sponsor's income and my naturalization


New Member
I just got my conditions removed. I can apply for US citizenship in October (based on a 3-year green card through marriage).

I am wondering if my husband's income would be a problem if I apply. When we filed taxes this year, we saw that we made less than $10,000 together. My husband is a full-time student (since 2008). I was able to find only a part-time job. We do not spend much and we DO have some savings that we live on. I just do not want them to think that we are poor... or that I'd ask for state assistance.

Do u think that I will be denied if I apply for citizenship (based on the fact that we did not make enough income in 2008)? Does it even matter? Do i need to have a new sponsor or co-sponsor? or should i wait till we make more money?

I am sorry for this question :eek:...but i just couldn't find the income requirement in the guide (it mentiones only that you have to file tax returns and pay taxes)...
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