Social Security Deduction at Paycheck


Hello everyone, I am currently on TN status in Utah working as an engineer. Today, I received my first paycheck and noticed social security deductions. I don't think these deductions support TN visa holders in the USA, especially if we plan to return to our home country after our job here is done. Is there any way to get these deductions exempted?
No. It is a mandatory tax that people working in the US must pay, no matter if you are staying in the US or not. The credits might be able to be transferred to your home country.
Only some foreign workers are exempt from Social Security (F-1,J-1,M-1, or Q-1), those in TN are not.

Canadians who spend 20 years working in US and/or Canada will get some SS at retirement with as little as 6 quarters (~18 months) of SS contributions, so don't worry about losing out.
Hello everyone, I am currently on TN status in Utah working as an engineer. Today, I received my first paycheck and noticed social security deductions. I don't think these deductions support TN visa holders in the USA, especially if we plan to return to our home country after our job here is done. Is there any way to get these deductions exempted?
if you have 40 quarters (10 years) of SS deductions, you qualify for social security benefits.

If your intention is to work in the USA for < 10 years... well, if it helps you feel better.. Americans who don't work 10 years also miss out.

Even getting 6 quarters of SS qualifies on for some SS -- IF the work in Canada for 8.5 years as well. So it isn't lost.
Incorrect. FICA is exempted for certain statuses: F-1,J-1,M-1, or Q-1/Q-2. Not TN, not H1.

A quick google search would have yielded this information before posting that you "read it somewhere"