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Should I list my Children who were born in USA in ds230 form??


Registered Users (C)
Hi all,

I was wondering if I should list my children (all were born in USA) in the DS230 form.
I am confused because the instruction for the particular item says include ALL children but in the lottery entry application, the instructions said that I did not have to add them.
Any ideas?

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Hi all,

I was wondering if I should list my children (all were born in USA) in the DS230 form.
I am confused because the instruction for the particular item says include ALL children but in the lottery entry application, the instructions said that I did not have to add them.
Any ideas?

This question has been asked here b4 and the answer is NO:)
Oh yes u do

This question has been asked here b4 and the answer is NO:)

I beg to differ....I have 2 US born kids, and I called KCC different 4 times, and each rep told me to write them down, but also note beside their names "US Citizens" in brackets.

In any case, I dont think it makes or breaks your chances.

Also, since they are US Citizens, you do not need additional DS230 forms for them, and also you do not need to budget additional processing fees them.

But for the sake of "family size" you need to show your "entire family" especially if you have to fill out an affidavit of support.

just my 2cents...
Yes, on your DS-230 you have to include everybody who is considered a child of yours under the meaning of immigration law. That includes every unmarried biological child of yours under 21, every unmarried biological child of your spouse under 21 (in case the child was under 18 at the date of your marriage), every unmarried adopted child of yours under 21, every unmarried adoted child of your spouse under 21 (in case the child was under 18 at the date of your marriage), and some children of your former spouses and of your spouse's former spouses as well. That is regardless to their citizenship.

Of course, US citizens do not immigrate to US, so they do not need DS-230 of their own. But they have to be included into your DS-230 and into DS-230 of your spouse.

the instructions said that I did not have to add them
You did not have to put them into electronic form, but you have to put them into your DS-230.
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