• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Serious dilema, need you input please!!!!!

Do you meet the requirments of it?
* live together for a significant period of time (not defined in any state)
* hold themselves out as a married couple -- typically this means using the same last name, referring to the other as "my husband" or "my wife," and filing a joint tax return, and
* intend to be married.
Taz to clarify this for you "Common law marriage is a marriage that results from the actions of a couple, despite the fact that they have not obtained a marriage license or fulfilled the requirements of a state's statutory marriage laws. This typically means that the couple has cohabitated for a period of time, usually a year or more, while having an agreement to be married and holding themselves out to the world as husband and wife". We have always done that.
That is why during the initial entry I indicated that I'm married but now my wife does'nt want to rush because of the previosly mentioned reasons. I was never dishonest from the beginning, get the point?
I don't want to disagree with everyone that this person may have inadvertently lied on his application...but my husband & I did exactly the same thing! We had been together for 9 years when we applied, and we honestly believed we had to put 'Married' in our online application - which we did. We didn't get married until after our first notification letter, and yet we were still approved for our visa and no questions were asked about 'lying' on our application. I had all the backup information to prove we had been together for the past 9 years but it was never needed.
I'm telling you the truth, your pessimism doesn't help here, thanks anyway and keep up that spirit.

Ok let me try and explain this to you like you are a five year old:

“MARRIAGE - A contract made in due form of law, by which a free man and a free woman reciprocally engage to live with each other during their joint lives, in the union which ought to exist between husband and wife. By the terms freeman and freewoman in this definition are meant, not only that they are free and not slaves, but also that they are clear of all bars to a lawful marriage.

To make a valid marriage, the parties must be willing to contract, able to contract, and have actually contracted.”

You might think you are married, but your not. You may get a green card one day but it will not be from this DV win. Tell your girlfriend (NOT WIFE) to start packing her bags.
I beg to differ with you, not always, i live in Texas and we have what we call common law marriage . Ever heard of this??
that abotu does it...J/K :D
I hope it works out for you, as neena also said and i also think it would be best shot if u guys get legally married...but if your wife isn't ready then I guess you can't really do much, but I have been in US in F1 for 8 years and let me tell you, getting greencard for US is like...I dunno you probably don't cherish it now but I have seen how hard it is to get a job, interviews only becase of F1 status, they don't like to hire us plain and simple, unless you are really brilliant in which case I have ntohing to say :)
But if I were you i would try to convince my 'wife' and get legally married, i mean if u guys are so sure about it anyways, anyway just my thoughts.
And I think you realize the mistake you made so no point digging over it again..just look for options you have now, don't count on it but hope for the best.
Good luck.
Marriage with Marriage certficate = legaly married
Marriage without Marriage certificate = not legaly married

How would you defend your case without legal papers. Remember that most U.S Government agencies like the Department of State and the USCIS works in a beucratic system. Everything has to be written, legalized, according to procedure, etc.

I hope all the best with your process. It might feel like there is no hope for getting that Green Card but then again, it is not for us to decide. They might be still hope. I would recommend consult an immigration lawyer that understand this kind of situation. If you said that common law marriage is common in Texas, then consult with a professional in State of Texas that know how to handle this situation. Understand that there is a difference of laws in the U.S. There is State laws and Federal laws. Common law marriage might be legal in Texas because of their State laws but might not be legal in the eye of Federal Government. A good example is gay marriage in California. It is legal in California but when you get out of the State of California or even go to the Federal government level, the marriage is not legal anymore. DoS and USCIS works under Federal Law.

You still have plenty of time to find a solution so you can defend your argument at the interview. If you truly want that Green Card, try as hard as you can to find a way. At least whatever happened after the interview next year, you know that you have tried your best.

