Should I or not to file supporting documents with N-400?


Registered Users (C)
Hi members,
Please give some opinion and advice regarding how much supporting documents I should file with N-400. I want to avoid my application process is delayed because of either missing supporting documents or too many unnecessary stuff with the application. I satisfy all requirements for naturalization, but I barely cleared some of them. For example, I traveled 178 days and 179 days (not back to back. I had 1 year in US between those trips) without keeping my apartment. I should bring all possible supporting documents such as tax return document for the interview with me. Is it also safer to file those documents – tax return, bank statements, etc – with N-400 to play safer side? Filing those supporting documents confuse the Immigration office? Should I or not to file supporting documents?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Hello Mothla,

When you file the N-400 application, you neednot file any supporting documentation. Just file what is asked in the geniric applicaiton requirements.

Once you file the application, you might be sent a yellow letter which will say the documents you need to bring for the interview, pls ensure you bring all those specified.

Apart from the above, whether mentioned in the yellow letter or not, since you stayed 2 times around 6 months, you should take everything and anything that supports that you had no intention the abandon the residency in USA

Pls take for the five years of your permanent residency

- Tax transcripts for both federal and state, utility bills, rent checks, anything that supports your stay in US
- Employment letters, paystubs etc will help

There is a very good thread in this portal which says "documents for N-400", pls follow that thread and take as many supporting documentation you can.

Also you mentioned 178 and 179 days, pls remember that you only need to put in the number of days outside USA, so the day you left and the day you returned should not be counted in this time frame.

Good luck

Hi members,
Please give some opinion and advice regarding how much supporting documents I should file with N-400. I want to avoid my application process is delayed because of either missing supporting documents or too many unnecessary stuff with the application. I satisfy all requirements for naturalization, but I barely cleared some of them. For example, I traveled 178 days and 179 days (not back to back. I had 1 year in US between those trips) without keeping my apartment. I should bring all possible supporting documents such as tax return document for the interview with me. Is it also safer to file those documents – tax return, bank statements, etc – with N-400 to play safer side? Filing those supporting documents confuse the Immigration office? Should I or not to file supporting documents?
Thanks in advance for your help.

I would bring supporting evidence of residency ties only to your interview as your travel pattern does not presume a break in continuous residency (unless your long absences involved working for a foreign company.)
Thank you for your comments. I try to put together possible supporting documents by the interview. Thanks!