---------------- Silly Man is Approved ----------------

Silly Man

Volunteer moderator
Silly Man is Approved

Finally I'm approved. Took about 2 years on 485.

My apologies to everyone I have offended, especially gulti bhai log. (Ok 140 ki behan log also). Apologies for all the leg pulling I've done - not that I will quit doing it. But I will continue to apologize.

Biggest thanks to Rajiv for providing such a wonderful forum without which I feel this wait would have been much tougher.

I have a few questions though. What can I expect next?

a) Will my lawyer get an approval notice too, or just me?

b) My stamping will be in LA, do I have to get appointment for stamping? How does all that work?

c) What kind of questions/documents they might ask during stamping? I noticed that VicktorK (another recent approval on immigrationportal) was asked that "What company do you work for now?". Well, I've personally changed jobs and have moved to the east coast. Could it create an issue if I told them? (You can't get this stamped here, go to blah blah wherever etc. etc.). What other questions can I expect.

d) I have an H1 notice of approval, which is still valid, but I never got it stamped on my passport, could that create a problem of any kind?

e) If you could explain the next steps, also how long before I get the plastic card?

My apologies for not being too active on this board lately, but I took up a new job that makes me work ultra hard, plus I'm writing a book (techie computer book), so I have really no free time left.

Small peice of advice: GC is not worth your health, so quit stressin'.

Overall judgement about GC ..

Was all this pain worth it? HELL YEAH IT WAS !!!

How do I feel now? Angry that my 2 years have been wasted by govt. inefficiency - but pulled back like an arrow.

Will I be back on this board - I think so.

Future plans - Marry Aishwarya Rai.

Balle balle everyone. :)
Silly, dear Old Silly

I am firsttttttttttttttttttttttttt....You have been a pleasure to watch on this forum and a pleasure to interact with..so have fun. get drunk...worry abt your questions later...

I beat everyone to it, as it is 3.55pm in the afternoon and am in India while u guys are sleeping...good olllll Bangaloreeeee..

Many congratulations for your approval. You have indeed been an anchor on this forum. Thanks for your great work.

Good luck


Great news silly man u were an integral part of this forum, I dont post that often but I always used read your replies and u were an excellent contributor to this forum sure will miss u, Have fun enjoy you freedom and get married soon:)
Congratulations !!
It's really great !!
Registered: May 2002
Location: INS Torture Ville
Posts: [B]3005[/B]
Also, your posting 3,000+ messages has been contributing this forum a lot.
Enjoy your freedom, and looking forward to your book.

Enjoy your freedom.

a) Will my lawyer get an approval notice too, or just me?

ANS Both of you will get an approval notice but the lawyer one is original and you need to take lawyer one to immigration office.

b) My stamping will be in LA, do I have to get appointment for stamping? How does all that work?

ANS No appointment needed unless you want to take lawyer along with you. NOTE The line of 485 at downtown LA office is diffrent from usual long line it is a much shorter line & starts from diffrent entrance. The process is simple and you can do it yourself without help of lawyer. Go with your original approval notice + EAD card + Advance Parole + CA drivers license + passport with I97 + rest stuff you can keep in trunk of your car in case they need. You enter the building and rush/run to a room# upstairs and get a ticket# from the desk.
wait for your# and go to a window simple questions asked and deposit your passport for 45 minutes. go to food canteen have a cup of maximum relaxing coffee & come back to your room# & wait THAT's IT.

c) What kind of questions/documents they might ask during stamping? I noticed that VicktorK (another recent approval on immigrationportal) was asked that "What company do you work for now?". Well, I've personally changed jobs and have moved to the east coast. Could it create an issue if I told them? (You can't get this stamped here, go to blah blah wherever etc. etc.). What other questions can I expect.

ANS If you are too*1000 times much worried Take a lawyer with you.
Go to the centre mentioned in your approval notice. Some people go to
diffrent centre for convinence -- though you can do it legally.

d) I have an H1 notice of approval, which is still valid, but I never got it stamped on my passport, could that create a problem of any kind?
Keep it with you

e) If you could explain the next steps, also how long before I get the plastic card?
Stamping automatically starts the process of plastic card.
LA centre is really bad for giving plastic card. It can be anything
between 3 months to 2 years. I got mine in 1 year 6 months. My wife traveled using GC stamp. She had to wait for 3 hours to clear immigration at new york airport.
Congratulations SM!!
24 months is better than 999 days.
I admit, several times you made my day by your jokes.
Enjoy your freedom. Congratulations to CSC for approving a case. Didn't know Aishwarya Rai (whoever that is) was into computer techie books.