Sept RD Holders

Re: Did anyone call IIO

You can pass on some of your rejuvenated energy to me. I am not ready to apply for AP yet 'cos I have to go on unpaid leave. Who knows my case might get tranferred(knock wood) ,i may need 6 months paystubs etc., etc.,
I think my folks back India might not recognise me anymore. Thanks to INS.
Originally posted by roran
to find out the status?
Bobby: Looks like we had posted our posts at the same time.

roran, i would be happy to pass on some energy to you. or for that matter to others who are waiting. unfortunately i am not sure how. i can jump up and down or do a cheer if that would help. ;) ;) ;)

i do feel that we all get a bit more tangled in this web than we need to. it helps if you stay away from this portal for a while. specially now that we have our EAD's and AP's renewed, we should be set for now......

sorry to hear about your unpaid leave. and i certainly hope you don't have a transfer or further RFE --- ~*~*~--->sending some positive vibes. :)

and yes, we stepped on each other's post earlier....
If it was only so easy to stay way from the portal Bobby. It's the only hope of sanity we've got in all this. I check it twice a day to see if any of my brotheren or sisters in this pain have been relieved of it. And as roran put it I get depressed if I don't see anything and i get even more depressed when it is somebody else but me!!!
Such a vicious ciricle!
GeeCee Saga, I hear you my friend.

Let us all stay together and hope and wish for each other that this long journey will end some day. some time soon. and for everyone.

Sorry to hear about your RFE prasadgc hang in there. We are all in the same boat.
Bobby a couple of late Sept cases are getting approved. Something makes me feel you are next!!
Still Waiting...

God knows when will it end.....

I guess it is outside of God's control also.
Only INS/Dept Homeland Security controls it!!!!
Originally posted by GeeCee Saga
Sorry to hear about your RFE prasadgc hang in there. We are all in the same boat.
Bobby a couple of late Sept cases are getting approved. Something makes me feel you are next!!

GeeCee Saga - After reading your message I got tempted and checked once again. And alas the same old same old....

Good thought though!

Something will happen, sooner or later... :)