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Senate voted YES to give 2/3 diversity visas to ADVANCED DEG

What means exactly "ADVANCED DEGREE"?
I have a bachelor degree in math and computer science. But no masters degree or doctorate.
Is it enough? What do you mean by 2/3 of DV?

If you could provide a link it would be great.

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I think it is real! And I got the news from three sources, two are online newspaper in Hong Kong and Taiwan and source from Reuters, but written in Chinese:


Here is another good news, the law cannot finished until Nov 2006,
that mean DV2008 will appear even the DV will be cancel. :)

Another one from this URL:


The Senate also voted to change an existing visa lottery program to ensure that at least 33,000 of the 50,000 visas issued annually under the program go to highly educated people with advanced degrees.

Anyway, anyone confirm that what is the definition of "Advanced Degrees"?
Does it should be Master's degree or above?
advanced degree is master's and above, so if you have masters or Phd you are ok.

This is what I found on the web:
Advanced Degree: a degree beyond the associate or bachelor's degree. Most first professional, master's and doctor's degrees are considered advanced degrees
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immgrat said:
The Senate also voted to change an existing visa lottery program to ensure that at least 33,000 of the 50,000 visas issued annually under the program go to highly educated people with advanced degrees.

Anyway, anyone confirm that what is the definition of "Advanced Degrees"?
Does it should be Master's degree or above?

From the US Senate site, it says something like this,

.. create a program that awards visas to aliens with an advanced degree in science mathematics, technology, or engineering.

Probably the amended DV program will give 2/3 of the quota to people in these professional fields in the future.
ckcheng said:
From the US Senate site, it says something like this,

.. create a program that awards visas to aliens with an advanced degree in science mathematics, technology, or engineering.

Probably the amended DV program will give 2/3 of the quota to people in these professional fields in the future.

From what I understood those 2/3 of the visas will be given through a lottery.
"The Senate agreed to an amendment Wednesday that would alter the diversity visa, a program established by Irish ethnic lobbyists in 1990 that distributes 50,000 visas by lottery every year to applicants from countries that send few immigrants to the United States. The only requirements are a high school diploma and two years of work experience. Originally intended to benefit Europeans who cannot gain visas through employment or family relations, the diversity visa is used today chiefly by immigrants from Africa and the Middle East.

The House bill would eliminate the diversity visa. The Senate adopted 56-42 an amendment by Sens. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., and Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., to restrict two-thirds of the diversity visas to immigrants with advanced science degrees.

"The fact is these countries which qualify under what's called a diversity lottery actually have a large number of people here already illegally, and most of these people are unskilled -- they just showed up," Gregg said. "Instead of giving a lottery to an unemployed cabdriver in Kiev, we're going to say to a physicist in Kiev, you've got a shot."

Kennedy, who sponsored the diversity visa lottery in 1990, argued that the Senate bill already vastly expands visas for science and technology workers through the H1B program and other categories, which he said are expected to expand to as many as 800,000 visas.

"That's three times as many as we've got now," Kennedy said. "How many is enough?" "
vk96 said:
"The fact is these countries which qualify under what's called a diversity lottery actually have a large number of people here already illegally, and most of these people are unskilled.-- they just showed up," Gregg said. "Instead of giving a lottery to an unemployed cabdriver in Kiev, we're going to say to a physicist in Kiev, you've got a shot."
I do not know who said this, but whoever made this statement has illogical mind.
If there are so many illegals from certain coutries, these countries are supposed to be delisted from DV.Plain and simple. I'm totally lost how this fact leads to conclusion that 2/3 should be given to those with high education.

Kennedy, who sponsored the diversity visa lottery in 1990, argued that the Senate bill already vastly expands visas for science and technology workers through the H1B program and other categories, which he said are expected to expand to as many as 800,000 visas.
I agree with this. There is avenue for those who has higher education, why should give another avenue to those by sacrificing other's chance.
GotPR? said:
I do not know who said this, but whoever made this statement has illogical mind.
If there are so many illegals from certain coutries, these countries are supposed to be delisted from DV.Plain and simple. I'm totally lost how this fact leads to conclusion that 2/3 should be given to those with high education.

