STOP Sonia becoming PM - Petition


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This is a political request ! I feel humiliated to have Sonia as our PM ! I am feeling so agitated about this affair.. It is really a national shame that we have spineless, gutless, docile Congress leaders (actually they are just having servant mentality :-( ) and its coalition leaders.

Please sign this petition and please forward it all your friends , if you believe that our nation deserved better than Sonia ! Give a call to your friends , share your agony, let us create a public opinion. I have decided to be more active from now on, I request you to do the same !

Please sign this petition to show your support :

Our aim is to have 10,000 signatures by End of Today.

We are trying to make something of our ownselves in a different country !!!

Now if you have this attitude, how do you expect the people of this country to react to our predicament. (I am all for BJP by the way) and yes she has paid her dues to India.

Its the peoples choice so let them try her out !
Dont you see a hypocrisy in it..

Its one thing for an Indian in a village to claim this. For an educated person who lives here to say this is a total disregard for everything we are fighting for here. She had been a citizen since around 1982 and I don't have a problem with Sonia being a PM just because she was born in a different country.
Shame on you my friend..
You want to go to a different country (USA) and get the same rights as the citizens there. Yet, you want to restrict the rights Sonia Gandhi has. why????
she has got her citizenship, lived in india for years, raised her kids there and learned the language. She deserves it. Whether she will be good at it or not, time will tell.
Support her

I don't see any reason why she should not be PM. Unless given a chance we can't write her off.
As regards talk about her being a foreign born, how many of our local politicians have sacrificed so much to our country as she has.
It is grossly unfair to be criticising someone for an issue that the country's constitution has no mention off.
Hats off great Indians

It gives me great pain reading some of your views. If they are just for the sake of argument then I will neglect them. I want to make sure that I enroll to no political party's philosophy. However I would like to mention to my fellow Indians that drawing parallel to working as a Software programmer or a at a Gas Station with that of a World's largest democracy's Prime Minister Job makes no logic.

What we are supposedly fighting here for is process changes to our temporary stay and not for a important position like a premeir of a country. Trying asking that in any country in the world including this country and they will kick us out the next moment.

I can keep on writing about the sorry state of Indian Democracy, but am trying to get together a group both who are pro and anti to the concept of India being headed by an non Indian born citizen.

As an proud Indian I will fight to make my country better whatever it takes.

Fighting the educated is far more difficult than educating an illitrate and I am ready to start this fight no matter what.

More soon.

Freedom Fighter.....
Some facts for people who seem to think Sonia is the "chosen one" :
Only 15% of the electorate voted for Congress (that too not for Sonia) but the present scenario is such that she has an opportunity to be PM.
If she was so confident of her popularity with the people of India why did she not reveal her intentions during the election campaign, of becoming PM if Cong. party made it to the government?
She is not Indian, even if she screams from the rooftops, wearing a saree and imitating her mother-in-law (including the band of grey hair! how low can you get for grabbing power?!) does not make her one!
Someone mentioned her sacrifices on this forum, and what sacrifice is that? She lost her husband? well, that is a risk she took when she married into the most powerful and controversial family in India! As part of that deal she has also been transported into the lap of luxury from her humble beginnings, lets not forget! Where is the record of her having done anything for the poor who she claims to be the saviour of? Time will tell, but by then coffers will be empty of the money that the last few years of economic boom had made possible.
My opinion is that she is a mere place-holder for one of her children, most probably Priyanka because Rhul appears to be too sincere to make a good Congress leader!
For those of you who say we have double standards regarding citizens rights, please, none of you will be eligible to fight for president after your US citizenship goals are achieved, just think about that!

Folks, I know this is not political forum, but I felt I had to respond to this.

Soem facts for people who seem to think Sonia is NOT the "chosen one":

Some facts for people who seem to think Sonia is the "chosen one" :
Only 15% of the electorate voted for Congress (that too not for Sonia) but the present scenario is such that she has an opportunity to be PM.

BJP won 138 seats compared to 145 won by Congress. Vote share of Congress was better than BJP.
Scenario is same as it was for Mr Vajpayee in 1998-99. His party never won majority. He DID NOT won elections on his own, but had opportunity to become PM just coz he was chosen leader of largest single party at that time. Same principal is being applied this time too. Sonia Gandhi is chosen leader of single largest party and de-facto she becomes Prime minister. She is not jumping hoops or short changing the system. That is how constitution of India was followed then, and it is being followed now.

If she was so confident of her popularity with the people of India why did she not reveal her intentions during the election campaign, of becoming PM if Cong. party made it to the government?

