Stamping rules have been changed!
Hi Pals!
Yesterday I went for stamping with the family.
We got our tickets after lunch hours! We were called in 20 minutes.
There was no rush at all!
We gave all the papers what we had. Since I misplaced my current EAD, I was worried. But the officer did not ask about it at all. Whatever papers we had, especially, I-94, the APs, and older EADs, we submitted.
What they are looking for is, I-94, APs, EADs, 2 passport size photographs (as per new instruction) and approval notice. That is all. It took about 45 minutes for us to get it done for three of us! It was really a nice experience.
Also, I thought of throwing some updated info here…
The rules have been changed as of 8/31/2004. It is not walk-in stamping anymore!!
We need to get an appointment thru their online system, called INFO PASS. When you sign up and give your information, you will be given up with the next available date. Right now, the waiting time is about 15 days.
It is better to get the appointment online as soon as you receive the approval notice.
Thanks for everyone who shared their thoughts and experience before!!.
Good Luck Pals!