Successful Ac140 @delhi ( i485 to ac140 case)

Drak and gchope. I did hear back. but mine is not a typical case - i have used some bureacratic connections to expedite my case bcz my current H-1B (final extension) expires at the end of Aug, so to avoid headaches re: travel, work, etc.

Anyway, i recd an email from ND on friday saying they had accepted my case and scheduled me for an early interview in a couple of weeks (early July). they said they have sent my notification package with details. they said the package contains a list of doctors etc. for the medical.

do either of you know if this package comes through regular post?

Congatulations ... wow!! (you are cool!)

Per this board, they send the info packet (called P4) via diplomatic post - first to Washington D.C. and then to your
US address.

You can also have someone from your family pick up a copy of the packet at the ND consulate window.
Thanks drak! I only worry whether I have enough time for it to get to DC and then up to NY (which is where I am) before I fly out!!

Will keep you posted.
another useful ac-140 ND thread + Official site for AC-140

Also see Rjain's regular CP @ND thread (year 2004 info):

And the legendary cpdelhi's thread (doctors list is outdated and so are expected timelines etc. - but still very useful. Warning: this one is not AC-140 friendly as there are more questions than answers about AC-140 at ND in this thread):

Official site for AC-140:
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Very good link. Basicaly it says that Consular offices are not supposed to reject request for AC140 as long documents are complete and last residence falls under that post.

Did you try to contact NWD again ?

I was thinking of contacting by this Tursday night so that they already have almost three weeks since application received.
case number assigned!

I just called and found out the consulate has assigned a case number to my application - and got the number.

No further info is available at this time except that "an interview will be scheduled in 4-6 weeks".


Good News.

Infact I tried to call few times yesterday, but no body picked up the phone. I will try again today.

What time is good to get hold of them ?


In my experience, between 10am to 11.30 am IST; but you have to redial at least 20-50 times before you get connected (it's a mini project at night). Thanks.

Drak and other Guru's
I tried calling yesterday night for AC-140 case with New delhi. I was asked my last name and first name and then the person on th ephone said he does not see my name in system. He then said probalbly they have not received my papers. I told them that Fedex showed that it was delivered on 07 June. He asked me to send an email and he said he will ask conecerned officer to look inot it.

Guru's do you have any sugestion how should go about resolving this ?

I am planning to call New delhi consulate today to see if some one else picks up the line and can provide any information.

GC ,
Did you spell out your name, some times they make typo mistakes. It happened to other CP folks also from different consulates.


I has to spell it 4 times before that person could understand. Also he was not fluent in english. Therefore I doubt the same thing. I am going to try today.

Also aren't they suppose to send email to Lawyer with case number once it is created ?


Send the consulate an email and request their consideration while describing the details of FedEx shipment and delivery.

I went through the same phase 10-12 days ago but it is worth to follow up. You can also send a fax.
gchope2166 said:
Also aren't they suppose to send email to Lawyer with case number once it is created ?

{ Yes, with mumbai consulate I am not sure about other consulate }



Did you hear back anything yet ? My status remains the same as before (details in the signature).

I have sent many emails but received no reply.

I have not received case number yet. I tried them couple of time and every time I got reply that my case is under review. Asked me to call next week. :(

Case Number assigned

Drak & Others

Yesterday Night I called NWD and I was given my case number. Infact The person knew me as I had called 3 4 times and he apologised that he made me call so many times. He said that all this was because of new process in place. I did not ask him what this new process is.Also he told ( voluntarily) that name check request has been sent for me and once it is back , I will be ready to be scheduled for interview. I am hoping I will get interview in September.


My case number is NWD2004XXX00X. Is your in same format ?


Case: AC-140 New Delhi, EB-2. Sent: June/03/2004; Reached ND: June/07/2004(per FedEx); Case number assigned Jul/26/2004 (as learnt on phone on July/27/2004).

Congratulations! The lack of communication from NWD really makes us feel bad - although we know they are working hard (hopefully!) and to a plan (doing some checks etc.) before assigning a case number.

Sure, my number is similar to yours, patternwise.

I have still have no news as when to expect an interview.
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This delay of approx 1-2 months in assigning case num is only for the AC-140 cases or this is happening in almost every CP case?