Sept, VSC I-824 to NVC cases


Registered Users (C)
Everyone from VSC Sept I-824 approved and waiting for NVC to create case, pl. post your status here.

My I-824 was approved on Sept 4th. NVC has not yet received the case.

Keep posted.

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I-824 approved on Sept 6th (VSC), AVM changed in NVC on the 20th (Says current)phoned on the 26th and got case number, they told me that p3 will be sent in the next 3-4 weeks to Attorney and consulate. HTH
That mean NVC received your case

Good. Looks like NVC has received your case. I guess I need to check may be next week.
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My I-824 details:
   RD: 5/9/01
   ND : 6/20/01
   AD : 8/29/01

  NVC has not recieved my case yet...
Got frustrated...but can\'t do also I checked NVC..operator says that I should contact after 90 days...
Unlike RajC, I lost all hope on this process...

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Keep you heads up. This is the last stage that the INS,
specifically the atrocious VSC have anything to do with. Once your case reaches NVC, you are on the home stretch.
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Thanks magic panties for your kind words,
   I am trying to remain optimistic...but sometimes spells of pessimism flows out especially in these darker markets....
   VSC is really horrible to me...first I-140 took 8 months. my mistake of not realising the difference of I-485 and CP costed me this time...I-824 took three and months because of front log problem and what not after approval it is almost one month and not yet reached the NVC.....
NVC Case created

Hi All, This comes as big surprise for me. I talk to the NVC operator and asked her to check my status, I did not have my VSC case no. So, she was king enough to check on my name and B-day and ssn. Guess what, my case got created. She told my attorney would get in 4-6 weeks. After the call ended I called the NVC AVM and entered my NVC case no which is MDR200177XXXX. The AVM says "Your case is current and a packet of forms will be mailed with details instructions on how to processed on this case to your attorney of records in 4-6 weeks".

Hi, does everyone get the same AVM msg when you enter your NVC case no? Does anyone have the same sequence nvc case no as mine?

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Congratulations PRB !!!!
Finally you are out of the jaws of VSC....

Wish you all the best for the rest of the process...

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my case is DBL 2001 762 xxx. Raj it\'s coming soon. I think the 1st three letters are us consulate abroad (DBL being Dublin Ireland) the next four the current year after that I think they are some sort of sequence, possibly NVC seq then maybe consulate sequence. To be honest I\'m only guessing.
Thanks rajum, magic...

Hope everyone in I-824 route thru VSC gets there NVC case created soon.
Magic, I guess you are write.. in my case no: MDR is for Mardas(Chennai), india.
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My I-824 got approved on 09/26/01. Waiting for NVC for receive it. PRB, looks like NVC received your case within a weeks time.
Avi, Congrats...

My attorney received the I-824 approval letter on 09/25. So, I guess it got approved some time between 12-17th sep. And it took two weeks from there to reach NVC. I called yesterday(09/27) and the operator told my case is not created nor could find my name in their database. But today when I called, she told my case is created and gave me the case no.
Wait and watch is the only solution

Hi rajum,
I know how painful it is. Even my case was same like yours. 8 months in I-140 at VSC and then 3 months for i-824 and now waiting for NVC. It\'s just unbearable, but can\'t do anything about it. Sometime wait and watch is the only solution. Hopefully we will be through this process soon.
Keep updated.

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Thanks Rajc,
   I posted my experience in other thread also.
My attorney has called VSC and IIO told that they send it on 8/29 itself...and then in NVC they are saying that they didn\'t received yet.
  And when I informed NVC about this VSC IIO conversation, they are saying that I can write to them only after 90 frustrating....

I can envisage the following possibilities for the delay in just two of our cases....
 1) Front room mail people simply didn\'t posted but earmarked as posted to NVC.
 2) lost in the post ..I see this as the remote possibility because tracking mechanism would have found out
 3) lost in the NVC...even I see this as the less probable...

 In any case, I don\'t know what to do other than calling them daily...
It\'s really bad to know that some other person is also suffering in the similar situation...this torture is simply unbearable.....
Please keep me posted.

PKT. 3 generated


I phoned NVC this morning and I am glad to inform all of you that my Pkt 3 has been generated 10/01/01. They told me my attorney shold get the info this week or next and Ireland (my consulate) in the next 3-4.
NVC Rocks.
Good Luck to all [The wait is long the rewards are great]
Congrats Magic.

I guess you talked to the operator. Did the AVM mesg change saying like "Pk3 generated and will be sent to Consulate and Attorney"?

you are right, I called and spoke to an operator. I called again and listened to the AVM it has not changed. I think they only generate PKt. 3\'s on Mondays so if not today maybe next week, hang in there it\'s coming
Congrats PRB & Avi@VSC!!!

Avi@VSC, I wagly remember ur dates & mine were very close wrt to I-824.

RD:Aug. 1st
No I-824 approval nor any word yet from VSC. I wonder what\'s going on with my case??

Can someone give me the ph# for NVC. Maybe I should try calling them & see if VSC has actually mailed my file to them! Just a rare case scenario...
Can someone suggest me any advice as to what I should do.
I checked with my lawyer, they haven\'t recieved anything, yet. :(

I guess I just have to do the most difficult thing....keep on waiting...... :(
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I had sent my application on 2 July and got receipt on July 31st. Someone told me that VSC is not working on any case this week because of some internal audit. I hope your case gets approved asap.
Thanks Jagee..

NVC Phone no: 603 334-0700, select options 2,2,3 and then enter your INS or wrong NVC no and talk to an operator. When you get the msg as NVC case no not found push the button "0", you will be connected to an operator.
According to the last VSC processing times, I-824 should be current and when I talked to the VSC operator two weeks back, she told they are doing 824 cases with Aug20 date.