Stop Calling IIO repeatedly

Hi Guys

Its surprising to note some of the guys keep calling almost 2 or 3 times a week. This is not good at all. They don\'t like it and dont blame yourself later. Each of your call is logged and you will be treated as a nuisense.

Except for address changes, you get the same information again and again.

Let each of us call only once and share the information on this notice board.Please dont make it too complicated.

Thanks guys
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I really do not think people are enjoying calling this IIO.Everybody waits around half an hour atleast. Usually we all call incase of an emergency .They note down our calls,which is true and is annoying them.Their job is to give information.I still do not undesrtand why they shud be annoyed for that?But what else can we do?Who else will answer our questions??? Till INS amkes some arrangement for this,I think we all have only them and those phone numbers to give some solace.
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What Reddy saying is correct. There are people who called within a week or two when IIO specifically told them to call after 30 days. Don\'t u think they get pissed off?? Definetly. And also people just don\'t stop asking for information, but they will start asking questions, just like they do on these boards. we all have to agree, no matter how many years we live here and try to speak in accent, there will be lot of Americans, who can\'t understand everything what we say. Think about the people who just landed recently, and not picked up the accent, asking questions which an IIO can\'t understand.
(It is no offense to anybody, I\'ve gone through those phases, thats why I know the accent that people speak when they are new here.)

There is nothing wrong if you wanna call an IIO for a genuine reason , and keep it short to ur problem, than asking questions which they can\'t answer or worst case, they couldn\'t understand.
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I think both of you are completely out of whack!
An IIO\'s job is to answer my questions. The application was
not free!!!
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Mr.Reddy, stop telling others what to do or what not to. Someone calling IIO for 100 times a week will not have any impact
on your case or my case for that matter. How long you have been waiting for this GC process? If you would have been
waiting for more than 5 years or 6 years or more than 2 plus years after filing your I-485, you wouldn\'t have posted this
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If we all know some of the questions will make no difference on the case why do we waste time to ask these kind of question. Some body just obsess to call iio and keep others with legitimate questions hard to reach the officers. Bottom line if you feel your call can make difference on your case, call them otherwise don\'t waste your and thier time. By doing this you will make others life a lot easier. Think about this, F1, H1 and I140 applicants most likely have more questions to ask.
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Mr. Reddy, first I congratulate you for being so frank and bringing up a good point. Mr. Whatthehell, what the hell are you talking about? Nobody is asking you to stop calling altogether. Just be considerate when calling. Even when you call several times and talk to the IIO, is that going to change your fate? Is that going to speed things up? I understand that in some small percentage of cases it might be true. But, most of the callers who are posting, after calling up IIO, in this board are pure b...s...t. I have seen some people calling IIO just to find out when they can get the passport stamped (after I-485 approval)!!! Got bless India and Indians!!!!
No Title, I don\'t care whether it changes your fate or not. It does for me and I fall in that some small percentage that you have mentioned. You better watch out for your language in the future.
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I agree with Baba and whatthehell. and Mr.Reddy, don\'t tell others to be considerable when they call IIO\'s. It\'s none of your business or mine.
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Guys take it easy here, we use this board to share information , not to fight about things, its one own wish to call or not to call an IIO, they can decide about it based on their own intellect , either way, one should be upset with the way VSC processes things, they are pretty messy.

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Cool Guys! Cool

Whether we like it or not, Reddy has a point.

We have been living in US for a while and we know how the people react to our constant reminders. They dont like us to breath down their neck. It may be not unusual for asians like us, but remember we are in a alien land totally uprooted from our home land and living in a diametrically opposite culture. As a first generation american, we need some patience if we want to succeed and create a great future for our kids.

Our impatience will have terrible effects for our community and there is no point in repenting later. The aggressive approach like "I have paid.. so I can ask" and all that may sound reasonable and revolutionary to us. But certainly this is going to undermine the results what we struggle for.

I can understand the feelings, sufferings and agony we all undergo. By keeping cool, we can certainly win. By calling IIO for trivial things is not going to help. As we can read from the forum, for 90% of the people, contacting IIO has not fetched any fruitful results. All you get is a standard reply. I have not seen anybody\'s cases put on priority or problem solved by talking to IIO.

Please don\'t think I am advicing you or trying to be philosophical. Let us close our eyes and do a self introspection.
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Hi WhattheHell,

I totally agree with you. In my personal experience,it helped me. In my 140,INS has mentioned wrong priority date. One fine day I called nice IIO and she told me that my priority date was not current and I have to wait until it becomes current. I told her that mine was already current and she noted down ,within 15 days I got the corrected I140 certificate.
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I am with you. We should call often and keep checking the status. I have seen many of my friends cases with wrong information being corrected by calling IIO. Moreover, for every 5-6 calls, you will get atleast one nice IIO, who will be willing to talk to the officers who process the case. Beleive it or not, the 485 processing officer called my friend (at work number) two weeks after he talked to IIO, and clarified few things about the status issues.

If you call often, they can not do any thing bad, but some times good things can happen.
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All that I am saying is that I don\'t have any business in telling some one how many time he/she can call the INS or whether he/she can call the INS or not. Calling too many times a week may be wrong. It might/might not cause something bad to that individual. Why should I care about it. People talking about blocking the lines. Do you think you get the line to INS at the first dial? Do you think that anyone gets thru\' the line, talks and chitchat with the IIO for more than 5 mts. Some one was talking about the fate. Let\'s assume that person\'s fate is really bad and nothing is moving for him/her for the next 7 or 8 years and do you think you will just blame that on your fate and sit and watch around. Don\'t you atleast try to call the INS twice a week? I do believe luck plays some part in our life and when you see things are going out of your control all that one can do is talk to the appropriate individual and try to see what he/she can do to help him/herself. Again I am not here to hurt anyone\'s feelings. I know how difficult it is for each of us b/c as I am also one among those millions who are waiting for their GC. Good Luck everyone.
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I do agree many GCWantedUrgent, and many others. Calling IIO is not a joke, it is a pain, dial many days, many times, and wait at least 25 minutes. Since you people see these postings off IIO messages, you feel that people are calling often. They only post messages to share the information with all.

I strongly feel that they call on either need basis or with some reason like address change...etc.

In US, everything happens at the speed of light, electronically, and the work is very fast ...etc. except the govt. machine like INS, IRS...They have dump policy of work GC, undue conditions and loop holes.

The main fact is due to slow INS process, and economic situation, many people are restless, feeling what happened to their GC, when will it come like that. This drives them to contact INS, and not just for fun of calling an IIO.
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If INS offer web access to public information on their database, that people won\'t call just to check the status. Technically, it is totally possible to set up a web site (like the so many commercial ones) to let people monitor the process of their application.
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Get off the INS back unless you have an urgent need. It\'s not a news bureau and they are working on thousands of cases. Quit calling with inane questions and hang in there.
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Hi whatthehell,

It\'s not the effect on anyone\'s case. You should have decency to reply to Reddy for that matter to anyone. Do you want to call IIO twice to confirm your case is approved as idlegirl did. Do you think they lie to you on case status. Try to think peacefully. Why do you have to wait 30 to 45 minutes? Because of these calls. Here we are not leaving IIOs without work. They will be on phone whole day anyway. But if we stop calling for double confirmation and before our time is up, others who really are delayed in the process will be benefited. Hey, why can\'t we wait when they asked us to wait for 30 days. Tell me how many people are obliging IIOs. Reddy was not defending IIOs but asking to help ourselves. Try to understand what he wants to say. I hope you will withdraw(atleast by heart) your rude relply to Reddy. If you can not, we know what to think about you.