Soldiering toward citizenship...


I enjoyed reading about your road to citizenship. I really hope you get the help you need, before your next deployment. Have you try MPF office? They help me a lot when me citizen process got stuck in the name check.

Best Wishes to You!
Thanks for posting your story and Best of Luck to you. I really hope you become a citizen before you deploy.
I really dont see what's the big deal.Looks to me like you deserted home country,religion and name ,found and American girl ,plus joined military ,to becoming a USC .What next!!.I see you been perfect candidate for name check.
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Thank you all for your support and kind messages, even to that last one and I am so glad to have invaluable friends over here... Hopefully, I will fill you in soon enough when I take the oath and in a few years pics from the seat of the aircraft.

I really dont see what's the big deal.Looks to me like you deserted home country,religion and name ,found and American girl ,plus joined military ,to becoming a USC .What next!!.I see you been perfect candidate for name check.

Was not going to respond but anyway, heck this deserves it. Just the tone makes you think, could this be one of those whom I dared to call of my own once upon a time which I never ever will again, wonder what stuck up so hard to deserve such a negative tone. Turns out he ain't, and so the bug must be unto the prominent eastern decree "never assimilate with the Great Satan"...

"Deserted home country" charges me an apparent N400 applicant! Well, that part seems apparent as it is from the "desperate" signature line, though he says he is a USC and "thank you come again" by birth in a post dated 10th November 2006. N400 is a federal form to obtain the citizenship of the United States of AMERICA in which at the end of the journey the applicant recites "I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; ... oh the sweet irony, makes you smile, doesn't it! I notice, same naturalization applicant seems to have been bothered with the "religion" issue too. To be honest, I have not. Only those who has vision could understand the difference and this one is the worst kind. Religion comes from study not from cradle. Proud of the military service nonetheless, best thing every happened to me as it is obvious, that was what I aimed for anyway. Best part, American people love and have always loved patriotic and assimilated immigrants, and better, my name check had been completed. I am sure if you had something under your belt that would make the country appreciate you, you would not be this upset.

Here, I will be one of those Americans and say "GOOD LUCK TO YOU ON YOUR NAME CHECK, and the rest of your APPLICATION FOR NATURALIZATION to become a citizen of the greatest country on earth. Sorry if I sounded "evasive", it was meant to be like that.

Edit: DC, I must say, reading a few of your previous posts and your usage of English language forced me to think that you might not have been fully able to grasp the paper article and the story contained therein. So I apologize for my tone too. ;)
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For those who wants to see the big deal, let me talk about it a bit...

This is not the first time I 've had a negative reception from many of my own countrymen about my decisions to immigrate, to work in, to get married in, or join the military in the US. That is unfortunate, though it is not unexpected. I myself have been met with hostility, and with scepticism. Many of my own relatives and friends have the attitude of "why would you do that". Even many of those who emigrated to the States like this "dc" character above have the same attitude. They love the benefits that they gained by coming here (better education, jobs, opportunities for their kids, no discrimination, etc.) but that the same time, they don't want any responsibility. So they don't serve on juries, they don't do any volunteer work, and they definitely don't join the military. To them, that is "for suckers". In reality, they can not understand how someone like me can possibly become an officer, in the military, in the law enforcement, or public service. In those countries they are from, only people with connections, government backing and insider relatives can be military officers or can get their job done. So, I learned a long time ago that I can not and will not live my life for them. I don't need their approval, so I am not going to ask for it. I decided to do what I believed was the right thing for me, and I joined the military. I had a great career and still having so. As a result, I got great experience, learned some great skills,

So my advice to true immigrants who are true to United States, stay true to your dreams, take responsibility for your own life, and don't give up on what you believe is the right thing for you. Don't be like the jerk above. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me...
I really dont see what's the big deal.Looks to me like you deserted home country,religion and name ,found and American girl ,plus joined military ,to becoming a USC .What next!!.I see you been perfect candidate for name check.

