Social Security and Green Card Senior Citizen


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My grandmother has just been granted her G.C She is 76 years old and is a resident of India, never ever worked in U.S
Her daughter is a citizen in U.S and has sponsored her G.C

Will be eligible for any benefits from U.S govt like social security ???

vvlabor said:
My grandmother has just been granted her G.C She is 76 years old and is a resident of India, never ever worked in U.S
Her daughter is a citizen in U.S and has sponsored her G.C

Will be eligible for any benefits from U.S govt like social security ???


No. You have to have contributed a minimum of 40 quarters (i.e. 10 years) before being eligible to receive SS. Her daughter made a pledge to support her on the GC application and must now follow through on that pledge.

Thanks for the reply JoeF.

Does his mean that on becoming a citizen and sponsoring the parent's green card, the medical expenses of the parents have to be borne entirely by the sponsorer either via insurance or directly.



So what really is the benefit in making ones parents GC holders ?
Can someone please throw some light ?
You are right in principle
The person who sponsored her should be responsible for health care costs. However, in reality it is almost impossible to buy health insurance for a 76 year old.