Good Luck!
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They could suspect you submitted two entries. One as married, one as single. If they suspect that, you will be disqualified for double entry. In a number of African countries that is the way people try to increase their chances to win. The check for duplicates could pass if you do that.
Well Thats A Very Simple Thing,,,, I Was In The Same Situation About Five Years Back, I Come From Africa And Was Living With Ma So Called Wife For Two Years Without Papers But Parents Knew About It, I Had Included Her In When I Was Applying The Dv , After Receiving The Second Notification I Just Went To The Marriage Center And Got A Certificate Indicating I Got Married Through African Tradition Culture Two Year Before And The Certificate Was Just A Prove Of That.... The Interviewing Officer At The Embassy Did Not Have Any Objection On The Same.... So Its Not Late For Anything Try It Now Don't Lose The Chance....
Just wanted to say to the OP, you asked a question in open forum and wanted some inputs, however i've been reading the last 2 pages and you dont seem liking it when ppl answer your question in negative connotation.

If you only expecting all positive answers then there's no point to ask correct? You might as well go with the flow and try your hardest, if things works out for you both then great if not then it is something that you have to accept, you dont have to take offense to other people's opinion when you asked for their inputs - as your title said. As you said.. "stay positive" then I think that's what best for you
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Things changed a lot for the last 5 years regarding fraud prevention measures

I agree with Mkikuyu, my brother just came with his wife two months a go and they were in the same situation.We don't come from the same place, different cultures have different approaches in marriage. All you need is to go to your government agency responsible in issuing the marriage licences with your wife.
My parents have been married for 50 years despite the fact that they have no paperwork to proof that, will you call it fraud if they went for paperwork to prove their marriage?
Poster of this thread I will urge to go a head and pursue the process anything can always happen in a relationship, if she is not willing to join you ('wife') in the processing of this just go a head and tell them the truth, they are human beings. In any case not everybody wants to immigrate permanetly to the USA.
Yes, you are right. That is a big problem why they want to close DV lottery program

According to officers in Addis Ababa, Accra, and Lagos, applicants engaging in sham marriages rely on backdated marriage certificates, fake supporting documentation, and staged wedding pictures to try to prove their marriage is legitimate. An officer in Accra said that the prevalence of customary marriages in Ghana, in which there is no official documentation of the union, complicates matters since even legitimate couples may only acquire a marriage certificate after winning the DV lottery
common law marriage.

Marriage with Marriage certficate = legaly married
Marriage without Marriage certificate = not legaly married

How would you defend your case without legal papers. Remember that most U.S Government agencies like the Department of State and the USCIS works in a beucratic system. Everything has to be written, legalized, according to procedure, etc.

I hope all the best with your process. It might feel like there is no hope for getting that Green Card but then again, it is not for us to decide. They might be still hope. I would recommend consult an immigration lawyer that understand this kind of situation. If you said that common law marriage is common in Texas, then consult with a professional in State of Texas that know how to handle this situation. Understand that there is a difference of laws in the U.S. There is State laws and Federal laws. Common law marriage might be legal in Texas because of their State laws but might not be legal in the eye of Federal Government. A good example is gay marriage in California. It is legal in California but when you get out of the State of California or even go to the Federal government level, the marriage is not legal anymore. DoS and USCIS works under Federal Law.

You still have plenty of time to find a solution so you can defend your argument at the interview. If you truly want that Green Card, try as hard as you can to find a way. At least whatever happened after the interview next year, you know that you have tried your best.

Good Luck!

There is hope here,
Most states have abolished common law marriages and will not recognize one that is created within its borders. Still, common law marriage is a recognized form of marriage in Alabama, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas and the District of Columbia. Other states (Georgia, Idaho, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Utah) recognize a common law marriage created within their borders under limited circumstances. Consult with your attorney if you attempting to prove a common law marriage in those states.

Even if a state no longer permits common law marriages, the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the United States Constitution requires all states to recognize and validate common law marriages created in states that do permit them. This means that you and your partner can create a common law marriage in Montana and still have it recognized in New York.
Good luck