Security Check Wait Time at INS offices


Registered Users (C)
Lets start this new thread for the wait times for Security Checks at different INS offices, now this new thing has sarted. If the wait was for an hour or if they asked to come after a few days of week etc.

I will be going to the Detroit INS office on Monday for PP Stamping and will post my experience there.

Detroit INS;Went today 05/20;3 hrs wait time for security check;Passport Stamped

Me and my wife reached the office at 7:00am. Gave the Approval document to the officer. She called after 15 mins and asked us to give them a minimum of 3 hrs for getting the security clearances which have come in place since last week.
Went back to the INS office at 10:30am. After 15 mins she informed that she has received the notice.
Stamped our passport and congratulated us on getting the GC. She said that getting the plastic card might take 1 year since out of 4 centers processing the card, only 1 is working right now.

Arlington, went today (5/21) , said will mail a notice when security check is done.

Waitinglong, How much time did they say it will take

They told me that their system is not in place yet and so dont know how long it will take.
nnm_2, they told me that it\'ll take 30 days..

don\'t worry! as soon as they get access to the IBIS system, hopefully they\'ll zip thru\' the depends on when the system becomes available to them and how much backlog they have to deal with..I am hoping it might take less than a month..

keep fingers crossed..just go on about life as usual..stuff will take care of itself..

Good luck..
To waitinglong

Thanks for the soothing words. I agree that we need not worry as its already approved and the rest is all formal stuff. What is IBIS system?

I think instead of they mailing us, shall we keep calling them and find out when the system is ready and go again on our own. Iam not sure if they will mail us in time. What do you think?
hi! guys....

does anyone have an idea how long is the wait in Charlotte INS center....

I am not sure...but I might move to Charlotte in another I thought of getting it stamped there....once I get the that possible by the way?....

could someone please help......thanks...

I gathered the following info from the web.

IBIS is "Inter-agency Border Inspection System". IBIS includes NAILS but also integrates database lists of known offenders from Customs, the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Agriculture Department\'s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

The principal portal to the watch list databases is the National Automated Immigration Lookout System, or NAILS, run by the INS. NAILS contains the immigration agency\'s list of deportees and other undesirables, as well as the State Department\'s classified tip-off list and leads from other agencies.

Per the recent INS directive, applicant name must be checked against the IBIS database for inadmissibility. That is what the local INS offices are trying to do. But, they don\'t have access to the system or they lack proper training to use the system.

I believe, IBIS is the same system that the immigration inspectors use at the Port of Entry (like JFK, Miami, etc).

Hopefully, this answers your question..

Don\'t worry..This too shall pass..We\'ll get beyond this point.

Best of luck..
Don\'t know..Apparently, it depends on whether Charlotte have access to IBIS..

If they do, it wouldn\'t hold you up from PP stamping.
to waitinglong......

do you know if it would be possible to get PP stamped in Charlotte....instead of Newark(which is my current address)....but since I would be shifting to Charlotte.....I thought I will try it there.....(means are there any restrictions on PP stamping once 485 is approved....just wanted to verify with someone who has had/heard a similar experience)......

is there any way of finding out from an INS office if they are doing PP stamping or not....apart from going there directly that is.....

thanks a lot for your help.....

You may call Charlotte INS Office at (704) 523-7704. The IIO should be able to tell you whether there is a backlog for PP stamping (due to IBIS unavailability).

By the time, your approval comes through, the IBIS issue would have been taken care of. In other words, you may not need to wait for PP stamping.

Good luck.
Newark Started Stamping

One of my friend got his passport stamped at Newark today. I am planning to go tomorrow. I read some post that they stamp passport on any day. Any suggstion?