settlement announcement (NOT as good as some of us thought)

thankful said:
See Attached.

It looks like there are 31,000 additional visas. But they will be spread over the next few years. So the this year they may adjust only 18,000. And it does not appear to do anything for already approved folks in terms of citizenship waiting time.
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I think this is really bad negotiation on the AILF part. The court had ruled in favor of asylees and it looks like AILF went and Fudged it up more...It should have been that all 33,000 should have been used this year...! This is no fair at all.i am very depressed! It means this wont change the timeline much..maybe a month or so..the INS said 03/00 for this year cutoff..which moved only 3 months..another 8,000 would move only 3 months more.

This is ridiculous..Shame on you AILF!

Also the fact that an asylee has to "prepay" for 5 year EAD card doesn't address the issue raised in the lawsuit which claimed..extra charges for the EAD..! The processing time for EAD now is 90 days..and in this lawsuit it went to 100 days??
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wantmygcnow said:
I think this is really bad negotiation on the AILF part. The court had ruled in favor of asylees and it looks like AILF went and Fudged it up more...It should have been that all 33,000 should have been used this year...! This is no fair at all.i am very depressed! It means this wont change the timeline much..maybe a month or so..the INS said 03/00 for this year cutoff..which moved only 3 months..another 8,000 would move only 3 months more.

This is ridiculous..Shame on you AILF!

It says that it will take a few months for the original federal judge to approve the settlement. Do not expect anything major immediately.
I share your sentiments.

They had been engaged in negotiations. So each side had to yield something and this was what they did.

I will repeat what I said here before. This is going to benefit a small number of individuals, no doubt about that. But it does not even remotely solve the underlying backlog problem. AILF spent four years to litigate this and frankly the resources could have been spent better elsewhere (asking Congress to change the law).

wantmygcnow said:
I think this is really bad negotiation on the AILF part. The court had ruled in favor of asylees and it looks like AILF went and Fudged it up more...It should have been that all 33,000 should have been used this year...! This is no fair at all.i am very depressed! It means this wont change the timeline much..maybe a month or so..the INS said 03/00 for this year cutoff..which moved only 3 months..another 8,000 would move only 3 months more.

This is ridiculous..Shame on you AILF!

Also the fact that an asylee has to "prepay" for 5 year EAD card doesn't address the issue raised in the lawsuit which claimed..extra charges for the EAD..! The processing time for EAD now is 90 days..and in this lawsuit it went to 100 days??
Let's make new numbers

jw1951 said:
It says that it will take a few months for the original federal judge to approve the settlement. Do not expect anything major immediately.
Yes, but it also says, that the government will adjust at least 18.000 this FY which is lets say RDs until Oct 1 /00 (Linear Prorate), then next year FY 06 (from Oct05 to Sep 06) lets say that they process 11500 extra (half the remaining balance) so the new cut off date will be around July/2001

What do you think?

What I don't have clear is why the number of 31.000, it was supposed to be 22.000
well, only small % of us will benefit from this and this is clearly a bad negotiation by AILF. They should have gone to the end and see what happens. Right now in my case, I lost probably 2-3 years towards my citizenship. Considering that I'm married and that she is still student waiting for me to get my citizenship, this affects my life greatly. I wasn't expecting that this lawsuit would change anything, but it makes me feel sick to my stomach.

But don’t forget, I do feel for all those people who will wait 18 years for their citizenship. My suggestion to them is find alternative way. Talk to your CEO and see if they can get you GC based on employment. Refugees are not going through all this torment and all security check that we have to go through, and still they are citizens in 5 years after their entrance to the U.S. This system sucks, but this is the only one we have right now. So fight and seek alternative way …

Another option could be contacting prominent republican. Somebody mentioned this in previous posts. Maybe we can focus on one or two senators (not necessarily the one that represent us) and then everybody should send a letter to them. Maybe we should send it to every senator. We have same sample letters we drafted over these years.
AILF had to factor in the fact that they could not predict how the apppeals court would rule. If the judgment of the district court were reversed then AILF would have no leverage at all. This settlement is marginally better than nothing.

But I would wholeheartedly concur that this suit was not the best use of time and money. Maybe because I am a lobbyist by profession I am biased, but the best solution is legislative change. The President of the United States is already on record as supporting an increase of the asylee cap. If only the AIFA play this correctly I am sure the 10000 cap will be raised.

nofreedom said:
well, only small % of us will benefit from this and this is clearly a bad negotiation by AILF. They should have gone to the end and see what happens. Right now in my case, I lost probably 2-3 years towards my citizenship. Considering that I'm married and that she is still student waiting for me to get my citizenship, this affects my life greatly. I wasn't expecting that this lawsuit would change anything, but it makes me feel sick to my stomach.

