Sep 2009 filers Post here

Interview experience

Hi Folks,
Sorry for the late posting. My GC got approved on Dec 15.
Me and my wife had interview scheduled at Newark DO on 15 Dec @ 11.30 AM. We were there near the DO around 10.00 AM had to move around to 3 nearby parking lots and finally got parking at 4th lot. Hurriedly ran to the federal building .Than the real wait started. we were standing outside the building for almost half hour but were not allowed since it was crowded and people were undergoing security check. We were standing outside the building till 11.15 AM in shivering cold but the sicurity guard was not at all ready to listen to us also tried showing him the interview letter but of no use. Luckily at other enterance some good people understood our problem and allowed to go ahead of them. Finally ran to 13th floor and reached there at 11.37 AM (didnt even wait to wear the belt back). Waited there for almost 2 hours and were called in at 1.30 PM. All this waiting kiiled all the interview fear. THe IO was pretty decent and professional lady. She was nice in talking. I was straght away approved she took away I94, EAD's. asked for our birht certificates and marraige certificates and verified with our file. Had a long talk on marraiges in India. SHe explained us everything about the GC and removal of condition. SHe just asked 2 question to my wife. SHe asked her my birthday and how did she enter US. SHe took away all out joint docs for her records. I had almost one year of joint statements, car ins, life ins, cc statements for both of us.
Utlimately got out of the office at 2.00 PM.
Overall a very nice experience.
An advice to all --- THis interview fear is not at all required. I feel they are predetermined on their decision of approval or denial. Just relax and tell all the truth (do not lie at all).
Thanks a ton to all of you for advice and guidance. Good Luck to all who have the interviews coming up.
This forum was a great help
Hi Folks,
Sorry for the late posting. My GC got approved on Dec 15.
Me and my wife had interview scheduled at Newark DO on 15 Dec @ 11.30 AM. We were there near the DO around 10.00 AM had to move around to 3 nearby parking lots and finally got parking at 4th lot. Hurriedly ran to the federal building .Than the real wait started. we were standing outside the building for almost half hour but were not allowed since it was crowded and people were undergoing security check. We were standing outside the building till 11.15 AM in shivering cold but the sicurity guard was not at all ready to listen to us also tried showing him the interview letter but of no use. Luckily at other enterance some good people understood our problem and allowed to go ahead of them. Finally ran to 13th floor and reached there at 11.37 AM (didnt even wait to wear the belt back). Waited there for almost 2 hours and were called in at 1.30 PM. All this waiting kiiled all the interview fear. THe IO was pretty decent and professional lady. She was nice in talking. I was straght away approved she took away I94, EAD's. asked for our birht certificates and marraige certificates and verified with our file. Had a long talk on marraiges in India. SHe explained us everything about the GC and removal of condition. SHe just asked 2 question to my wife. SHe asked her my birthday and how did she enter US. SHe took away all out joint docs for her records. I had almost one year of joint statements, car ins, life ins, cc statements for both of us.
Utlimately got out of the office at 2.00 PM.
Overall a very nice experience.
An advice to all --- THis interview fear is not at all required. I feel they are predetermined on their decision of approval or denial. Just relax and tell all the truth (do not lie at all).
Thanks a ton to all of you for advice and guidance. Good Luck to all who have the interviews coming up.
This forum was a great help

congrats! You should be reciving your GC soon!
Updating my timeline

10/07/09 - Package sent to Chicago (I-130 approval, I-485, I-864, I-765, I-131, I-693 and G-325A)
10/08/09 - Documents received at Chicago
10/16/09 - Checks Cashed
10/22/09 - NOA recieved for I-485, I-765, I-130, I-765
10/24/09 - Recieved letter for Biometrics appointment
11/10/09 - Biometrics appointment date at Oakland, CA - ASC
10/27/09 - Biometrics done by walkin at San Jose, CA - ASC
11/09/09 - Recieved letter for Interview on 12/11/09
12/07/09 - Recieved AP
12/10/09 - Recieved EAD
12/11/09 - Passed Interview. Waiting for Green Card to Arrive.
12/26/09 - Green Card Arrived.
I had applied on August 15th . I have recieved EAD , Travel documents but my interview has not come yet . I am not sure why its taking this long
I had applied on August 15th . I have recieved EAD , Travel documents but my interview has not come yet.

Post your time line and your DO. Most of the august filers have received their GC's (and a lot of the September filers). Can you check your online status? It wont be a bad idea to call CSR and then probably schedule an infopass at your local office.
hey guys i just had a not so great aos interviewed based on marriage to usc. the IO was fine with everything except for the fact that i'd worked illegally for a couple of years (out of status f-1) and on the employer i-9 form i checked "foreign national authorized to work..." he asked for copies of my previous i-9s (i have a valid ead now) and an employment letter from my company which i will send to him asap. could this potentially make me inadmissible? everything else went quite well except for this one glitch and my lawyer is not all that assuring either. oh and also he gave me back my old i-94, passport but insisted on keeping the original copy of my birthcert. any thoughts would be much appreciated!
Illegal work should not affect your immigrant petition. I am not sure of the implications of incorrect information on I-9.

