Stop bashing INS!!!


Registered Users (C)
INS is not perfect, so what?
You guys came this country to earn big bucks (much more than IIOs do) and do not tell me that the software you write is bug free.
Please, do not call IIOs stupid, morons and so on.
They are average american people, may be not very smart (not as you pretend to be) but honest and very tolerable.
Be greatful that they do not hang a phone on you and do not call you names.
Just put themselves in their shoes, imagine coming to work every day just to answer the very same, mostly stupid questions from those highly paid "highly qualified workers".
And remember - YOU ARE GUESTS HERE, it is their HOME.

Ur id suggests Almost_free
Is it oxymoronic that u should advocate free and talk about
freedom of speech.

or u are going to get GC and want people to keep quiet?

-internet is about expressing not suppressing ones feeling
almost_free -

I agree with your posting for most part of it. Its true that the IIO's are just doing their job and I admit they are doing it well (There maybe some exceptions). Lets not forget that its a government organization after all.

The part I dont agree is with you saying that "..its their home". Well, other than the few native american indians(that were slaughtered to extinction anyways), the US was never a birth country to anyone. Even the IIO's or their fore-fathers had migrated to this country. The problem arises when over the years they forget that they too were immigrants at some time and dont empathize with the immigrants problems :(

As for answering the same stupid questions ... its their job, damn it and they get paid for it. Dont we sometime do the worst job at work even though we dont like it but do it anyway cos its our duty and cos we paid for it.

Just my two cents ... please dont beat me up for expressing my opinion.
I agree, most of the people here were/are immigrants at one point or another.

So, it might be difficult that we are guests since we have a intent to immigrate.

By the way, if we are guests than why are we working. I would rather sit and eat if anybody is willing to take me as a guest. :-/
Yes.. IIOs are doing well

I totally agree with GreenPatta.
No one is perfect in this world.
I guess IIO doing their job well.
The Native Americans were slaughtered to extinction by so called civilized people.
:D :D :D
Have fun
Welcome to the real world ....

This is the US, nothing here comes for free and without a cost. Even a guest here has to work :)

This country has a different
- Kids after the age of 18 pay rent to stay in their parents home.
- Kids get allowances for doing household chores.
- To be life-partners sharing a house pay their own share of rent.
- BFs only pays his share on dates.
- ..... and the list goes on.

So as immigrants we are expected to work, pay our taxes, not be a public charge and yeah ... pay Social Security and other taxes which benefit "the unemployed US citizens"

This is the US, where the "guest" looks after the "host".

Welcome to the real world priyagc :)

Originally posted by priyagc
I agree, most of the people here were/are immigrants at one point or another.

So, it might be difficult that we are guests since we have a intent to immigrate.

By the way, if we are guests than why are we working. I would rather sit and eat if anybody is willing to take me as a guest. :-/
why not INS raise the Application fee?

why not INS raise the Application fee ($5000/case?) - premium processing for all labor based cases? Since anybody who has a job can afford it. They can use the money to give IIOs decent salary(100000/year) so they can do their job better and everybody happy.

I would like to pay them more fees to make my 485 approval within reasonable time (6 months?).
who is home

This universe is my home.
i AM home.
and i never bashed IIOs. I never even talked to one.
but when you say i'm guest here i say "excuse me???"
in a way, we are all guests here in this universe. pretty soon we will all be dead and memories about us will disappear in the perfect chaos of the universe.
And for the big bucks . . . we all pay taxes and buy stuff. Having us rich folks in this economy helps everyone to have a better life.
INS is a service organization. S stands for service. we pay for it. our employers pay for it. if we don't get service we will bitch about it just like anybody else whould. and don't give us crap about not being at home and therefore not being allowed to bitch.
I agree that INS is doing fine.Atleast I don't need to pay bribe to expedite my case.Back home I had to pay bribe to the passport officials to get my passport issued. Although I knew driving well and was ready to give driving test I was not given an IDP(International Driving Permit) without bribing them.

In my passport the strings are so weak that one of my page is virtually coming out so last time when I went to India the custom guys harassed me a lot and they almost stopped me from taking the flight to USA. I enquired Chicago consulate how to change my passport they said it would be considered as damaged and it would take them abut 6-9 months to issue a new passport as they will have to enquire all the way back to India however if I wait till Dec 2005 when I will be eligible to apply for a new passport because of expiry, they can give me a new one within a week. So I am kind of stuck. Witrh this passport I can go anywhere but India.....
Just look at the system back at home and you will realise how fortunate you are to be here.
Bravo bakshi !!!

You got the point!

I wish all immigrants would be so appreciative as you are.
It does not hurt to remember where are you came from and learn not to take for granted all freedoms you got here.

As for "we pay taxes and stuff".
I know first hand many americans who lost their jobs in this economy, in part because of the flood of immigrants on the job market.
Abd I am very surprised that we do not see massive anti-immigrant demonstrations so far and the public (including IIOs) is mostly friendly towards us.

Remember another thing too.
If this country goes to war, you won't find children of Indian software engineers standing in line to sign up for military service.
On the other hand I can imagine that some of the soldiers moms and dads do in fact work for INS.

If this country goes to war, you won't find children of Indian software engineers standing in line to sign up for military service.

This is true with any country. It's the citizen of the country who will be at the frontier in case of war. Rest will be airlifted by their countries in no-time (foreign expats, for example)

I agree USA is a great practical democracy and a shining example of civil liberties. But job for immigrants is not a favor for them. It's a pure demand supply chain. Now that the mkt. is down doesn't imply that they should start voluntaring down back to their original countries. They have a life and families of their own just as much as a citizen does. Just coz they r immigrant, they can't be kicked around and called back depending upon economic situation. If their services won't be needed, situation will be such for them to look for other avenues whether here or elsewhere. But they become no less a human at the expense of need of facilities for citizens.
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almost_free :

You are being so patriotic to the USA, as if your application at the INS is pending for citizenship approval.

Relax buddy. Don't complicate too many issues here. People applying for greencards don't owe allegiance to the USA. To many people Greencard is only a means and not an end by itself. It is every immigrant's right to inquire about his status with the INS, and also be concerned why his application is taking long to process. Just the way the US collects social security tax, but does not promise Greencards to immigrant taxpayers.
what is bribe?

Why you asian(india/china?) people always think 'PREMIUM PROCESSING' = 'BRIBE', I think INS accept this 'bribe' already for H-1b and I140 and maybe labor in the future. I agree that IIOs been paid too less to work happilly. We should raise the application fee to give them a better pay, in exchange, we can be approved earlier.

I feel bad that people always want to pay less with high expectation.
I almost misread..


I almost misread UR name to be Habib...

and was surprised with the English...
HEnce I checked again...

Cooll everbody....
Want to see what some people are doing against immigrant workers...

go to
Hello Guys,

I have a mixed feeling about all this issue.

First of all, I do agree with the fact that you can get work done if you have followed the procedures (form fillings etc) properly. They will not be harrassing you if the information provided is accurate. Where else in India, even if you are right, still the higher officials will try to milk out some mollah from you. I remember the last time I went to India, the customs officer(?) was
trying to get some money from me saying I was carrying too much stuff, in the end he literally begged me to give atleast $10-50.

On the second note, as others were saying in these messages... Yes.! INS are supposed to be serving us.. imagine the revenue they are generating ($3000 - $4000 per person)... they already are getting it from us. So, they MUST perform their duties. Believe the INS dept works just like any other govt org.. slowwww

For imagine. what happens to us when we don't perform on our jobs.. it's bye bye from our managers.


U people from Kia look very "knowledgable with inside info" about all that u said. :p :p :p

U already know that IIOs r paid less and that's the reason for their unhappiness (which is implied to exist already).

U also say that "we should raise the application fee". How? Just, by sending $200 where they ask for $100?
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kia - you wanna pay $5000 to the INS ...what for ?

Isnt paying your attorney a huge sum of money not sufficient enough ? :)

I am against the idea of Premium Processing ... why should people be allowed to cut the line ? Just cos they have the extra $$$'s. I dont think it is fair for poeple who cant afford it.

Kia, you are saying $5000 cos you think you can afford that money. Would you say the same if INS quoted a high $100,000 ?
If it was $100,000 you would probably be the first person to shout and say "its discrimination against the Havenots"
INS is a .....

INS Performance evaluated by the GAO (General Accounting Office) study gives it very low marks ;) ;) ;) .

The Other Worst performing Oraganizations in the U.S Federal Goverment include the Bureau of Indian Affairs and Bureau of Land Management.

The INS today can be compared to the IRS in the 60's or 70's later Congess mandated the IRS to improve the customer Service and today the number of Complaints have fallen dramatically.

:D :D :D

The IIO job is like a customer Service Representative like calling a Private Company for Service and they are in the government they are given excellent benefits and little less than their Private Service Colleagues and Great Job Security ........ I work for a Private Company and I don't know the situation about my job next week if I don't Perform.

The Greatest Problem here Accountability , that is lacking is here and hence the Mismanagement .......

When I pay for the Service , I would expect the Same .....

I think I am contributing to the Economy and I am here legally here in the U.S when it comes to EB Immigration.......

Why can't INS Process the Applications when the Department of State processes more Immigrant applications all over the consulates in the world with less than Half the People INS Employs and within 25% of the Time.

It all comes down to Management ...... a company fails or succeds based on Management ....... and the same would apply to INS.
INS is a .....

INS Performance evaluated by the GAO (General Accounting Office) study gives it very low marks ;) ;) ;) .

The Other Worst performing Oraganizations in the U.S Federal Goverment include the Bureau of Indian Affairs and Bureau of Land Management.

The INS today can be compared to the IRS in the 60's or 70's later Congess mandated the IRS to improve the customer Service and today the number of Complaints have fallen dramatically.

:D :D :D

The IIO job is like a customer Service Representative like calling a Private Company for Service and they are in the government they are given excellent benefits and little less than their Private Service Colleagues and Great Job Security ........ I work for a Private Company and I don't know the situation about my job next week if I don't Perform.

The Greatest Problem here is Accountability , that is lacking is here and hence the Mismanagement .......

When I pay for the Service , I would expect the Same .....

I think I am contributing to the Economy and I am here legally here in the U.S when it comes to EB Immigration.......

Why can't INS Process the Applications when the Department of State processes more Immigrant applications all over the consulates in the world with less than Half the People INS Employs and within 25% of the Time.

It all comes down to Management ...... a company fails or succeds based on Management ....... and the same would apply to INS.
Kia - bribe defintion for you

Bribe is something which has no account. bribe directly goes to the pocket of one who gets it, he doesn't have to pay income tax on it nor have to account for it.
premium processing fee is the money which is accounted for and the transaction is properly registered and can be traced back....
got it?