Seattle Regional DOL Tracker

Az Non-RIR

My Az Non-RIR moved to SFO in July 04. I think our queue got stuck in Oct/Sept 03 - no movement in the last 6 months (except for some non-software engineers) ! Does anybody know otherwise.


terminator2004 said:
Any ideas what date is the SFO dol processing for AZ NON RIR federal cases..
Mine was moved to SFO in April 2004 from AZ .. Have not heard from any one as to what is happening with these cases..

Any updates is greatly appreciated -


Thanks for your reply.. I checked with my attorney and she says that she is not sure yet but guessing it will be moved to BRC. I am also surprised why they are not looking at any non rir cases at all.. Any updates please keep posting..

terminator2004 said:
Thanks for your reply.. I checked with my attorney and she says that she is not sure yet but guessing it will be moved to BRC. I am also surprised why they are not looking at any non rir cases at all.. Any updates please keep posting..


i hope its not true, and they will start processing the cases soon.

My RD:Apr 04 (AZ non RIR case)

I am also praying for that.. Mine is in APR 2004 AZ NON RIR TOO.. will update if i hear any thing from my attorney again..

Az Rir

Which cases for AZ RIR is SF (Seattle) DOL are getting approved for software and electrical engineers at this point? The AVM says they are processing mid-Aug04 for western states. What job category do they mean? I hear that several cases with a RD of as late as March 2005 (yes, 2005) have also been approved but these are mostly with a DOT code starting with 999. I do not know from which state they are and also do not know if they are RIR or non-RIR. Is SF (Seattle) DOL surely going to close in Jan06? How do we know for sure that AZ cases are in the Seattle queue? My attorney believes that the Seattle cases and the western states cases are in separate queues.
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Skipped Cases

I have noticed that there are some cases being skipped and also the cases are not being processed in the order they received them by RD. My case has been skipped. Does any body has any idea why they would skip cases? or does it mean there is a NOF issued and the status is not updated. Any body....any ideas...... :confused:
Skipped case inquiry

Did anybody get a chance to inquire about their skipped case with DOL. My case is one among the few skipped cases. I thought after completing August cases they would go back and re-process the skipped cases but, to my disappointment they moved on to approving cases received in Sep 2004. Surprisingly the weekly updated message says processing time frames for the reminder of the western states is mid August 2004 though the message was just updated yesterday. I am waiting for the AVM to update the processing time frames to Sep 2004 so that I can send an inquiry about my case. Any body in the same boat???? :confused:
My case 09583xxx

My case is in Dallas backlog center--recvd 45 day letter on March 21, 2005. Here is my current status:

CA state
PD: Feb, 2003
DOL RD: 1/20/2004
RIR case
DOT code: 999.151-032

The AVM says all non-RIR cases have been transfered to the Dallas, BEC. For the Western States now only RIR cases with a RD between Sept 3 '04 and April 11 '05 remain in San Francisco. Any guesses on when they will complete processing these remaining RIR cases?
New user questions

Hey guys, questions from a desperate one :(

Case number: 09592XX, PD: 10/17/02 RD: 10/29/04 in WA RIR

Does anybody know if cases like that were transferred to the Backlog reduction Center in Dallas??? I have not received any 45-day letter and can not get any information from them as well as my lawyer

more than that, the AVM at (415) 975-4617 stopped working (tried yesterday and today as well), does anybody know where and how to get information on cases like that???

Zest said : Zest The AVM says all non-RIR cases have been transfered to the Dallas, BEC. For the Western States now only RIR cases with a RD between Sept 3 '04 and April 11 '05 remain in San Francisco. Any guesses on when they will complete processing these remaining RIR cases?
16th May 2005 04:29 PM
which AVM is that??

Huge thanks to anybody with info!
self_file said:
Dial 1-415-975-4601 ; press 1 , 1 and listen to the updated message
Thanks much "self file" :) from the message, do you think its fair to assume my RIR case is still in San Fran? and not transferred to the Dallas BEC?
GameEngine, I would think your case is in SFO. Does anybody have an idea on how many people they have working on the Western States queue? How many cases are being approved a day, how many total cases are pending in this queue etc.? They have more than 7 months worth of RIR cases in the queue and they have around 7 months (if SF DOL will close in Jan06) to process these cases. I know of cases with RDs of March05 that have been approved. So they do pick up some cases on a random basis. Does anybody know what reason there could be for this?
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I think your case must be still in SFO and should be able to receive a descision in a month or so, at the rate they are processing the small states RIR cases.
self_file said:
I think your case must be still in SFO and should be able to receive a descision in a month or so, at the rate they are processing the small states RIR cases.

self_file, Wow, I sure hope you are right :) I don't want to get my hopes up... its been 3 years already (just like many others)... I just spoke to my lawyer and he said he has a direct line to the adjudicator that handle WA cases and he left him a message regarding this case... I'll post an update as soon as I hear anything about it from him.
My case approved

For all you guys waiting there. My case got approved last week
There is hope.. good luck to everyone

My PD: Sep 11 2002
WA Regional date : Sep 3 2004
Approval : Sometime last week
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Can u give more details abt yr case

Hi Sanjay,

My PD is Jun05 2002, RD is Jul 26 2004, RIR, WA state, Software Engineer. My case is still pending at SFO DOL.

Was your filed under RIR, what is your profession.

case # 95923xx approved (RIR)

My PD: Nov 2002
WA Regional date : Sep 7 2004
Approval : May 25

Good luck to everyone waiting!
raguramms said:
Hi Sanjay,

My PD is Jun05 2002, RD is Jul 26 2004, RIR, WA state, Software Engineer. My case is still pending at SFO DOL.

Was your filed under RIR, what is your profession.


Hi raguramms,
My PD is Sep 10 2002, RD Sep 3 2004, RIR, WA state, Software Engineer.

Good luck.