Stop bashing INS!!!

just a thought......

IIO's getting paid less !!!!....Someone was comparing it with the service we get in India........Did you think about the pay that the guy sitting across the window or the custom's officer or the police (pandu, mama ..... ) in India get?????????

Sending 100$ to help raise their pays would be a much better idea......
Re: Bravo bakshi !!!

Originally posted by almost_free

As for "we pay taxes and stuff".
I know first hand many americans who lost their jobs in this economy, in part because of the flood of immigrants on the job market.
Abd I am very surprised that we do not see massive anti-immigrant demonstrations so far and the public (including IIOs) is mostly friendly towards us.

Do you know how many americans lost their jobs to the Chinese, Taiwaneese and Malasian who are working in their own countries on factories for cheap money???
Is that the fault of Chinese people? or Indian? or what?
In global economy it doesn't matter where you are physically.
What matters is what you do, how you do it where you shop and who you pay taxes to.
So, by all means, if instead of working in my home country i come over here and do the same thing, America wins. Wins my shopping, my byuing real estate here, my taxes, my educating the coworkers, etc, etc.
Remember another thing too.
If this country goes to war, you won't find children of Indian software engineers standing in line to sign up for military service.
On the other hand I can imagine that some of the soldiers moms and dads do in fact work for INS.
Sir . . . please do not judge others like this. It is a bit irresponsible and politically incorrect. Someone might get hurt.
. I'm sure there are people here regardless of their citizenship and origin who will fight for whatever ideas and ideals they have. At the same time, i'm sure there are plenty of others who will not. American citizens included. Look around you. Who is going home at 5 o'clock? This is a fight too. Maybe even a better one.
To tell you directly . . . If certain things happen, i'll personally fight for America. I am not a US citizen and nobody knows if i'll ever be.

Originally posted by bakshi
I agree that INS is doing fine.Atleast I don't need to pay bribe to expedite my case.Back home I had to pay bribe to the passport officials to get my passport issued. Although I knew driving well and was ready to give driving test I was not given an IDP(International Driving Permit) without bribing them.

In my passport the strings are so weak that one of my page is virtually coming out so last time when I went to India the custom guys harassed me a lot and they almost stopped me from taking the flight to USA. I enquired Chicago consulate how to change my passport they said it would be considered as damaged and it would take them abut 6-9 months to issue a new passport as they will have to enquire all the way back to India however if I wait till Dec 2005 when I will be eligible to apply for a new passport because of expiry, they can give me a new one within a week. So I am kind of stuck. Witrh this passport I can go anywhere but India.....
Just look at the system back at home and you will realise how fortunate you are to be here.

Bribe?? Shame on you Bakshi. First you give bribe and then blame the one who takes it... And then you profile people back in India. I did not have to pay a bribe to get my PP. I did not pay a bribe to get my DL or my IDP. Yes, if I had paid then maybe I might have got it little faster than it took. I choose NOT to and you choosed TO. Don't blame others for your actions - directly or indirectly. We all are equally responsible for our actions where ever we are. Let me ask you something else. Here you take your garbage out to the Bin. How many times have you or your family done so while you were in India - instead of just throwing it out of the kitchen window? Who would you blame in this case?

Our actions do reflect us, and I believe individually we all can make any place a better one. Just dont blame other and be accountable.

I don't mean to hurt anyone here including Bhakshi. Sorry man... but I had to jolt down my views.
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for rawager

Hi Rawager,
I am not giving any all. I accept that those who are pay bribe are equally responsible.I don't know which part of India you come from but I come from a state where nothing else works.
I come from Bihar and I used to work in Delhi. I was so tired of going to Patna office for my passport that I had no option. I am talking about that Y2k era when my company desperately wanted to send me abroad and threatened to lay me off if I don't get a passport immediately. In fact I had waited for 2 years for that and I complained every body who mattered . I wrote a letter to Minsitry of External affairs too but nothing worked and I compromised. People in Passport office in Patna made it a prestige issue and said that we will not give you passport till you give the required amount since I had made copmplaints so they were more defiant.
And all these officers IAS/IFS all are useless. Nobody took any action at all and clerks at the passport office kept laughing on my plight.
I am sorry I am not Gandhiji I compromised and escaped from there. I am an escapist and so are you. It is pretty good to give a lecture from here, if you are so honest why don't you go back and fight with the most fu**** up system in the world.
Re: for rawager

Originally posted by bakshi
Hi Rawager,
I am sorry I am not Gandhiji I compromised and escaped from there. I am an escapist and so are you. It is pretty good to give a lecture from here, if you are so honest why don't you go back and fight with the most fu**** up system in the world.

Bakshi, I do feel sorry for you. I am not saying I am the perfect guy around. We all have to compromise sometimes... at times - I agree - I have too. By quoting you I was not attacking you. Your msg. stood up among others as I read and so I quoted. However what I had to say was in general. And as for going back and fighting... I do want to go back - at least as of now. I dont know if I will fight or how much the system. Having a GC will give me an additional option, if I ever decide I dont want to go back.

Once again sorry... if I offended you. It was not meant to be...
I feel equally sorry for hypocrats like you. It is very easy to blame others.May be you were the lucky one who didn't face problems but most of the persons in India face these kind of problems in day to day life. And people like you, who claim that they feel so bad about it, keep lecturing instead of doing anything.
Alright go back if you want, all the best and do something . I am so proud of you you are not an ordinary Indian like me. You are cut above the rest so all the best !
Bakshi ...You have gone through a lot of pain ......

... just to get a passport. Thats explains why your passport is falling apart and pages comes off :)

Originally posted by bakshi
Hi Rawager,
I am not giving any all. I accept that those who are pay bribe are equally responsible.I don't know which part of India you come from but I come from a state where nothing else works.
I come from Bihar and I used to work in Delhi. I was so tired of going to Patna office for my passport that I had no option. I am talking about that Y2k era when my company desperately wanted to send me abroad and threatened to lay me off if I don't get a passport immediately. In fact I had waited for 2 years for that and I complained every body who mattered . I wrote a letter to Minsitry of External affairs too but nothing worked and I compromised. People in Passport office in Patna made it a prestige issue and said that we will not give you passport till you give the required amount since I had made copmplaints so they were more defiant.
And all these officers IAS/IFS all are useless. Nobody took any action at all and clerks at the passport office kept laughing on my plight.
I am sorry I am not Gandhiji I compromised and escaped from there. I am an escapist and so are you. It is pretty good to give a lecture from here, if you are so honest why don't you go back and fight with the most fu**** up system in the world.
Don't worry

Don't worry guys 10 years from now we will be bitching about the H1B's coming and taking away our jobs,
I was reading a new article and most of the employees suing the company’s base on Equal employment opportunity and companies giving away jobs to H1B's are from AISA and have come to this country between 1977 and 1985.