Hey dckaraja,

Bushmaster works around the clock to insure your safety and the safety of America. If it weren't for the soldiers who defend this country, you would not be enjoying the FREEDOM you have now. Looks to me like he earned his citizenship by serving this country. What did you do to earn yours????

I am not going to comment on the rest of your statment because you have no loyalty to the US.

Bushmaster, America is proud of you and appreciates your great service... press on my friend.

God Bless
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Is this all a ranting of a jerk or close enough to facts?

Here is my rant:

I like LOU DOBBS:)D ).

I think a very large percentage of folks on H1-B visa have fake resumes.

Therefore I think people on H1-B visa are stealing away jobs from US citizens.
Therefore I think H1-b visa should be either abolished or folks on H1-B visa should not be allowed green cards(boy I am right there) or citizenships.

Hi turkish man, I also think you came to us to become a citizen. I know that usually:( when a muslim person marries a non-muslim it is the non-muslim who becomes a muslim.

I think a very large percentage of these marriages are not out of love but for green cards. :)D ).

One can be an American and be Patriotic at the same time. Serving in the military is one of them but not the only one. The US would not run without people serving in Hospitals (as Doctors, nurses), teaching kids at schools and in Universities, Firemen saving people, the police and so on.

A lot of people on this board earned their citizenship and green cards on their own through having immigrated here for skills and qualifications which are needed by the country, and I have seen over the years such people being a bit sceptical when they read about some one who marries or joins the forces presumably for the sake of a green card. The overwhelming majority no doubt marry for true love as do those who join the forces out a sense of gratefulness to the new country that provided them with opportunities.

I can understand where Bushmaster is coming from and I wish him the very best and appreciate his service to the nation. My only advice is that you don't have to keep proving to others including your relatives your intentions or the reasons for your actions.
One can be an American and be Patriotic at the same time. Serving in the military is one of them but not the only one. The US would not run without people serving in Hospitals (as Doctors, nurses), teaching kids at schools and in Universities, Firemen saving people, the police and so on.

A lot of people on this board earned their citizenship and green cards on their own through having immigrated here for skills and qualifications which are needed by the country, and I have seen over the years such people being a bit sceptical when they read about some one who marries or joins the forces presumably for the sake of a green card. The overwhelming majority no doubt marry for true love as do those who join the forces out a sense of gratefulness to the new country that provided them with opportunities.

I can understand where Bushmaster is coming from and I wish him the very best and appreciate his service to the nation. My only advice is that you don't have to keep proving to others including your relatives your intentions or the reasons for your actions.

Rantings of a politician above.:D

Why can't you love someone from your own country? Why come to usa and marry a us citizen after meeting her on internet?
Usually it is a fat white chick married with a foreigner and after he gets the citizenship it is bye bye.
Skills and qualifications? why come to usa and use your so called skills and qualifications here for charity purposes(or in truth for $$$:D) as you say? instead of serving the poor and downtrodden of your country(for less dough:D )
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Rantings of a politician above.:D

Why can't you love someone from your own country? Why come to usa and marry a us citizen after meeting her on internet?
Usually it is a fat white chick married with a foreigner and after he gets the citizenship it is bye bye.
Skills and qualifications? why come to usa and use your so called skills and qualifications here for charity purposes(or in truth for $$$:D) as you say? instead of serving the poor and downtrodden of your country(for less dough:D )


I know someone who came to the US legally, been here for 9 years, married to a US citizen(for love and if you do not believe me ask their 4 children), served in the US armed forces, never had a traffic ticket, love (and will always love) America, and INS denied his citizenship because of a minor administrative error on his military record.

