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Selected for DV2006. Pls clear my doubts


Registered Users (C)
I got the letter in end of last may. I filled & sent the both DSP-122 & DS-230 with the case number in a courier service.

My doubt is,

In the DS-230 form, I typed ‘N/A’ for following questions.

Q10) Permanent address in the US where you intend to live, if known. Include name. N/A

Q11) Address in the US where you want your Permanent Resident Card(Green Card) mailed, If different from address in. N/A

Q29) Name and Address of Petitioner N/A

My questions are,

1) Were my answers correct or incorrect ?
2) Is this impact on getting the second letter (calling for interview)?

I found this site is very useful. Thanks in advance for your answers.

Best regards
Q10) Permanent address in the US where you intend to live, if known. Include name. N/A

Q11) Address in the US where you want your Permanent Resident Card(Green Card) mailed, If different from address in. N/A

for Q11 you have to provide an address at the interview. They have to send your GC somewhere, so you could receive it.

Q29) Name and Address of Petitioner -- yourself.
Thank you for your prompt reply.

But I put N/A for Petitioner. I have already sent the forms to KCC.
So should I have to sent the Petitioner name typed again?

In that case,

should i send all forms again ?
only the petitioners info?
No need to send again. It want be impact on getting my second letter?

Thanks again