My opinion (may be I completely wrong and I know that life is not fair) is that if they delist all those countries it is like punishing everybody for somebodies crimes, so may be they just want to give chance to highly educated people from those countries :confused: :eek:

I think it is really not fair in regard to other people who have, for example, bachelors degrees or only high school education because they didnt have money to go to university, there are no options for them to immigrate and get a better life if they dont have relatives or dont get marry to an american...
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Form DSP122

Hi everybody, I am a SA winner (2007SAXXXX), and recently sent my forms.

If this ammendment becames law I thing I have a problem:

I didn't know that "Advanced Degree" was for a Master. I Hold a two years Master Degree in Economics and Business Administration (and stated this in part B, same block), but checked "University Degree" in question 6 a, Form DSP 122, thinking that that was the highest educational level that would correspond to my master.

Should I Contact KCC? Is there a way to ammend a form recently sent?
has anybody had to change information stated in the forms? Thanks for any advice.
If this provision becomes a law i.e. after being debated in conference committee and then signed by the president.After president's signature a law takes 90 days to become active for implementaion and for immigration bill this might be as prolong as late this year.I personally dont see any threat towards DV 2007 but if enacted that will effect DV 2008.Please keep in mind US House is not in favor of DV Program anyway,they might amend the senate bill in conference committee and finish DV altogather.

One more reason this won't alter DV 2007 because DV 2007 is closed and it had a certain criteria and rules and regulations that can't be changed after preliminary selection.
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Maybe if someone can ask some immigration lawyers in US, they might be better able to give us some pointers on what might happen.

This post from another board:

senate is not in Session from May 29th - June 2nd. when they get back there will basically have another 2 months to talk to house of representatives to reconcile the immigration bill- i dont think thats enough time for a bill to be passed to make changes for dv-2007 Conference committee members will be appointed by each house and they will then negotiate and send bills back to each house with changes and then each house votes and if either of them objects and then it goes back to committee for more negotiations/refinements and then comes back etc. This will take time and Senate goes on break on Aug 7th to Sept 4th. Thats one Long as break!!!

One thing i agree is there might be drag on this bill. How much its hard to guess. Being election year it might be short process by senate and house so people can see congress is decisive on issues and on other hand it might drag cause no one really wants to step on the voters toe by supporting what they dont want.

Dago Red - your views on "for further consideration..." i agree that Visa issuance are not guaranteed and hence upon cancellation state dept can have the stand of "no longer consider. But their whole statement reasoning of "no guarantees" is based on Visa Issuance running out cause of quota being filled so one would expect to get some visas from the program.

Jugnu - where did you find the info on 90 day implementation? Maybe State Dept can push thru dv2007. see this post below earlier on this board:

If you read the excerpt from the instructions below, does someone have the actual date the NACARA Act was to be implemented/to take effect on as Passed by the Congress?? The reason being, It says "The actual reduction of the limit to 50,000 began with DV-2000 " I was also contemplating DV Lotterys future and this line struck me!!

If the effective date was say somewhere in the Fiscal year for DV99 then this shows that State Dept does have some power/discretion to implement the law by their dates. DV 99 Reg was held in Oct/Nov. The enactment was passed during the registration period for DV99 in 1997 and for DV2007 we are getting NL's and the law is yet to be passed!!

And if this is the Case then this is a very good indication that KCC/Dept of State may very well reduce VISAS from DV-2008 or Cancell lottery (if thats what was passed by Congress) from DV-2008

These are just assumptions, i didnt find the enactment dates for that NACARA Act as passed by Congress. If someone can compare enactment dates then that would be good cause i maybe wrong.But if these were to be true then at least DV2007 Winners get some more glimmer of hope.

From the Diversity Lottery Instructions:

By law, the U.S. diversity immigration program makes available a maximum of 55,000 permanent residence visas each year to eligible persons. However, the Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act (NACARA) passed by Congress in November 1997 stipulates that beginning as early as DV-99, and for as long as necessary, 5,000 of the 55,000 annually-allocated diversity visas will be made available for use under the NACARA program. The actual reduction of the limit to 50,000 began with DV-2000 and remains in effect for the DV-2007 program.

Which means if Visa Reduction happens then DV2007 might escape. And if Lottery gets cancelled then Dv2007 might also escape.
How about DV2008 or later? Do you think it will be appear? Because Senate voted to be remain it but Representative voted to cut it,
and I still not receive the letter of DV2007, I think I'm not a winner :(