Somebody asked (live on TV) about returning home country


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This morning in a program called "Despierta America" from Univision, somebody from Colombia and living in Palm Beach, Florida called and asked to an expert immigration lawyer the following question?

Can I come back to my home country using my GC (obtained through political asylum) and national passport?

The lawyer said: Yes, you can come back if you have an emergency like parents sick, have to sign papers to sell properties, etc. Make sure to bring with you documentation to support your visit.

The lawyer also said: If you are going to your home country for vacations, do not go, that will raise suspicions from USCIS.
jw1951 said:
Hope ppl who think "Once you adjust that's it!" will get the message.

But those living in a fake sense of reality will say "I DONT CARE WHAT THE LAWYER SAYS, HE WAS DRUNK MAYBE"

IF you ask the same question to a H1 lawyer or a family-case based, he will say GO home dont' worry you are adjusted, it doesnt matter anymore. Only "real" asylum lawyers will tell you what this user reported...THE FACTS!!!
wantmygcnow said:
But those living in a fake sense of reality will say "I DONT CARE WHAT THE LAWYER SAYS, HE WAS DRUNK MAYBE"

IF you ask the same question to a H1 lawyer or a family-case based, he will say GO home dont' worry you are adjusted, it doesnt matter anymore. Only "real" asylum lawyers will tell you what this user reported...THE FACTS!!!

Many people are under delusion and do not understand that until it is too late.
jw1951 said:
Hope ppl who think "Once you adjust that's it!" will get the message.

I am one of those who believe so, and I know at least 4 ppl who went back to their home countries and came back with no problem. I dare you and all those who waste our time and flood the forms w/idiotic posts like these to prove otherwise!

If you do not want to go back home then do not, but stop wasting our time w/posts related to some t.v. shows. :rolleyes:
hey bringslite, which port did u go thru from your homecoming trip back? :confused:

bringslite said:
I am one of those who believe so, and I know at least 4 ppl who went back to their home countries and came back with no problem. I dare you and all those who waste our time and flood the forms w/idiotic posts like these to prove otherwise!

If you do not want to go back home then do not, but stop wasting our time w/posts related to some t.v. shows. :rolleyes:
bringslite said:
I am one of those who believe so, and I know at least 4 ppl who went back to their home countries and came back with no problem. I dare you and all those who waste our time and flood the forms w/idiotic posts like these to prove otherwise!

If you do not want to go back home then do not, but stop wasting our time w/posts related to some t.v. shows. :rolleyes:

I just wanted to share what I watched on TV. If you want to go back go ahead. It is not my business.
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I think everbody here have a good part of the truth.
it's easy for same people ..hard for the others.
I can't see anything wrong for sambody from kosovo for example to make a short visit to his country ... the civil war is way over.
and it seem to much harder for sambody else from cuba to do the same thing.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Well, my attorney is only doing asylum and refugee cases and he CLEARLY told me that I can go back with NO problems (with GC) and I did.
Samird, if you don't mind could you share with us where did you go back and how? did you go through a third country or straight and for how long?
jubilee said:
I think everbody here have a good part of the truth.
it's easy for same people ..hard for the others.
I can't see anything wrong for sambody from kosovo for example to make a short visit to his country ... the civil war is way over.
and it seem to much harder for sambody else from cuba to do the same thing.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: