Speeding ticket


Registered Users (C)
Do you think speeding ticket can somehow affect GC decision or Citezenship matter? Is it counted towards being immoral?
regular speeding ticket certainly will not, and it will be only in your driving record. The only reason it may be a problem if you were speeding really much (proabably 40 miles over speed limit or so depending on your state laws) that your state considers it as a criminal case (like it does DUI), but you would probably know about that as you would most likely get arrested if that was the case.
No it cant
My sister had four speeding tickets in one year... she got her GC no prob...
I got my ticket last Friday at HWY 401 in Canada)
122 km/h in 100 km/h zone. I was trying to explain to the officer that I thought that 100 km/h translated like 100 mph from French)))) He said that when I entered Canada there was a sign says that Canada using metric system and bla bla bla. he gave me a ticket. What I have to do with it? Does that speeding ticket goes to my driving record here in US?

I got my ticket last Friday at HWY 401 in Canada)
122 km/h in 100 km/h zone. I was trying to explain to the officer that I thought that 100 km/h translated like 100 mph from French)))) He said that when I entered Canada there was a sign says that Canada using metric system and bla bla bla. he gave me a ticket. What I have to do with it? Does that speeding ticket goes to my driving record here in US?


Your question is out of topic.
If you get traffic ticket's, in other state than you live , that dos not go in your driving record ,unless you don't pay fines in 30 days .
If you don't pay fine in 30 days than the state that you got tickets send report to your state and your DL is automatically revoked and all pints going in your Driving record.
If you live in NY than for each point you have to pay $25 per Yare and it will be for three years , so if you got 3 points that's mean $75 time 3 years $225, I do have now 6 points in my DL so I paid $100 per year, and you get only 15 days , if not than get ready to drive bicycle.

Upss I forget Florida and NY have the agreement that if you get any tickets of moving violation automatically go's in your Driving record in NY.Just so you know .
Ticket in Canda ......:cool: As Muslikcat said your question is out of topic .
I live in NY, but got the ticket in Maryland. The officer happily informed me that I would get points on my New York license. He was not friendly at all... :(
Well if you not pay in 30 days you will get DL revoked plus points.
Unles they got agreements with NY.
Which I dont believe it.