sonofindia has a theory that cases are processed by pd


Registered Users (C)
Posted By: sonofindia 3/11/02 5:58 PM
(#4 of 4)
This again confirms my theory that CSC is processing by PD. All the PD\'s before 01.01.01 are being processed first. That is the reason why some folks with April. May RD are pending.
sonofindia "Recent approvals for March 2002 part 2" 3/11/02 5:58pm

what is your opinion ?
That theory doesn\'t hold.

I have one of the earliest priority dates and my case isn\'t even assigned to an officer yet (PD: 9/98)!! And I see people with a much later priority date- in fact some who have their PD in 2001 approved!!!

(Note that I did FP a while back- 3 months ago on Dec 13th!
I think processing

of other countries (other than China & India/Pakistan) follows a different faster process.

Any Comments ?

I don\'t think so. I\'m from CAMEROON (Country in Central Africa) and still waiting. my details are:

RD 06/15
ND 11/06
FP Done: 11/30
AVM resumed message 01/10
PD: 06/2000

I "am" one of those "others" who had something to add- and so I did, oh bright one! Apparently you don\'t like the idea of your impressive theories refuted! If you don\'t like people expressing their opinion(or a fact in my case), maybe you should limit yourself to just reading rather than posting.
Anyway.. enough of this immature nonsense.

(Its kinda like saying SonOfIndia has four legs, and then as soon as you express your negative opinion on it, I add: SonOfIndia, lets hear what others have to say! Don\'t rebunk that theory before checking it out!)
Even I think so

I\'ve following these approvals for a while....whenever CSC approves someone way ahead of current processing dates, mostly it would be someone from other than India/China. Like Oct RD case which got approved...he\'s from Sweden..
I do not think my theory holds true

Too many exceptions for it to be plausible.
I eat my words.

My PS is 01.01 and I was seeing guys with earlier PDs but later WAC\'s getting approved, so I thought PD may be important.
Guess there may be other reasons for the delay in my case.

Desiindistress you need to calm down man. I know we are all stressed about this damned GC thing, but I do not think pouncing on each other will help.
Apparently its a case of some lazy INS officers..

I talked with the lawyer\'s assistant at shusterman\'s firm last friday and I was told that apparently piles of cases are assigned to different officers at a time. And then some cases at the bottom of piles are left unassigned for a bit till the next round! The CSC INS keeps reassigning different workloads (eg. 140 processing, 485processing, etc) to officers depending on backlog and when some officers are pulled out of 485 processing into something else, those cases take longer even if they were assigned! I don\'t know how much of this is true. One thing I did agree with was that INS doesn\'t have a set definite procedure on how to assign cases!
If it is true, I will have problem. PD is wrong on I-140

My RD is 4/26/01(I-485). My case is NIW(Do not need Labor
certificate). My I-140 was approved on June, 2000. It shows that
my PD is May 30,2002,it should be May 30,2000. My I-140 was
done in VSC. Then I moved to CA and filed I-485 in CSC. So CSC
has my I-140 with the wrong PD. I did my fp on 11/01. No
approval yet. What should we do now? Please advise. I did not
notice the wrong PD untile 2 week ago. My lawyer has never
noticed it. Please help.

Cases can\'t be processed according to PD

I filed in the EB1- Oustanding Researcher category
that has no LC and hence no PD. The PD is set by default
to be the date of the I140 approval. If cases are processed
according to PD, then I would not have received my approval
around the same time as all the other late April filers.

A whole bunch of late April filers got our approval about
2 months ago. We were of different EB categories, country
of origin, PD\'s etc. The only thing we had in common was
our RD.

Here is my 2c worth...

1. Priority goes only upto assigning the case to an officer, and note that for approval that may take any where between couple of days to couple of weeks.
2. We don\'t have sufficient data of PD in our lists to prove that INS follows PD as priority. But I guess we have sufficient enough data to prove that it doesn\'t follow PD!
3. Majority of older cases will have older PDs and recent cases will have recent PDs.
4. If you see the list orderded by ND then you can see that approvals are properly distributed based on ND. So I feel INS is following ND to assign cases! Right now INS is processing Aug NDs and cases filed in May, June and July has Aug NDs. Note that there could be couple of exceptions. Cases filed in June, July, Aug, Sept has Sept NDs. Around Aug INS speeded up issuing receipts using more resources etc. so there are too many cases with these NDs. In that month shelf cases are not in any sorted order except that they are in the month shelf. INS is still working with Aug cases. So it is highly possible that there may be several more cases unassigned in Aug month shelf!

- PCee

I support your theory that CSC is processing by ND which is same as
WAC number

but the question many people will ask is why are cases of wac-260 to wac-270 being approved when their wac is 245 for example ?

I feel the answer to that is

if your fp has been done and your background check is over then ur case is adjudication ready.

in such cases they are processing cases around wac-260 range.

So most likely if your case has not been assigned you should ask IIO if your background check has been done.

This is very important

my 2 cents
my background check has been completed on 01.10.02

I have confirmed this with two IIO\'s.
However, my case has not been assigned yet? What can I say.

Damned CSC
Ques for SonofIndia

My AVM was changed to "Pross resumed on 12/29" like many others but when I called the IIO for the first time a week ago, she said that the result of FP came back on 12/02 and the case was not assigned yet. I was wondering, I thought "Proc resumed" means that everything with FP (background check etc) was done. Can you explain this. RD=7/12, ND=8/28 FP=11/03, WAC#=01-269-*****
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As I wrote in previous message priority is going only upto the month not down to day! I mean once the case is adjucation ready that case is transfered to respective month, in my openion on that shelf cases are not sorted in any particuler order! It is possible that when cases are transferred to this adjucation ready shelf (Based on ND month) officers may just keep adding them at the end. That may mean they are indirectly sorted based on when they became adjucation ready and it depends on when FPs are done, background checks etc. but not on WAC# though! Also while officers picking up cases they may not pickup cases from the begning but rather from where ever they feel like because they are not sorted in any order!

- PCee

a few weeks back we just noticed a big jump in april rd approvals
It looked like CSC just went through and cleaned up april rd

My guess is sometime in the near future they will do the same for may rd

Hope my guess is correct
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May RD means July ND (except few at the end), and most of them are already being processed! I see in the current list "that I have locally" 5 got RFEs and app. 12 remaining who finished FPs and waiting for approvals! some of them may be incactive too! Also note that some may be marked for RFE but after going through some other review they may decide to not to give RFE! In those cases it may take a bit longer but eventually the case gets approval.

I don\'t know what you consider as big jump but I don\'t see any scope for jump in approval numbers w.r.t. May RD any more!

- PCee