And yes, I am a fan of Lou Dobbs too:D
Rantings of a politician above.:D

Why can't you love someone from your own country? Why come to usa and marry a us citizen after meeting her on internet?
Usually it is a fat white chick married with a foreigner and after he gets the citizenship it is bye bye.
Skills and qualifications? why come to usa and use your so called skills and qualifications here for charity purposes(or in truth for $$$:D) as you say? instead of serving the poor and downtrodden of your country(for less dough:D )


Form your last two posts I was under the impression that you are a natural born American CITIZEN. However, in one of your previous posts (dated 12 Jan. 2007), you stated:

"Traffic tickets
Records of Traffic tickets - How far back do I need it? How many years?
I have gotten 1 traffic ticket almost every year for last 5 years, never been arrested, No DUI or DWI.
The tickets were for speeding, failure to stop at a stop sign.
How will that affect my citizenship application?"

Here is a link to your post:

I was just wondering if you are not a natural born American, how and why did you come to the US? on H1-B visa?
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To Bushmaster from His countryman

You don't have to answer none of this negative comments. A lot of people are living in denial and got double standard. Just please ignore them.
I am glad you posted the article.
I am supporting you 100% as a fellow Turkish.
Last time I checked it was a free world. One can convert to any religion/ideolgy, one wants.
A friend of mine got his oath done in 4 months after filing N400, and I am waiting for over 10 months to recieve an interview letter. I feel you pain.
Please keep us posted.


I know someone who came to the US legally, been here for 9 years, married to a US citizen(for love and if you do not believe me ask their 4 children), served in the US armed forces, never had a traffic ticket, love (and will always love) America, and INS denied his citizenship because of a minor administrative error on his military record.

And yes, I am a fan of Lou Dobbs too:D

Here is my rant:

I like LOU DOBBS:)D ).

I think a very large percentage of folks on H1-B visa have fake resumes.

Therefore I think people on H1-B visa are stealing away jobs from US citizens.
Therefore I think H1-b visa should be either abolished or folks on H1-B visa should not be allowed green cards(boy I am right there) or citizenships.

Hi turkish man, I also think you came to us to become a citizen. I know that usually:( when a muslim person marries a non-muslim it is the non-muslim who becomes a muslim.

I think a very large percentage of these marriages are not out of love but for green cards. :)D ).


Citipassport, if you think you are a visionary(abolishing H1B) and also can analyze(rather sterotype) people based on their visa or ethinicity, Gold help you.<br><br>

There is nothing wrong in someone feeling proud about one's job and BTW, I would like to know what is your path(right from non-immigrant) towards citizenship(I can find a stereotype for that as well)
I am MOSTLY satisfied and encouraged with the messages posted since I posted mine last night. Nothing negative I see and I am especially grateful to the fellow native countryman for his encouragement, and of course my ex-military friend whom we served this flag together.

My message is simple, people do not forget where you come from, do not forget what you are, but most importantly do not forget your goals and dreams which made you what you are. They tell me, changed your religion, you are forgetting your identity, you know I must say, it is my identity that I shape, not where I am from nor the community I grew up in. Religion has always been an issue however, those people who make this an issue also should know, their religion teaches them there is no compulsion in it, and this is between the individual and God alone. Conversion from one faith to another is not done on paper, and it is a painstaking process for the individual if he is true to himself and his faith in God. My conversion took about 2 sceptical years before I learnt about everything I needed to know, I needed to answer...

I do religious debates too, but on appropriate forums, this is not the place.

It is hard for me to assure people from behind this computer screen how I really connected to my wife and loved her. It is hard for me to tell that I had the first chance the read the Bible in my life when I was detained and had the chance to ask questions to my previous faith. If conversaion played any role, my name check would not have taken 3 years and 4 months.

