Senate Judiciary Committe Meeting?


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Any Update on this yet????

10/13/2005: IMPORTANT NEWS: We Need Your Help!!

AILA has reported that the Senate Judiciary Committe is markedup a very important legislative bill on October 20, 2005, coming Thursday, to discuss the Budget Reconciliation and Immigration proposal that can give some relief to the current H-1B blackout and EB immigrant visa number retrogression. According to the AILA, the proposal includes the following:
Recapture of 300,000 unused H-1B numbers
Recpature of 90,000 unused EB immigrant visa numbers
Exempting spouses and minor children of EB principal aliens from the annual EB quota limit
Permit filing of I-485 even during the visa number retrogression.

AILA states that it is vitally important that the people in business community and scientific and research organizations reach out tothe following members of the Senate Judiciary Committee as urgently as possible:

Arlen Specter (R-PA) Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-VT) Ranking

Orrin Hatch (R-UT) Edward Kennedy (D-MA)
Charles Grassley (R-IA) Joseph Biden (D-DE)
Mike DeWine (R-OH) Herbert Kohl (D-WI)
Jeff Sessions (R-AL) Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
Lindsey Graham (R-SC) Russ Feingold (D-WI)
John Cornyn (R-TX) Charles Schumer (D-NY)
Sam Brownback (R-KS) Richard Durbin (D-IL)
Tom Coburn (R-OK)
Jon Kyl (R-AZ)
Please call (202)224-3121 Congressional switchboard and obtain their email addresses or through their websites as quickly as possible: It is "extremely" important that everyone participates in this last minute campaign. For the talking points, please click here.
Looks like it passed the judiciary committe

Sounds like was passed by the committe. Now the senate has to vote on the Budget reconcilliation bill ( as this is attached to it). We have to wait for senate to act on it and then the president to sign it. It will take few months for this to happen (I think).
MDGUTS1307 said:
Sounds like was passed by the committe. Now the senate has to vote on the Budget reconcilliation bill ( as this is attached to it). We have to wait for senate to act on it and then the president to sign it. It will take few months for this to happen (I think).

Thank you, MDGUTS1307 .
Don't forget the house of representatives

MDGUTS1307 said:
Sounds like was passed by the committe. Now the senate has to vote on the Budget reconcilliation bill ( as this is attached to it). We have to wait for senate to act on it and then the president to sign it. It will take few months for this to happen (I think).

Assuming that it does pass the senate, its my understanding that the house version of the bill is different from the senate as the house has only addressed certain things regarding L visas. These differences are reconciled in 'conference' between members from both houses of congress. It's what comes out of conference that matters in the end. Just keep those prayers going!
How do u guys know the bill was approved? Can you point me to the source pls?I didn't find anything on aila or cspan. I thought the meeting was scheduled for this evening .
No such matter tabled at senate today

I am curious just like sunjoshi coz I checked out the Judiciary Committee hearings schedule on the website and there was no mention of this budget reconciliation issue.
Lawmakers Consider High-Tech Visa Changes

By ERICA WERNER, Associated Press Writer
1 hour, 8 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - The government would issue 30,000 more visas to high-tech and other skilled foreign workers each year and increase fees for those visas to help trim the budget deficit under a measure proposed by a Senate committee.
The move by the Senate Judiciary Committee comes as high-tech firms and other businesses complain that, for the third year in a row, they have already met the annual cap on the popular H1-B visas just 20 days into the government's 2005-06 fiscal year that began Oct. 1.

"Without access to today's most creative minds worldwide, American businesses will be forced to seek out other business opportunities in other parts of the world," Rhett Dawson, president of the Information Technology Industry Council, wrote to the Senate Judiciary Committee this month.

Congress capped H-1B visas at 65,000 per year in 2004.

Critics contend the visas give foreigners high-level jobs that should go to American workers. But increasing their number and the fees for them enabled the Judiciary Committee's proposal to reach savings of $300 million over five years mandated by this year's budget agreement.

"In many cases we need these workers," said committee Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pa.

Specter wanted to allow 60,000 more visas per year and raise the current fee of $3,185 for a six-year visa by $500. The fees are paid by employers.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (news, bio, voting record), D-Calif., and others opposed adding so many more visas. "What I don't want to see is Americans lose jobs," Feinstein said.

The committee approved a Feinstein amendment allowing 30,000 more H-1B visas per year, and increasing fees by $500. Feinstein's amendment would also increase fees on another kind of visa, the L-1, which companies use to transfer workers they already employ in foreign countries to the United States. The fee on L-1 visas, now $685, would rise by $750.

Total savings from the plan were still being calculated but aides said it should top $110 million per year.

The House Judiciary Committee has proposed increasing fees on L-1 visas by $1,500 — and making no change to H-1B visas — to reach its budget goal. Differences between House and Senate versions still have to be resolved.;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHVqMTQ4BHNlYwN5bnN1YmNhdA--
no mention about the green card/retrogression etc. etc. all they care is money from temp. workers and they don't want the temp. workers live here permanent.
Increase in H1s.....Man ...already we are stuck...more in the queue...and hence the rates will further go down.

