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Sending supporting documents to the consulate.

Hi, I have been doing some research online and something seems to confuse me. Iv read some where that I should send all support documents via courier, but according the website, I am suppose to bring all of them on interview date.

So am I support to send my supporting documents or am I suppose to bring them to the interview?

Depends on the embassy where your interview will be taking place. Most usually require presentation of documents on the day of the interview. Follow the instructions provided on your applicable embassy's website.
Depends on the embassy where your interview will be taking place. Most usually require presentation of documents on the day of the interview. Follow the instructions provided on your applicable embassy's website.
Thanks , Just found the following in the instruction from the consulate"
We strongly
recommend you to refrain from sending original documents to the Consulate, but rather bring all the
originals and photocopies with you to your interview."