Also, did the IO ask for your tax documents during the time you worked illegally?
Illegal work should not affect your immigrant petition. I am not sure of the implications of incorrect information on I-9.

Also, did the IO ask for your tax documents during the time you worked illegally?

i think that he wanted to check to see if i checked the "us citizen or national" column which i believe makes someone inadmissible. i have copies of my i-9 which show i did not make any such claim so i also think i should be okay once i submit that RFE. Yes, i did submit tax documents from those two years and so he didn't ask anything on that. my lawyer is basically asking for a ton of money to do research on whether USCIS can deny my application and after all the money i've given him already i just feel like i should send him the i-9s he requested and deal with any follow-up issues.
i think that he wanted to check to see if i checked the "us citizen or national" column which i believe makes someone inadmissible. i have copies of my i-9 which show i did not make any such claim so i also think i should be okay once i submit that RFE.

That's is likely the scenario. Claiming to a USC is a violation and can make you a candidate for rejection. I think you should be fine..
Sorry for being late of comments!
And congrats to anyone that approved already..

Finally I got it!!!:D:D:D:D

01/06/10 I went to the interview. I arrived in the office at 8:00, was called by a sweet officer at 8:40. She ask me information about me and she turned around asked my husband about his formation ( just about address, name, and where we are living). Then she asked what i brought with me. I show her our join credit cards, photos, car insurance, and check book. She asked me bank statement and credit card statements. We did not bring it. She took our papers and credit cards to make a copy. She came back and give us a paper. She told us to mail the statements to her. She also say, within 60 days, I'll receive notice of approving or not approving. The same day, I mailed all the requirement (1 day service).
9:00pm 01/11/10: received a text message from USCIS say that my adjustment status has just up grated. I when to USCIS website and see My card in order.....
I'll received Green Card within 1 month...

03/26/07: Met my love in Vietnam
08/26/07: Came to U.S. on F-1 Visa. (Mississippi school)
08/12/09: Married to a USC. ( after 2 years living together)
09/16/09: Package sent to Chicago (485/130/765/131).
09/23/09: Received notice receipts.(Day 7)
10/25/09: Called USCIS to ask why I have not received anything.(Day 33)
10/28/09: Travel documents approved notice.(Day 36)
10/29/09: Receive Fingerprint notice scheduled (11/12/09).(Day 37)
11/12/09: Done biometrics. (Told EAD approved, wait about 10 days to receive).(Day 51)
11/27/09: Received message from IO stated the Notice I-485 and I-765 were returned back.(Day 66)
11/27/09: Called IO to request resending the 2 Notice…(Day 66)
11/30/09: Received IL (01/06/10). (Day 69)...
Interview Approved. :):)

My wife and I went to interview to Newark DO with Lawyer. The reason for lawyer is, I was working on H1 for last 4 Yrs but came to know i was out of status even before i started working on H1. Well, coming back to my interview experience we were there by 12.45 for 1.30 interview. Surprisingly there were only 2 couples before us and was called around 1.40 PM. The officer looked very tough but was very nice person, very pleasant, respectable from the beginning of the interview which is very uncommon for INS. As soon as we entered his cube asked us to take a Oath of saying truth ......

As someone in this forum was telling, the officer will be predetermined to what extent they have to interview is 100% correct. He asked for my passport and EAD and my wife driving license. Verified the names and removed I 94 from my Passport. Asked my wife about my full name and my BOD. Asked me about my wife DOB and if where abouts of my working. He asked for all the documents for proof of our marriage. I gave him Photos of marriage, reception, CC bills, Vacation Pics, Phone calls, Joint accounts, Joint insurance cards. He only looked at Joint bank statement, Insurance cards and Photo album in just 5 mins. He didn’t ask any questions. Also Verified my birth certificate, Wife’s naturalization certificate to the copies send with the application. Asked yes and no questions and approved the GC. Whole interview lasted for about 20 mins. Over all very, very happy with the interview experience.

Asked him if he can stamp the passport, as i have a international travel for work this weekend. He said INS no longer does that as GC will come in 2 weeks and they only do that in case of emergency as Death, medical likewise. Also gave me the envelope to mail him back the EAD card once i get the GC.

For people who are out of status don’t need to worry at all if they are getting GC by marrying a citizen. Only criteria is should have entered legally and didn’t commit any crime after coming here.
Thanks to everyone in this forum for their valuable advice and congrats to everyone who got approved before me and good luck for all others who are going to interview.