Public memory is so short. Had BJP won majority of its own in 1999, Advani and not Vajpayee would have become PM. Vajpyee became PM , because he was ACCEPTABLE to NDA. Ths time BJP fought elections in name of Vapayee, because that was their only hope of keeping moderate face and win elections as they had nothing else to show as accomplishments. On other hand, Congress focussed on issues and not on personalities. In the battle of personality vs issues, it is clear who won and why ?
I wonder no one made noise, when likes of Chandrashekra, Gowda and Gujral's became PM with handful of MPs, or when BJP props likes of Mayawait to post of CM, even though she is not leader of largest single party.

She is not Indian, even if she screams from the rooftops, wearing a saree and imitating her mother-in-law (including the band of grey hair! how low can you get for grabbing power?!) does not make her one!

How would you prove that you are Indian ? Dude, no one has to prove their patriotism or indianness , not especially the way you want.

Someone mentioned her sacrifices on this forum, and what sacrifice is that? She lost her husband? well, that is a risk she took when she married into the most powerful and controversial family in India! As part of that deal she has also been transported into the lap of luxury from her humble beginnings, lets not forget! Where is the record of her having done anything for the poor who she claims to be the saviour of? Time will tell, but by then coffers will be empty of the money that the last few years of economic boom had made possible.

you probably need to do very serious reading here. She was founder of Rajiv Gandhi foundation, which has done tremendous work for slums, poor and woman. Even being a foreigner and after death of her husband, she chose to stay here in India. She could have very well chosen to leave India after death of her husband. Instead she stayed here and reared her children here. She took 7 years before she plunged into politics.

My opinion is that she is a mere place-holder for one of her children, most probably Priyanka because Rhul appears to be too sincere to make a good Congress leader!

This is pure speculation. Bottom line is that BJP as its sympathizers have their ego bruised pretty badly. Who would like to be outwitted and outsmarted by someone considered a novice and foreigner in indian politics. These elections have clearly proved that
1. people are very smart and they see no problem in a foreign born woman to become a citizen of india, to become MP, minister or prime minister.
2. People want good government, which doesnt talk about ram mandir, hindu rashtra and upholds one religion over all others.

NDA govt worked only for middle class and upper class and poor clearly felt left out. So they were promptly shown the door. How new govt will do, only time will tell. But they have good opportunity to help every one move forward to reap benefit of economic liberalisation instead.

For those of you who say we have double standards regarding citizens rights, please, none of you will be eligible to fight for president after your US citizenship goals are achieved, just think about that!

You may not become a President of usa (but again u never know, there is talk of allowed naturalized citizens to contest for post of president), But no one will point finger to your children, when they (and you someday if u becoem citizen here) will be singing national anthem of usa and say Hey, you were not born here , so u cant be american enuf to sing our national anthem. If you are asked to prove your loyalty to this nation or India, when you go back , how will you do that ? You think about that.


Finally, those who are feeling so apalled at her being PM, should sit back and thnk logically. No one has manipulated system here. This is how indian democracy works. I think it is testimony to greatness of Indian democracy and anyone who works sincerely can touch new heights.
Seeing the horrible replies of passive and irresponsible people (like forum123, EAD2003 etc) here is more worrisome than Sonia becoming the PM of india. How can an educated and nationalistic person accept an italian as the prime minister of india ? Sonia has spent better part of her life as an Italian than as an indian . She was an Italian for 36 yrs and indian only for the past 21 years. She has not done any service to this country and she has just 6 years of political experience (which has been quite unimpressive and horrible). People DID NOT vote for Sonia to be the PM. Unfortunately in Inida, the voting does not take place based on PM candidate. It takes place based on the caste of the local candidate, his personal reputation, his money power and opponent's weakness. More than all these factors, the single most factor that dictates the results of 80% of the elections in india is this rule : THE RULING PARTY LOSES. What ever is the performance of a party, in recent years the people all over india have adopted this TamilNadu formula. I always used to laugh at Tamilnadu elections. After MGR, every election invariably brings down the ruling government. The same thing started happening every where in india too. Even if a dog contests on the opposition ticket, it wins the elections. Results like that of West Bengal and Orissa are rare(elections are a waste in west bengal :D). MP and Rajasthan have not punished BJP because it just came to power but i am sure the next elections will bring congress back to power in those states (and TDP in AP :D).
Sonia has fully utilized a constitution loophole and the spineless character of congress party and we are helpless except to pray that some congress men gather some courage and moral strength and prevent any selling activities by Sonia. We are back to the western
rule :mad:
Some people foolishly equated Sonia's Prime Ministership with our Citizenship apirations in USA. What a horrible comparison. Nobody objected to Sonia taking indian citizenship and living in india as an naturalized indian. The issue is do we want to give the kingdom to her ? PM is like a King in india. She can virtually do anything when none of her party colleagues has any guts to even look at her face (they only look at her feet, always)
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I agree with bold_truth…. Now I understood how India captured by British…some educated people trying to support Sonia with their logical, impressive, good English but I totally against them and felt very bad. Why don’t these intelligent people think with patriotism? My kid is a US citizen, what she will do if she is become American president? She will definitely do favor to India.
Sonia as a wife of prime mister did favors to Italy, then how can she truly loyal to India and cares about Indian security and prosperity as a prime minister. Very developed nation where you live thinks in the same way and keeps all of us out of their key positions.