I simply cannot understand this. The are only looking at revenues.

No Retrogression discussed....we are stuck forever. Good Job. GO USA...GO
And who are those people who wanted this to be supported by us ???

Lawyers,, immigration-law.. as they can reap the benefits of 30,000 more H1's per year..

And again we were the sheep who called the senators and asked to support , right ???
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I told you not call Senators on retrogression.....that means we are teaching them....means we are telling them....that we are bonded and help us to bond more for couple of years at a cheaper labor.

Common guys......I replied to lot of posts...not to call Senators.....

Now they wont...because we made them know about our problems...and they and employers like problems.... hereafter do not call Senators...rather save money for your extensions of AP, H1, EAD.......

Recaputring GCs? for give us GCs...and make us comfortable....think sensibly

Good luck guys...Save money
Hey guys don't fight amongst yourself. Here everybody is a looser even the AIALA, as they would have got money in Green Card processing too. Calling the senators did not harm anybody, it is just something they don't stand for. They are politicians and they do/say what American public wants them to say. Americans don't want lot of Indians living here permanently. So they just ignored the part which benifits us. That's it. Got to live with it.
if this bill becomes law,EB2 will be current and EB3 will be Jan 2003

If the 90,000 visas are recaptured and spouses are eliminated from the quota,
EB 2 will definitely be current and EB3 will be moved to Jan 2003. The situations will improve considerably
Danp, I think you misunderstood. The discussion today DID INCLUDE relief for the EB GC folks, exactly what we expected. Now it is a matter to continue our pledge for support. Good work everyone who called Senators! Continue.

danp said:
I told you not call Senators on retrogression.....that means we are teaching them....means we are telling them....that we are bonded and help us to bond more for couple of years at a cheaper labor.

Common guys......I replied to lot of posts...not to call Senators.....

Now they wont...because we made them know about our problems...and they and employers like problems.... hereafter do not call Senators...rather save money for your extensions of AP, H1, EAD.......

Recaputring GCs? for give us GCs...and make us comfortable....think sensibly

Good luck guys...Save money
More I read, more I thrilled or confused.

o The measure would "recapture" employment-based (green card) immigrant visa numbers that were available by statute but unused in previous years due to processing backlogs, and make them available again at a rate of up to 90,000 per year;

Does it mean, 90K available per year from FY-2006.......FI-XXXX, that would keep all EB current.

o To illustrate the growing problem, Shotwell pointed to the fact that from 2001 to 2004, 141,365 employment-based third (EB-3) preference category visas were left unused - despite significant demand - due to processing delays at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Where are these VISA number available, couple of website said they already used this pool and only 6000 left for FY2006.

Better wait till Big B sign it.
how come no other website talks about the EB visa numbers changes and only talks about H1 visa increases. ...
StillAlive said:
Well, looks like it not just H1, we might have good new about GC as well

If they give as they said, 90K + not counting dependents, will it erase all EB category backlog and become current. Please share your idea.

Are spouse consider as dependents?

Not counting dependents towards VISA number is only for 90K or even for regular 140K.

Any insight is appreciated.
See the release again

They have approvoed following measures:

Among the specifics of the measure approved today, the following are critical to easing visa shortage, while raising significant Federal revenue:

o The measure would "recapture" employment-based (green card) immigrant visa numbers that were available by statute but unused in previous years due to processing backlogs, and make them available again at a rate of up to 90,000 per year;

o The measure would provide that only employment-based immigrants, and not their spouses and children, would count toward the annual limit on employment-based immigration; and

o It would "recapture" H-1B visa numbers that were available by statute but unused in previous years, and make them available again at a rate of up to 30,000 per year.

It is a great great news for us stuck with retrogression. Calling Senators helped us a lot.

danp said:
Increase in H1s.....Man ...already we are stuck...more in the queue...and hence the rates will further go down.

I simply cannot understand this. The are only looking at revenues.

No Retrogression discussed....we are stuck forever. Good Job. GO USA...GO
I think it passed

I got it clarified from Eric Thomas, author of that news piece. Here's his reply:

Eric Thomas <> to me
More options 4:56 pm (1 minute ago)

According to the Judiciary Committee, the Chairman's proposal (with EB
recapture of 90,000 visas and not counting spouses and minor children)
passed WITH the Feinstein amendment that will cut the recapture of
H1-B's from 60,000 per year to 30,000 per year AND add a $750 fee on all
L visas, by a vote of 13-3.

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Dear Sir,

First of thank you somuch for the priceless services of Compete America. I was looking at your news about the house judiciary committee meeting today, and would like to clarify something from that report please.

All news cast about this meeting was mentioning only about the recapturing of the H1B visas. None of the news says 90,000 EB visas were also recaptured and the counting system of EB visas also is changed. I just wanted to double check if the committe approved this proposal in whole and the EB visa relief provisions are included. Lot of us are anctiously waiting for the confirmation. Appreciate if you could provide an update.

Thank you once again for your time and the tremendous job of putting up these proposal. We are indebted to you.

Kind Regards,

Looks like it passed. Lets hope it will become law soon.. Thanks for everybody who called and prayed. Great achievement ppl... Relax now!!