SFO/San JoseInterview tracker

Looks like San Jose is Much much better than SFO....

I feel its better to move to San jose Area atleast for Interview sake.
Interview call within 20 days from San jose to chivas is great...
I am seeing the guys waiting for interview calls from SFO from
October 2001...

What do you guys suggest...do u think again
tranfer of papers & address from sfo to Sanjose is faster or
hold on to SFO till the end...

Any SFO waiters who recieved Interview calls recently please post the details..

Documents required for interview

I am giving below exactly what is written in the letter
Pls bring all the items checked (X) to the interview

Petitioner and all benefeciary(s) must be present. Bring this letter, all passports and official ID and medical exam results.

Bring originals of all documents submitted with your application. Bring one copy of the following documnets for each beneficiary:

A current letter of employment for you, the petitioner and the co sponsor (salary, start date, and position)

Original and one copy of yours and any co-sponsor\'s income tax forms with w-2\'s for the last three years.

Bring all originals and one copy (each family member applying with you) of the items checked below:

Registered marriage certficate, insurance policies, rental agreements, deeds, bank/credit statements, childrens\'s birth records.

Utility bills, wedding photos, and any other evidence you feel would help establish that your narriage is bonafide.

For me all the baove items have been checked (x), despite the fact that most of it was submitted at the time of filing.

The place for the interview is 1887 Moterey Road, San Jose, CA 95112.

Copy of this notification has also been sent to the attorney.

You are expected to arrive 20 minutes earlier to the room # specified in the letter and place the letter below the window.
CalcuttaPlayer, thank you very much for your detail message.

I just received the tranfer notice from VSC(TD 04/08). When can I get the interview notice?
Same as CalcuttaPlayer and more

Just got interview notice at Sanjose 06/06
Same document needed. One more is:
CalcuttaPlayer, Do you have same thing and could you let me know your case detail infomaton?

My detail:EM3/CHINA, RD:05/31/01,ND:08/06,FP:12/15,TranD:03/22, IntervD:06/06.

Work fo rsame company no status change in this periods.
More deatils on interview

Interview will be video taped.

RD 7/20, ND 8/30, EB3 India, FP 1/16 ahead osf schedule. Other details in my earlier message.

I and my wife have been given 2 consecutive slots of 30 minutes each. Looks like we will be interviewed seperaately.
got interview notice

I got my interview notice today in the mail and my interview is scheduled to be on 7/23/02 in Sacramento. The AVM said that my case was transfered to SFO (I don\'t know why??? I live in Sacramento).
Interview notice received

My I 485 got transferred to San Jose center for interview on March 15.
  Interview Date- June 4, 2002
   RD- June 2001
   ND- August 2001
   WAC- 01-256-xxxxx

Sorry, I could not post the information earlier as I was having posting problem.
CongoBongo, DelhiSeema, please keep us posted about what happened in your interviews.
for prajit

I will keep this board posted,when there are any developments...I got the same letter that the calcuttaplayer got...exactly the same ...and all the items have been checked,that i need to take with me...It also says that the interview will be videotaped..
about medical check result

Do you have this problem?

The notice request the medical check result. The original one(sealed in the envlope) was sent to INS when I file the I485 application . I have no original report. Do you guy have same problem?

Any Idea how long does it take to get the Transfer notice from Vermont

Transfered on 04/15..
Forget about Interview Notice...i\'m waiting for Transfer Notice...
God knows when i will get the Interview Notice from SFO.
yup ...same problem

Me too had sent the medical.....so dunno what else they want..i have an appt. with my Lawyer on the 29thof this month..will tell you then what it means
The letter described is standard.

I spoke to my lawyer and she said that the letter described here is standard and everyone gets the same. INS does not want us to know why we were called for the interview. So the best strategy is to carry all documents and prepare well. My interview letter is the same as all of you. My interview is on 5/7 and I will keep you all posted.