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Should I send the marriage certificate now?


Registered Users (C)
I won the DV lottery 2009 in Europe EU24xxx and following your recommendations I did not send the paperwork back to KCC until I got married yesterday. So now I will send them asap but I have a question. On the instructions for completing the forms says:"Family members refer only to your spouse and unmarried children who had not reached age 21 before you entered the lottery. If you have had additional children since entering the DV lottery, or your immidiate family situation has changed, include notification of these changes, with a copy (not an original) of the relevant birth certificate or marriage certificate, and all requred forms when you return this packet to the Kentucky Consular Center (KCC).

So I should send a copy of our marriage certificate with the DS-230 and DSP - 122 forms? Should this be translated in english?

Thanx in advance!

Yes, definitely send a copy of the marriage certificate with your application especially if your online application indicated you were single. This will be a record of your marriage since you first applied.
I am not really sure, but it would be a good idea to translate the marriage certificate. Better to have done too much rather than not enough :)