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STEM Act seeks to repeal Diversity Visa Program

I actually heard of this bill about a month ago and posted it in the Obama vs. Romney thread, but it got deleted.

It is highly ironic (but fortunate) that I would also benefit from this bill, but I'm still against it. I can't vote yet, but you can bet that it will affect the way I vote later.
1. The bill proposes the idea that immigration is a zero sum game, where any addition to immigrants in a category must be offset by reduction in another category.
2. Unlike provisions in current law that allow unused quota to be transferred to other categories, this one does not. The net effect would be less immigration, which is probably their original intention.
I remember you posting about this Hexa. The argument is that if they must accept immigrants htye only want the most educated ones. This is how the US has made so many advancements. Many new developments are due to the hard work of highly qualified immigrants.
My 2 cents..

It is an assumption that DV immigrants are not highly educated since the base qualification is a high school diploma(which might not be the case).It is almost common knowledge that once you land in the US,you must go back to school to "fit in" if one is looking to progress him/herself.Who is to say that DV immigrants cannot fall into the category of the most educated ones!The furtherance of one's education is one of the reasons people apply for the DV among other benefits & thus who is to say I wont further my education & yet I want to succeed in life!!
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And in the mean time, they couldn't care less about the F1 students. First, you're not allowed to work because apparently as an international you're not "capable" of going to school and working at the same time, and then, getting a work visa after college is getting harder and harder because who wants to hire you if you have no work experience? These are all sorry rules made up by people who have no idea what it's like to come here and live as an immigrant in the "real" world. The government are trying to come up with programs to bring in more "skilled" immigrants, but they have plenty of highly educated international students eager to stay here and work, but they either have to go back to their home countries when school is done, or stay here illegally and try to make it. Go figure....
ppl who think they will make it with only high school diploma ... and with us university fee, better to study in your own country and move after ... just saying.
I think they should update lottery requirements and only allow ppl with bachelor or master degree. Everyone win, country with qualified immigrant and the immigrants themself who are looking for better life and opportunities that offer the usa.
End of visa lottery

ppl who think they will make it with only high school diploma ... and with us university fee, better to study in your own country and move after ... just saying.
I think they should update lottery requirements and only allow ppl with bachelor or master degree. Everyone win, country with qualified immigrant and the immigrants themself who are looking for better life and opportunities that offer the usa.

guys visa lottery hav ended http://www.washingtontimes.com/news...diversity-visa-lottery/#.UL59JZCUZfx.facebook

You should learn a bit more about U.S. legislative system before making this kind of statement. Republican-controlled House of Representatives (lower house of Congress) passed it, but the Senate (upper house of Congress) has not and will not. The Senate is controlled by Democrats. Even if the bill somehow passes the senate, which is extremely unlikely, President Obama has publicly voiced his opposition to this bill, meaning he will veto it. It will take 2/3 of Congress to overcome the veto, which is even more improbable.
Not true! The visa lottery hasn't ended!! The Bill still has to pass through the Senate. Just because the House of Reps passed it doesn't mean the Senate will automatically pass the Bill too.

After it has passed out of Congress, it is sent along to the President. If the President signs the bill, it becomes law.
The President might not sign the bill, however. If he specifically rejects the bill, called a veto, the bill returns to Congress. There it is voted on again, and if both houses of Congress pass the bill again, but this time by a two-thirds majority, then the bill becomes law without the President's signature. This is called "overriding a veto," and is difficult to do because of the two-thirds majority requirement.

So here is a game of waiting and seeing what happens.....
DV-2013 and DV-2014 are totally safe. And, as Sm1smom and Hexa state above, the Senate still would have to pass the bill (unlikely) and the President would have to sign it. Having the system totally online, as it is now, has cut down on the fraud tremendously already.