But don’t forget, I do feel for all those people who will wait 18 years for their citizenship. My suggestion to them is find alternative way. Talk to your CEO and see if they can get you GC based on employment. Refugees are not going through all this torment and all security check that we have to go through, and still they are citizens in 5 years after their entrance to the U.S. This system sucks, but this is the only one we have right now. So fight and seek alternative way …

Another option could be contacting prominent republican. Somebody mentioned this in previous posts. Maybe we can focus on one or two senators (not necessarily the one that represent us) and then everybody should send a letter to them. Maybe we should send it to every senator. We have same sample letters we drafted over these years.
Well lets just forget the 33,000 unused visa..The Fact that the EAD was a major issue in the suit and the outcome of the negotation just amazes me. IT says that the asylee has to pay for the EAD which can be good for 5 years..Is that 600 dollars??...So it means the argument that every asylee has to renew his EAD every year for a repeat fee has no sense to it!..This should have never been argued and should have been pointed out the use of unrestricted SSN..What a waste of negotation!...

The settlement agreement calls for asylees seeking renewal of their EADs to have the option to obtain EADs valid for multiple year periods up to 5 years. Applicants will have to prepay for the numbers of years requested.
hampton8844 said:
AILF had to factor in the fact that they could not predict how the apppeals court would rule. If the judgment of the district court were reversed then AILF would have no leverage at all. This settlement is marginally better than nothing.

But I would wholeheartedly concur that this suit was not the best use of time and money. Maybe because I am a lobbyist by profession I am biased, but the best solution is legislative change. The President of the United States is already on record as supporting an increase of the asylee cap. If only the AIFA play this correctly I am sure the 10000 cap will be raised.

It's rather clear that they should do something with the cap. If things will keep going the same way it automatically means that people who will apply in 5 years for asylum won't have a chance to become citizens during their life time. And I also hope that President Bush will pass his immigration reform, which will araise asylee's issue. That is the last thing I still hope to happen. :(
Even using the 18,000 visas..The New Cutoff Date should be 09/01 the earliest. If it doesn't get to 01/01 at the latest it means the govt is fudging
it up again..
wantmygcnow said:
Well lets just forget the 33,000 unused visa..The Fact that the EAD was a major issue in the suit and the outcome of the negotation just amazes me. IT says that the asylee has to pay for the EAD which can be good for 5 years..Is that 600 dollars??...So it means the argument that every asylee has to renew his EAD every year for a repeat fee has no sense to it!..This should have never been argued and should have been pointed out the use of unrestricted SSN..What a waste of negotation!...

The settlement agreement calls for asylees seeking renewal of their EADs to have the option to obtain EADs valid for multiple year periods up to 5 years. Applicants will have to prepay for the numbers of years requested.

So asylees can't get unrestricted SSC anymore? :confused:
wantmygcnow said:
Even using the 18,000 visas..The New Cutoff Date should be 09/01 the earliest. If it doesn't get to 01/01 at the latest it means the govt is fudging
it up again..

09/01 or 01/01?

09/01 makes no sense at all.
Minsk said:
It's rather clear that they should do something with the cap. If things will keep going the same way it automatically means that people who will apply in 5 years for asylum won't have a chance to become citizens during their life time. And I also hope that President Bush will pass his immigration reform, which will araise asylee's issue. That is the last thing I still hope to happen. :(

One way to help bring this about is for each asylee to write his/her members (I mean both Senator and Representatives) in reference to this problem. However I feel that many asylees would not do this.
what is the deal with EAD now? do we have to have it??? is it required now or is it still optional if you have unrestricted SSN?
thankful said:
See Attached.
I think this is great news. Look, if you want to remove the 10, 000 cap, you need to contact your senator/representative. You need a new law. The lawsuit was never about changing the cap; it was about using visas not utilized because of INS incompetence. They actually wanted to use 22000 and now they got 33000. What happens mean that the wait period of 13 years drops to 10 years. Of course it is not perfect, but for the purpose of the lawsuit, this result is impressive. I am serious; this is an outstanding result. Gilbert, can you weigh on this?
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Yes but its not fair to people who were set to get GC's this year or next..basically they waisted 3 years of their lives!..For the people with 2000 or earlier RD should have their GC backdated to -3 years I think. My RD is 04/01 so I dont speak for myself.
Thanks AILF

This is great news. My RD is Oct 2000 so I'll get my GC a couple of months earlier because of this case.