Successful CP Interview in Chennai


Registered Users (C)
Hi Everyone,
I completed my CP interview @ Chennai on June 26th. No questions asked. Very simple process. If you have all the necessary documents listed in P4, then you are done! I didn\'t have my Birth certificate, so I produced two affidavits from my parents (taken 2 days before the interview) along with a non-availability certificate. I will not have internet access all that frequently. I will try to answer any questions the next time I get a chance. I will be travelling to SFO towards July end. Hopefully, there will be no complications at port of entry...

congratulations XML

Hope your POE will also bee very smooth.
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Congrats XML... Question

Please throw some light on co. merger and CP interview experience.

What docs. did they ask and you presented.

Would appreciate your reply.

Successful POE on July 23rd

Entered USA on July 23rd (SFO). We were the first in line. The whole process took only 5 min (but we had to wait in line for half hour since no officer was free to process our case). Usual questions like who sponcered the GC and what I do in my company etc.

Several people were standing in the line for US Citizens and were sent back to the New Immigrants line.

Although my case involved merger we didn't mention that any where and they didn't ask me about the merger!

I have a company merger before appling for GC. In fact merger happened before my L1 is approved. Do I need to take care of any additional docs for P3 and Interview? I am planning to post my P3 next week..
xml- Question about affidavit

Congratulations on your successful CP
Can you tell me the format of the affidavit you took. I am planning to take one for mispelt names on my birth certificate.

Re: Successful POE on July 23rd

Originally posted by xml
Entered USA on July 23rd (SFO). We were the first in line. The whole process took only 5 min (but we had to wait in line for half hour since no officer was free to process our case). Usual questions like who sponcered the GC and what I do in my company etc.

Several people were standing in the line for US Citizens and were sent back to the New Immigrants line.

Although my case involved merger we didn't mention that any where and they didn't ask me about the merger!

Guys, I am in my i-140 and want to apply for CP at CHENNAI. What is the process and how long it takes?
Thanks a lot..
You need to chose consular processing on your 140. Otherwise it's better to apply for 485 rather than going through 824 route.
thx ra7

Any idea about approximate timings it takes for each process w.r.t both options?
CP and AOS?
Yea. 824 route will take significant time. AOS is better indeed. If you opted for CP in I-140 it is taking around 4 1/2 to 5 months. It is around 10-12 months for AOS.
Re: xml- Question about affidavit

Originally posted by cpindia
Congratulations on your successful CP
Can you tell me the format of the affidavit you took. I am planning to take one for mispelt names on my birth certificate.


This is the approximate format of the affidavits (from both parents) that I took along with my Non-Availability certificate:

AFFIDAVIT BY [Parent’s Name]

I, [Parent’s Name], s/o[d/o] [Grand father’s name] hereby depose and say
1. My full and complete address is


2. That I was born on [Parent’s date of birth] in the town/city of [City, Country].

3. I married [Name of Spouse] on [date of marriage] in the city of [name of city], [country].

4. My spouse [Spouse Name], and I had the following children:
[List all children and their date of birth. List the Date of birth in words also]

5. [Your Name] was born in Town/City of [City, Country].

6. This affidavit is being submitted because there is no official record of birth for [Your Name].

I declare under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is a true and correct statement.

[parent’s name and signature]

Subscribed and sworn to before
Me, this ____ day of __________,
2001 at ______________________.

Thanks XML,

My birth cirtificate do not have my name in it. It simply says a baby born on so and so date at an address for (My parents names). Is this Ok with consulate? Do I need to gather non-availability cirtificates? Please help...
Originally posted by saradao
Thanks XML,

My birth cirtificate do not have my name in it. It simply says a baby born on so and so date at an address for (My parents names). Is this Ok with consulate? Do I need to gather non-availability cirtificates? Please help...

Can you get a corrected birth certificate? That will be the best. One of my friend was in the same situation and he got a new birth certificate (from Bombay) with corrections. Also, send an e-mail to your consulate and ask them for suggestions...If you are submitting an affidavit, then I think, you need to have a Non-Availability certificate also...

hello to xml on successful gc, I plan to go for interview in oct in chennai,few doubts
the name on my birth cert has my initials on it, can it expanded and new one issued?
how did you get police cert from india? i have applied from the consulate here (PCC), i heard you have to have both
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Originally posted by m16
hello to xml on successful gc, I plan to go for interview in oct in chennai,few doubts
the name on my birth cert has my initials on it, can it expanded and new one issued?
how did you get police cert from india? i have applied from the consulate here (PCC), i heard you have to have both

I didn't get local PCC from India. I applied for PCC @ Indian consulate (SFO) and that was sufficient! During the interview, no body asked me for a local PCC. I think you can get a new birth certificate with the name corrected (on the visa, they use the name in your passport).

Thanks for your update on Birth certificate. Do I need to extend mine and my wife's visa before I attend interview? I am expecting oct interview and our visas will expire next month. My L1 is valid till next year though. Can you suggest me on this?

thanks for the info xml, will try to get birth cert corrected if possible. Re: pcc though there was an earlier posting about mumbai asking for it for brief while. Want to attempt to get it if needed, any suggestions how to get it?
Saradao, I am planning oct int in chennai if it works out, keep me informed

you mentioned that u did not have to mention anything about merger. Can you explain this a little? Are u saying that ur company name has changed but u did not have to mention this in your interview.
What happens once after Packet3 has been created and the company name has changed due to merger?

I think it's better to take merger papers with you in case they ask for it. You can take the merger related media articles as well.