Satish,

You can have one for whole family or have one for each member either way will work. I had taken one for each member.
Regarding SSN

Even though you have SSN, you need to reapply for the updated one(you can keep old SSN) to remove 'Valid for work only with INS authorization' statement from the SSN, since you are now PR.

Hi svj,

Thanks for your info.

Now i am at newyork can i reapply in newyork or any where in US?

Congrats for the Green Card.

Do you remember the format of the document that you have signed in consulate (document that says you need to tell embassy about any change)

Please reply ...

Document matter



No I don't remember the format or whats in the document because I didn't get chance to read it rather they don't give enough time to read the document, they tell that this is the document saying that you agree to inform consulate/INS if change in status(as not joing the same employer, change of address or any other reason). That time everybody is in mood of getting it over and nobody wants to argue with anybody(not even guard), so I don't think so, anybody has read that document inspite of knowing that nobody really knows the contents of it. There was discussion on the same subject long back in one of the thread, but nobody was able to get it thru.

Sorry I cann't shed light on this matter. :eek:


I think you can apply anywhere in US since you have SSN, but best way to do it is go to nearest SS office where you are currently staying(that's what I did).

hi, svj
just wanted to say thanks that u r replying quickly to all Qs posted in this thread.

Thanks for the compliments. Since I joined this forum, I got lots of information and details about the processing and wanted to give it back to this forum. It is my responsibility that I should answer all the questions if I have any information about it.

All the best for Sept guy's and cann't wait to read their experiences about interview.:cool: