stokes interview


New Member
I meet my ex husband - he was a us citizen- in my country on Mars 2000, on July 2001 I come to usa with a visa tourist, 2 months later we got married and apply for my residence, things didn’t work between as, I divorce 1 year later (2002), and I didn’t show up for immigration interview. On august 2003 I meet my current husband he is also us citizen, we date for 3 years and got married on august 2006, we apply again for adjustments of status, on February 2007, we went for interview in Garden City, after a few questions to my husband, the officer write in my passport this phrase: I-485 pending and she didn’t want to explain any things to us.. I was very upset because my marriage is in a good faith. 2 weeks later I receive a letter appointment: Date June 11 2008, location room 8-100, 26 federal plaza, reason I-130 application. On August 2007, I receive another letter appointment: Date May 13 2008, location room 9/900, 26 federal plaza, reason stokes interview. Please help; what do you think of my storie, I am very nervous. One more thing I do have a lawyer but I do not trust him. Thanks you so much (I apologize for all mistakes I did, my English is not very well)
Now it states that "she does not want to say anything..." so what were the question made to your current husband or if they gave questions to you to answer? did you?

I mean...should really not have any problem, as long you have at least evidence when you meet, how you you have pictures? bills in common?

If you don't trust a hairstylist why you will keep cutting your hair there? got it? You are the client, you don't pay what you dont' like...period.

It's difficult to say something about your story you just gave general facts.

As Triple, the letter states "stokes interview"???
Well, I think it’s too late to change my lawyer (My interview is on the 13 of May).
The OD didn't ask me, she was asking my husband, and some of his answers were wrong, because his bad memory, and that s my problem, HE HAVE A VERY BAD MEMORY,
Well, I think it’s too late to change my lawyer (My interview is on the 13 of May).
It's not too late. You can still find a different lawyer to review your documents and accompany you to the interview.
The OD didn't ask me, she was asking my husband, and some of his answers were wrong, because his bad memory, and that s my problem, HE HAVE A VERY BAD MEMORY,
Time for him to start studying as much as possible, and for you to help him -- where and how did you meet, what is the color of the paint on your bedroom and living room, how many TVs you have in the house, etc.
FIRST! Your husband needs to get a heads up about immigration and his responsabilities as your sponsor and husband, he has to pay attention to things that are important for you and well for him too if he wants that you continue be living here, this ain't game about "oh well s**t happens".

SECOND! If you don't like a you still will go to the same one even you STILL FEEL SICK? come on! get rid off that one and hired another any case what are you going to lose? to have none is better that to show up with a crappy one, don't you think?

May still 3 weeks to go from today...start calling.

Good luck!
do i need to take my husband to see a doctor, and testefy by letter that he have a bad memory. Did the immigration accept that kind of statement?
By the wat thanks for your concern
I already paid him his wages, and if i switch to some body else, that a lot of monney.....
It will cost you much more money if you are denied. The paperwork has already been done and the interview is coming up. All the new lawyer has to do is review your situation and accompany you to the interview. Cost you $400-$1000.
You can ask for a refund even with a penalty...he can't get the money if he hasn't complete his service...unless those tiny little letters in the contract states something different.

By the way...just curious...WHY you don't trust your lawyer?
Immigration Questions (Stokes Interview)

The Stokes interview can be a very scary and difficult process. If you and your spouse have a legitimate marriage, it does not mean that you have nothing to worry about. I had the pleasure to actually interview an agent that works for the immigration department. This person conducts interviews for a living. She told us stories that were difficult to believe.

Couples that have been married for 25+ years have been known to fail these interviews. The Stokes interview, in a way, is designed for us to fail.
While my wife and I were preparing for the interview, I couldn’t believe the process would be so difficult. My parents were aware of the whole process and they thought it would be a piece of cake. To show them how difficult this process would actually be, I decided to sit them down and ask them a few questions that we would need to expect.

When I asked my dad what was the name of the medication that my mother was taking, he laughed and said that he had no idea. When I asked my parents, separately, when was the last time they went out and what they did, I gone two COMPLETELY different answers. If they would have had to take the interview right there and then, they would have failed with flying colors. Keep in mind they have been married for over 30 years now.

After going through this crazy process, my wife and I decided to publish an ebook that would teach its readers on what to expect during the interview process. Since we had the opportunity to interview the immigration officer and we met many couples in person and over the internet that we interviewed, we believe that we have an angle on the process that most other people do not.

If you want to check out the ebook, go to;

If you have any question regarding the book or the stokes interview in general, feel free to contact me at

I wish you all the best of luck in passing the interview. I know how nerve wracking it can be. Believe me I still have nightmares. To think that just because I don’t know the color underwear my wife is wearing at this given day or because I can’t remember the city her parents were born in, it does not make our marriage fictitious.

The book that we created has:
  • 400+ Interview questions
  • Tips on what you must do before and during the interview to pass
  • The DO’s and DON’T’s of the interview process.
  • And much more.
You and your husband need to pay attention to every detail of your life including important dates such was birthday, when he proposed, when were you married, when did you move in together, when have you traveled together...
You also must study your home both inside and outside.
My husband and I had a Stokes Interview 2 days ago. Our marriage is in good faith and I am also bad with dates. Here are the questions that we were asked
1. How did we meet?
2. When did we meet?
3. When did he propose? Was there people around? Where did he do it?
4. Do we live in a house or an apt?
5. How many floors in our apt and which floor do we live on?
6. How many window in our bedroom?

Feel free to email me and I can send you a bunch more questions that they can ask you.
Does the stoke interview always get approved or denied right on the spot? My stepfather just went to the Stoke interview today. The two were grilled for hours in seperate rooms and at the end of the interview they were told they "have to wait". What does that mean? is that good, bad, standard??? He is extremely stressed out about this and i'm just trying to get more info for him.
they were told they "have to wait". What does that mean? is that good, bad, standard???

if it is "perfect" where 100% answers match or no new triggers come up, you are granted on the spot with stamp to your passport and green card in process (thats why they ask you to bring photos).

if it did not come out perfect, they need more time to either digest tapes and compare your and your spouse statements again (and make decision), or there may be some additional checkups they want to do before make a decision mostly because you or your spouse "revealed" some new detail that may hurt (or help) your case.

the good thing here is that they did not denied you on the spot -- it means they could not find anything so obvious that you may not be legitimit so they could show it to you and have you signed withdraw letter on the spot.

there is nothing more to do than wait. I hope you took an attorney - stokes interview without attorney is like swimming in the s.pool with sharks - just wait until they eat you up.

if attorney was present and was good, and I assume second interview came way after the first one, and you are waiting like couple years, attorney should notify them politely that they need to finish case within 60 days, because they tend to put case on another hold and "try to deny" again (if cant find anything that they can denied at the spot plus if they did not find anything supporting to would help to approve) in a year or something (3rd interviews are rare, but do exist).
if it is "perfect" where 100% answers match or no new triggers come up, you are granted on the spot with stamp to your passport and green card in process (thats why they ask you to bring photos).

if it did not come out perfect, they need more time to either digest tapes and compare your and your spouse statements again (and make decision), or there may be some additional checkups they want to do before make a decision mostly because you or your spouse "revealed" some new detail that may hurt (or help) your case.

the good thing here is that they did not denied you on the spot -- it means they could not find anything so obvious that you may not be legitimit so they could show it to you and have you signed withdraw letter on the spot.

there is nothing more to do than wait. I hope you took an attorney - stokes interview without attorney is like swimming in the s.pool with sharks - just wait until they eat you up.

if attorney was present and was good, and I assume second interview came way after the first one, and you are waiting like couple years, attorney should notify them politely that they need to finish case within 60 days, because they tend to put case on another hold and "try to deny" again (if cant find anything that they can denied at the spot plus if they did not find anything supporting to would help to approve) in a year or something (3rd interviews are rare, but do exist).

Thanks for the info. I didn't go through this process - it is my stepfather trying to get his GC. Both of them were put in seperate rooms and asked a bunch of questions. Their answers matched 100%. At the end of the interview they were told that they "have to wait" and that they need "more proof" ( whatever that means). They took what I thought was plenty of proof icluding joint bank statements, the lease under both their names, bills with both names, health insurance, pictures, etc.. I don't know what other "proof" they could possibly need. They are very stressed out about this situation because he wants to work and he can't do so without his GC. They did not take an attorney. They just went in and answered truthfully and their answers matched 100%
Both of them were put in seperate rooms and asked a bunch of questions.

99% of stokes interviews are set up on fridays morning to give plenty time. if your second interview is set up friday morning, then 99.9% chances you will be separated.

Their answers matched 100%. At the end of the interview they were told that they "have to wait" and that they need "more proof" ( whatever that means). [...] They did not take an attorney.

thats an excellent example how important it is to take an attorney with you. answers matched 100% so what the hell do they want more? porn movie of them making kids??

good attorney will cost you $1,5 - $2k depends of the state but definately can cut the further costs... you see now he has to "wait" again get another EAD for couple hundreds get AP couple hundreds renew driving license, etc, which will cost him time AND money.

the rule is that if an interviewer has at least the smallest doubt AND the attorney is NOT present, then likely will not deny but put on another hold to wait maybe something new come up within months of years.

They took what I thought was plenty of proof icluding joint bank statements, the lease under both their names, bills with both names, health insurance, pictures, etc.. I don't know what other "proof" they could possibly need.

but you missing the point. second stokes interviews are "designed" to deny. they obviously had a reason to keep you up and not approve long time ago. it used to be that a chart may be missing and after long time they call you in again really just to follow up. nowadays they have everything computerized more and more local USCIS offices goes electronically and everything is scanned into the system so chances your chart was lost are like 1%.

at stokes interviews joint stuff are like 5% important. many times examiner dont ask and wont ask for them anymore, since lets say for years prior you "produced" enough evidence and none could REALLY convience your are bone fide (the only thing really would be children, even if you buy a joint house, an examiner can think it is a favor from an alien to the usc and not really a proof of bane fide).

They are very stressed out about this situation
mine stokes is comming in july and I am stressed alot too. not because we are not legitimit I dont worry about that it is that you have to answer exact the same b/c for interviewer the color of your couch (you: burgundy, your wife: dark red) may be a reason to deny.
It is so much stuff to go through...

because he wants to work and he can't do so without his GC.

have he heard about something called EAD - employment authorization document ? (not trying to be sarcastic)

They just went in and answered truthfully and their answers matched 100%

.. but they did not take an attorney, so OI will put them for couple more months on hold with hope something will come up and will be easier to deny.

.. or like it happens on many second interviews, he will be approved within 60 days :)

good luck!!!!
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