Dear citipassport, I do not know your story, but I am sure you have something similar to what has been written for me in the newspaper. Everyone who loves America DOES! I do not take your posts here negatively, nor skeptical, because you are one of us. If you applied scepticism on my case, I respectfully return it, if I was not sincere, I would not be here in this country, nor I would be featured in the paper.
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Excuse me !! Brother X Turk.Frist of all just by looking at my screen name .There is no doubt. I am no where close to your so call x/past life . I was only referrring to the fact why you are prime candidate for name check.That's what I meant with whats the big deal.All the stuff you did makes you prime candidate.And please shut the hell up with you patrotic crap.Become one and than speak up.Let them deny your case and let me see how patrotic you are than.About education.I guess you had plenty of time to do reading when you were the guest of your so called new motherland.:rolleyes:
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Hey dckaraja,

Bushmaster works around the clock to insure your safety and the safety of America. If it weren't for the soldiers who defend this country, you would not be enjoying the FREEDOM you have now. Looks to me like he earned his citizenship by serving this country. What did you do to earn yours????

I am not going to comment on the rest of your statment because you have no loyalty to the US.

Bushmaster, America is proud of you and appreciates your great service... press on my friend.

God Bless

I dont have any issues with his job or his so called new life that he choose.It's all good everyone has right to choose good and bad.My issue was the way he came to US and the path he took to get here plus he wants us to feel sorry for his ass for been stuck in name check.Please.....!!!!!
Excuse me !! Brother X Turk.Frist of all just by looking at my screen name .There is no doubt. I am no where close to your so call x/past life . I was only referrring to the fact why you are prime candidate for name check.That's what I meant with whats the big deal.All the stuff you did makes you prime candidate.And please shut the hell up with you patrotic crap.Become one and than speak up.Let them deny your case and let me see how patrotic you are than.About education.I guess you had plenty of time to do reading when you were the guest of your so called new motherland.:rolleyes:

Sorry to break it you but it is OBVIOUS by now that you have a short attention span. If you took anything that I and others have said on this thread to heart, you should by now realized that you do not lose identity or whatever you call it by becoming an American. I never denied and would never deny that I am by birth a Turk but also American by choice, these things can and do go by hand-in-hand, you should consider your approach.

Second, THERE ARE NO PRIME CANDIDATES for name checks, that is a fact which you are not aware of! Every one goes through it. NOONE gets special attention for the information THEY DO NOT HAVE such as religion, etc. Depends on the difficulty of the case as to how long it will take. On the other hand, do you also realize that this country also has provided judicial review process for the cases that had bureaucratically stopped?

It does NOT take an American citizen to be patriotic. Others already mentioned that, however you managed to miss it again. You know, let them deny my case, I go to war and come back and go to TV this time and get my citizenship EVENTUALLY, I am not a felon nor a criminal and there is NO reason for a denial.

Let me quote the CIS officer on my case from an email I have received;

Once we receive the updated RAP sheet, an officer will call him and he will be given the option to come in and fill out a form stating he does not wish a name change and he can be sworn in an administrative ceremony that day.

NOW EAT your words about the name change and the supposed denial!

Your usage English continues to amaze me, I certainly wish it didn't, that would have given you a bit of credibility. Yes, I have studied my motherland FOR 11 years before I arrived to her. I wish you could have done the same thing.
I dont have any issues with his job or his so called new life that he choose.It's all good everyone has right to choose good and bad.My issue was the way he came to US and the path he took to get here plus he wants us to feel sorry for his ass for been stuck in name check.Please.....!!!!!

So called new life? Do you even know what SO CALLED mean? It means "doubtful or suspect". What do you suspect from the news story that it actually DID NOT happen?

Your issue was the way I came? What is that to you Mr. American citizen NOT? Did I jump the border? Did I not pay for my violation? What is wrong witht he path I choose? Should I have asked your opinion? Are you handicapped to read that name checks had been cleared and the purpose of the news article is not to plea but to invitation to celebrate a happy event?

Let me tell you straight, my immigration process never involved things like calling myself a US Citizen on these forums, cussing at consular processing, and having my N400 being returned to me. You have a lot of acts to get straight before you can even dare to talk to a person who as Screaming Eagle put "works around the clock to ensure your safety" Excuse me for my language but go bitch somewhere else!