My request is don’t try to use your intelligence and logical thinking power to support Sonia.
It is with great pain I have to say this that even some of you who managed to come here on H1 and stuff have no clue. They keep arguing and arguing and keep drawing parallels. Is there any parallel between we coming here, getting GC after such a long and frustrating haul, becoming citizen of the country yet we are still alien and foregioners in local people's mind and then comparing with someone becoming the PM of India just because she married to the ordinary guy who himself became PM just because he happens to be borned in Gandhi Khandan !!

Why couldn't Jindal become the Governor ? Do you know why ? Why could you and me will have to damn damn good to become a mayor of city in United states or Italy ? Forget about the President. That is simply not possible. They have already shunned that door, no more discussion and argument required !!

Doen't this slavery mentality make it easy for anyone to come and rule us ? without any competance ? It is very hard for an Indian to rise up to the important positions in USA and Italy simply because there aren't many people in USA and Italy like we find it in India and here on this message board who doesn't even think that there is any problem with someone who is not connected with roots becoming the premier of the country. Disgusting enough ??

Remember we are here because of our KARMA, nothing else. Citizen of the country wants to explot the nation, wants to argue endlessly, for them nothing is a problem. anyone can do anything, the most inexperinced person of foreign origion can become the PM of the country and these H1 yahoos don't see any problem with it. what a shame ?
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gcwarrior! that’s the reason I requested intelligent, and well-educated people to stop supporting with your excellent arguments.
I can answer for your question but again you are going to ask some thing else.
It’s very sad to see learned people trying to find ways to defend a foreigner to occupy our nation’s head position

I am talking about king of India and you are trying to equate a post in US to a nation’s head.

I do not support any party.
I support good economic policies.And the one that give me that can be PM.
ofcourse cannot be a foreign born individual.
I say that is plain common sense.And yes the US has not yet elected a black president.
So please do not lecture me about Sonia.
gcwarrior said:
How abt Arnold selected as gov in CA? Is GOV post not a key post?

People like you never understand things easily. A governor position is not a key position for the country from the national security point of view. At any given point in time there will be 50 governors in this country, but there will be only one PRESIDENT. The issue here is whether we can trust a foreigner who took indian citizenship, to become the prime minister of the country ? The answer is absolute NO. Even the USA which allowed Arnold to become Governor, will not allow any one not born in this country as the president. Got it ? It will be good if these naturalized citizens are kept away from all key positions (chief mnister, Parrty president, Opposition Leader etc) but there is not much harm to the country with such persons occupying these positions because there is some body above them to watch them, but if they become the president or PM, then there is nobody to watch them or stop them from doing what ever they want to do. Please remember that the British came to india in a friedly manner. They humbly requested an indian king to give permission to them to do business in india and the King saw no harm in it (like some of the ignorants in this forum) and magnanimously gave the permission. Then they started their secret operations. We are not getting paranoid for no reason.
It is a shame that some people are supporting Sonia's zeal to become the PM just because USA is allowing these people to become citizens here. What a pathetic selfish group of people these fellos are ? :mad: . There is no difference in the mentality of these people with that of congress politicians. They sell their country just for a slightest benefit in return.
labor_final said:
I requested intelligent, and well-educated people to stop supporting with your excellent arguments.

You are wrong. These people are not intelligents and their arguments are not excellent. They are ignorants and their arguments reflect their lack of knowledge on this issue.
forum123 said:
Mr. Vajpayee deserves respect, but clowns like Tagodia, Uma Bharati, MM Joshi etc deserve nothing but boot

The people you have mentioned are not clowns. They are all great leaders. What harm did they do to any one ? Tagodia is fighting for Hindu unity, Joshi was ex BJP president and Uma is CM of MP. What's your problem with them ? The BJP government was the best government india has had after Nehru's government. India has progresses on all fronts in the past 5 yrs. Yes, 70% of the people might still be poor or semi poor, but the percentage has never been smaller. There were absolutely no reports that the percentage of poor has increased in the past 5 yrs. Every report said that india's GDP, job market, growth rate, foreign exchange etc increased. Just now we began to feel that we are a major world power.
So stop passing biased comments on BJP and VHP leaders. They are much better than congress men.
TO all those so called Secular people of India

US, whoes constitution bars non citizens becoming the president of the country, US, in which not a single time there is history of minority person holding the higest constitutional position, US in which, there is so much racial profiling, and discrimination and ill-treatment to anyone who even looks any closer to Arab or us lecture about all this....this type things makes me support BJP even more..that arouses my nationalism and Patriotism more !!


Masterful move by Sonia Gandhi: US experts
Wednesday May 19 2004 14:12 IST

WASHINGTON: US experts feel Congress chief Sonia Gandhi's refusal to be prime minister is an astute move to stem the shrill conservative attack on her Italian heritage and allow the new government to focus on developing and implementing its agenda.

They also say the Bush administration will have to learn how to get along with a left-of-centre government in India even as the Congress may change the tone of the relationship with the US but not its content.

"Once the Bush administration came in, I think there was a more conscious effort on the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) part to be close on grounds that it was the most conservative party in India," said Teresita Schaffer, former US deputy assistant secretary of state for South Asia.

"The Bush administration will now have to get used to working with a left-of-centre government, they are more comfortable working with a right-of-centre government," she emphasised.

Calling Sonia Gandhi's decision to reject being prime minister a "brilliant stroke", Schaffer said this takes an issue away from the BJP.

Bringing Manmohan Singh, the virtual author of the economic reforms programme back in 1991, to the post would be well received worldwide, including the US, she indicated.

"He is a very much known quantity both in India and abroad and a man with a strong reputation."

Said Columbia University professor Jagdish Bhagwati: "I am very pleased with Manmohan Singh (possibly) coming to prime ministership."

"There is nothing to fear as far as economic reforms are concerned. It was pragmatism that led to the economic reforms in the first place when the public sector expansion did not work. Privatisation will continue because it was not motivated by ideology.

"Manmohan Singh's comments on accommodation in economic reform are consistent with India maintaining a momentum in favour of privatization, on pragmatic grounds -- we shed what has not worked and keep what has," Bhagwati told IANS.

Schaffer said the three things Washington is concerned about is economic policy, policy toward Pakistan and India-US relations.

Under the new government, she opined, "The established reform policies will carry on, though new reform policies will come more slowly than they have done, and in particular, privatisation will come to a temporary halt, but note that it was not moving very fast any way."

On relations with Pakistan, she pointed to Congress leader Natwar Singh's statements committing the new administration to carry on what outgoing Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee initiated.

"So it is in the details that things may change. The Congress will have people in the administration who have been out of power for eight years, and they will need time to internalise the changes in those years and decide whether they would want to keep the changes made to India's traditional positions, and whether they will take cognisance of things Pakistan has done to cut down attacks on the Line of Control (in Kashmir)," Schaffer said.

Relations with the US would probably remain the same, the experts said.

"The issue again will be one of tone. There are lots of issues on which India and the United States disagree. We may see some more strident disagreement... which may cause some uncomfortable moments but won't change the relationship," Schaffer contended.

She noted that military to military and security ties had strengthened in the last few years, and "the Left parties will want that diminished. The Congress will have to see how to deal with it."

Ainsley Embree, among the oldest India experts in the United States, said Sonia Gandhi's decision was "good news for India. If she became prime minister, I am sure this would have given a great cause to the BJP and the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) - they would have become even more Hindu nationalist attacking the idea of secularism, attacking Muslims."

Even otherwise, he said, "The Congress victory is going to leave BJP free to be much more Hindu, much more anti-Pakistan, and much more anti-Muslim."

Manmohan Singh, Embree told IANS, "is a modern man and he will make a good prime minister. He is well respected in this country and around the world."

For the Bush administration, there will be no change he contended.

"They want to keep the balancing act going in South Asia. But if things get much worse in Iraq, it will affect Afghanistan and Pakistan and Kashmir," he cautioned.

Said Bhagwati: "One very definitely good thing that has come out of this election - one cannot justify any massacre and I think the effect of that Gujarat massacre was to deliver a rebuke to the BJP. Not only would the Muslims not vote for the BJP, but even the Hindu vote would have changed somewhat."

"The messages being conveyed that communalism is unacceptable and that reform is good are both good messages."
With all respect to the Indian majority on these forums, how is this related directly to the issues in the Vermont Service Center again?? Private messages and off-topic forums are the place to post stuff like this. :rolleyes: